The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

31. Their Advice


“Anything but that.” I said quietly.

“Let me go.” She hissed.

I closed my eyes

“Anything that doesn’t include you leaving or staying away from me.” I said, my eyes flashing as I looked at her.

I didn’t miss the sharp, calculating look in her eyes.

She was thinking it over…

“I’ll tell you… tonight. But promise me you will give me what I ask for.” She said coldly.

I hesitated. Only a fool would promise something fucking blindly.

‘Agree, you fucking idiot.’ I didn’t trust her… but I had fucking hurt her enough… “You have my word.” I replied coldly, clenching my jaw.

She turned her back on me, and my gaze dipped to her ass. Frowning, I looked away, I had hurt her when I didn’t mean to. Whatever she asked for, I’d give it to her as long as it meant she wouldn’t leave me… “Stay here for today. You need to rest.” I said quietly.


Not waiting for a reply, I left the room, shutting the door behind me.

I would have my blood sent to her, but I couldn’t risk letting her drink from me directly when both of us were not in the right fucking frame of mind.

I got washed and dressed quickly, pulling on a button-down white shirt and black pants before I made my way to the main castle and towards my office.

Mind-linking Luca and my Deltas to join me there as soon as possible. I needed to tell them about her, now that Sage knew more than enough, I couldn’t leave them in the dark any longer.

Ten minutes later, the four men were looking at me expectantly. I had no fucking clue how to

start this fucking conversation.

“Kian the meeting is in an hour. Are you seriously making us stop for whatever you need to tell us, that you are not even able to tell us?” Luca said, clearly he had been trying to deal with last-minute preparations and was fucking stressed out.

I sighed. Looking at all four of them, Reuban was still out at the border, there was still no clue about who was behind the attacks. Oliver, Ajax and Corbin watched me silently waiting for m e to speak whilst Luca had now proceeded to biting his nails.

What the fuck is his problem? He’s fucking more annoying than a first-time dad waiting for his pup to be born.

“Chill the fuck out, if you want you can leave.” I growled

He was acting worse than a fucking grandma.

“Sorry man, but what is it?” He asked, glancing at his watch.


They exchanged looks, obviously confused by my words.

“The reason I brought her here, the reason I have kept her in my room… the fucking reason I need her…” I said, sitting back in my chair.

Yeah, still none of them clicked on.

“She’s my mate.”


Their reactions were all different. Luca blinked stunned, Corbin stared at me completely shocked, Oliver gasped, and Ajax nodded slowly as if it made sense.

“Whoa…” Luca murmured after a moment.

“Interesting.” Ajax remarked. “So… the vampire- I mean Morgana is our Luna?” Oliver asked hushed. “No.” I said quietly.



That simple word stung.

“A Vampire mate…” Luca murmured, his face pale.

“This could make people question your role as Alpha king…” Oliver murmured.

I scoffed, my eyes flashing.

“I’m the fucking strongest, it gives them no fucking basis.” I growled, “And I am not making her my Luna.”

I hated that, the pain that fucking ate me up inside.

“But without your Luna… Your wolf will only begin to lose his sanity.” Luca said quietly.

“But I’m keeping her by my side, am I not?” I asked coldly.

None spoke. I knew it was fucking crazy and messed up.

“I have a suggestion.” Ajax said, massaging his jaw as he passed my office.

“What is it?” I asked.

Luca sat down in the chair opposite, clearly too shocked to care about time anymore.

“Why not say you are taking a woman from the Sanguine Empire as your partner to create peace between the two kingdoms? We know the power of an Alpha wolf... You need your fated mate… You won’t be able to resist her for long.” Ajax said. “And take Sage as your Luna too. That way no one can question it.”

“Co-Luna’s?” Oliver asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Many kingdom’s leaders have more than one woman by their side. Call it what you want, but it can show that you will have good ties with the Vampires. We are more powerful, but a peace treaty can help us in many ways as well.”

“We already agreed to a cease-fire when I took her as my slave.” I said coldly.

“I’m saying building an actual alliance with them, they have control of the dams on the water we need, and we have the produce and crops they need. If we actually agreed to talk, we could become stronger Alpha.” Ajax said quietly. “You yourself have said that once.”

