The Alpha King’s Human Mate by HC Dolores

Chapter 94

The Alpha King’s Human Mate

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

“Don’t feel bad, I’m usually about to die.” (*)

Rick Riordan

Td thought the first time I’d encountered true fear was when Griffin

killed his father. ‘d been sure there was no way I was going to survive a man who’d just taken his father’s head off in a

crowded room.

And then Ezra had tried to kill me, had tried to drain the life out of me. That had been only minutes ago, and I wasn’t

quite sure how I could fear death more than with a man’s hands crushing my throat.

But both of those encounters seemed to pale in comparison to the dread that bubbled in my stomach as I faced Liam. He

took a step into the pack house, his hands still clutched around the heart and a sneer on his face.

“Well, look at what P’ve stumbled upon,” he said, his l*ps curling into a snarl. “Bait.”

He glanced at Aria briefly before adding, “And a traitorous whore.”

He dropped the heart onto the floor like it was nothing more than garbage, letting it fall onto the dead b*dy of the

warrior that lay Chapter 94

between us.

An ache tore through my chest for the warrior whose name I did not know.

She let out a sob, curling into my b*dy as if I was her very own human shield. \*

At that moment, I supposed I was.

I still held the silver comb in my hands, but I wasn’t stupid. It had given the element of surprise against Ezra, but my

chance of pulling that move against Liam?

I didn’t like my odds. You can’t win this fight, Clark.

But if you don’t do something, there’s a good chance you and Aria will be joining that warrior on the floor in a few


There was no real plan, no genius idea that went through my head ~ I just started talking. If I couldn’t kill Liam, at least I

could distract him long enough for some form of help to arrive.

“So, I heard all about the failed plans from your friend, Ezra,” I told him.

Liam’s eyes narrowed. “Is that so?” Chapter 94 “You know, I gotta say…you guys have a terrible track record of

underestimating humans.”

Despite my efforts, Liam didn’t seem as if he cared to have a conversation. Instead, he took a step toward me like he was

ready to end this.

I stumbled back with Aria in tow, words tumbling out of my mouth. Anything to distract him, anything to buy some time.


Griffin, please.

I didn’t have time to meditate or tap into my emotions, but with as much concentration as I could muster up, I pictured

the bond in my mind.

And I yanked on the chord as hard as | could. .* |

“[‘d tell you to ask Ezra about it,” I babbled, “But he’s lying dead on your prison cell floor.”

Liam stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening. “What?”

“[ think it’s just time you face the truth here,” I said, “This didn’t go the way you want it, but maybe it doesn’t have to

end with your death. If you surrender now and tell your men to stand down, perhaps there’s a

way you could walk away from this. Alive.”

Liar, | thought. (2 Chapter 94

Liam didn’t seem any more convinced by my lie than I was. “As if ‘d ever surrender, and to the likes of you? I think the

time I kept you in that prison has made you delusional, human.”

“Delusional?” I repeated, “No. Maybe a little homesick though. I mean, do you ever wonder how my mate found out

about your real whereabouts? Why he was able to come here and didn’t bother going to whatever trap you set up?”

His eyes turned to slits. “I’m willing to admit I underestimated that boy as well as what kind of counsel he might seekNôvelDrama.Org © content.

from his advisors.”

“No,” I rasped, the strain of my throat making me wince, “You underestimated me. I was the one who used the bond and

got through to him. If you underestimated anyb*dy in this equation, it was me.”

Liam scoffed. “You used the mate bond? For a human to have a mate is already a mistake made by nature. You can’t even

feel the bond, let alone access it.”

“Just because you’re dumb enough to believe something doesn’t make

it true,” I said, “And haven’t you gotten the memo? I’m half-wolf too.” )

Liam let out a growl, and I saw his eyes flash with something animalistic.

“Pve had just enough out of you,” he boomed, “I’m tired of hearing you talk. I think it’s about time I cut out that pesky

voice box of yours.” Chapter 94

His nails transformed into long claws, and I knew the time for distractions and talking was over.

My breath hitched as the sounds of the battle outside faded, and there was nothing but the ringing in my ears.

Liam took a step towards us, and I prepared to wield the silver comb as a last-ditch attempt to distract him long enough

to bolt.

Liam closed the distance between us, pulling back his clawed hand to strike.

I stumbled back into Aria, looking for an opening to stab him with the comb. * |

And then there was a growl.)

Not from Liam, not from Aria, and certainly not from me ~ but a familiar growl so thunderous that I could’ve sworn the

house shook.

Liam froze where he stood, his eyes widening as he tried to find the source of the threat.

But he never got a chance to look.

Liam turned his head.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the blur of a dark shadow land on Liam. Chapter 94

It happened faster than I could blink, but by the time I realized what had happened, my jaw had gone slack.

Standing over Liam wasn’t a shadow but the biggest black wolf I’d ever

seen in my life.

The wolf held most of Liam’s torn throat in its mouth, the remnants bleeding onto the pack house floor. |”)

I barely registered Aria’s cry from behind me as the wolf locked eyes

with me, its dark eyes familiar.


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