That was true… I didn’t care if anyone thought I was weak, I wanted what was best for my people. In the end, in any fucking battle, it was the civilians that suffered.

“He isn’t wrong.” Oliver murmured. “But a vampire Luna…”

“Sage will also be his Luna, guaranteed to give him a werewolf pup. This way, his mate stays b y his side, and no one will ever need to know that she is his mate…” Luca said as if it all made

sense now. 1

Yeah, I’m not fucking Sage again. Knowing it will cause Morgana pain, I would never touch her. Besides, I didn’t want her… Not anymore.

This option… seemed too good to be true… If my men thought it was good, then why not? My heart was racing, and Thanatos had perked up.

‘Let’s do it Kian, these are your advisors, and they have way fucking more sense than you.’

Thanatos growled.

They all seemed to be agreeing with one another. But it felt too fucking easy… Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“She’s strong, she is the type of woman that could actually be an asset to the king.” Corbin said thoughtfully.

“I don’t actually not like her… She’s good with the Omegas; witty, sharp, and smart.” Ajax added seriously

My eyes flashed at that. Hearing him compliment anyone was something he rarely did. Jealousy and possessiveness flared inside of me, and I clenched my fist, letting my aura roll off of me.

“She’s mine.” I growled dangerously. “Yeah… we get that..” Luca said gently, trying to calm me down.

“She is.” Ajax said, lowering his head in submission.

My heart thudded as one thing came to my mind.

Will Morgana agree?

It would mean me admitting to her how I felt… The thought that I could actually have her…

“If she’s your mate Alpha, then you need her.” Oliver said quietly.

‘Yeah, we fucking do, and these fools seem to have realised that quicker than you.’ Thanatos growled. 1

‘You’re allowed some happiness, Kian, even if it is unconventional.’ Luca’s voice came through the link.

‘Oh yeah? That’s fucking interesting coming from you… Aren’t you always team fucking Sage? ‘I remarked.

‘I’m team you first… If she’s your mate… then Sage isn’t in the equation. But if you still plan to make her your Luna on the side… Then you need to tell her how it’s going to be.’


‘So… Morgana… Does she like you?’ Luca asked smirking.

I glared at him. Yeah, my ego was not going to let me fucking admit that she fucking hated me

“That’s none of your fucking concern.”

“I think they ‘like’ each other.” Ajax added with a tiny smirk.

‘Alpha the meeting is waiting for you.’One of my men linked.

I stood up, looking at them all.

“What we spoke of, stays here. I will announce what I need to when I feel the time is fucking right.” I said.

“Understood.” They replied in unison.

I took a knife from my desk and grabbed one of my glasses from my wine cabinet, slashed my hand. I kept the knife pressed there, letting the blood flow into the glass. All eyes were on me, but I could care less. Once the glass was full, I let the wound heal up and wiped my hand


“Oliver, take that to Morgana.” I said, not waiting for a reply. I left the office.

I walked down the halls towards the courtroom. I was ready for this meeting and any shit they threw my way, because they fucking will have crap to say. My footsteps made the only sound that echoed in the silent halls.

My mind was on my blood rose and the fact that I hated vampires… It was interesting how I forgot all of that when it came to her. I know my father may have died at the hands of vampires, but it wasn’t like it was Morgana who had done it… Was there a chance for us?

‘Oh, we fucking can have a chance. Mate tastes good, now when will I get to taste her pussy?’

I internally groaned, he was going to fucking mess me up.

‘Fuck off Thanatos.’

‘I still haven’t forgiven you.’ He grumbled.

‘And you almost hurt her.’I replied quietly.

I know he felt guilty for it, but I needed him to be fucking careful next time.

‘So that means if I’m gentle, I can spend some time with her?’ He asked, sounding like a fucking puppy.

I frowned… Thanatos in control was dangerous.

‘If she agrees.’I said quietly.

‘Ok! Ask mate soon!

Yeah, he really was a fucking animal…

He growled menacingly but I simply ignored him as a small smile crossed my lips, a sliver of hope for a future with my she-devil glimmered bleakly and I would grasp on to it. Maybe just fucking maybe, we could have a future.

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