The Alpha Queen And Her Chosen Mate

Chapter 5


“Hey Kelsey, have you seen Kelly?” I asked, finding her in the palace kitchen. “We were supposed to study together this afternoon.”

“Jonas.” Mason nodded curtley, wrapping a protective arm around his mate.

Sorry buddy, wrong sister.

“No, I haven’t. I have been looking everywhere for her too, and our parents won’t say a thing about it.” She said, concern written all over her face. “I’m really worried about her…she’s never disappeared like this before.”

“Clearly you haven’t looked anywhere, otherwise you would have found her.” Kylie said, appearing out of no where. Kelsey looked like she wanted to kill her.

“Oh!” Kelsey growled. “If its so easy, why don’t you go find her!” She yelled.

“Oh, I know where she is.” She shrugged, opening the refrigerator and searching for something to snack on.

“Well?! Where is she?! Is she okay?” Kelsey asked hopefully.

“Define okay.” She said with a mouthful of grapes.

“Where is she, Kylie?” I asked calmly, while Mason settled Kelsey down.

“Werent you there? You should know.” She scoffed.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kelsey asked, daggers pointing my way now.


“Jonas and Kelly went on a little roadtrip. But Jonas came back alone, and dad came back with Kelly. Now Kelly is being held in our prison.” Kylie simply explained.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“What?!” Kelsey erupted.

“Bye!” Kylie smiled, disappearing around the corner.

“Why is Kelly in prison Jonas?!” Kelsey hissed.

“I don’t know what happened.” I said, throwing my hands up in surrender as she stalked closer to me. “She found her second chance mate and he wanted to reject her but she refused. She changed her mind so I was taking her there to reject him. I fell asleep and next thing I knew was that Thorin was telling me to go home, king’s orders, so I did.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?!”

“It wasnt my place!”

“I have to go check on her.” Kelsey said with an annoyed tone.

“I don’t want you going down there.” Mason said firmly, stopping his mate.

“I’ll go.” I said quickly. “It should be me anyway.”

“Fine. But I want to know what’s going on.” She agreed before storming off.

I nodded and made my way over to the very heavily guarded police station. If I wanted to see Kelly, I had to go through them first.

“Can I help you?” A rough-looking warrior asked in a gruff voice.

“I’m here to visit a prisoner” I said confidently.

“There are no visitors at this time, the king orders.” He bit back.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Drop it, I already tried.” Thorin said. “She will be released in two days.” He said over his shoulder.

“What happened?” I asked, but received no answer.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –


My week in prison went by much faster than expected. I felt like I should have been there much much longer. I deserved to be there much much longer. But it would seem that karma has fulfilled its mission. Thats what the rational part of me has to say. The irrational part is freaking out.

Two weeks have passed since I killed Avery. I stayed in my room mostly, too afraid to face anybody. During that time, I realized I should have gone into heat right around the time I met Avery, or soon after. I only went into heat twice a year, thankfully. It was an extremely painful process to endure without the company of another. But I was freaking out this time because I missed it. Like really missed it, like weeks late missed it. And normally it wouldn’t be a big deal, shewolves have been known to miss their heat or get it more or less frequently than others. But given my luck recently, and the fact that I did have unprotected s*x with my second chance mate, I was freaking out.

One minute left. Its okay, it’ll be negative. I’m probably just freaking out over nothing. He pulled out, it’ll be fine. People take pregnancy tests all the time and they come out negative. I’m sure this will just be a learning lesson to be more careful and use protection next time. I’ll track my cycles better so I have a better idea of when I’ll be in the hot zone for getting pregnant and everything will be fine…right?

Thirty seconds. I went back into my bathroom where I had the test, sitting on the counter with a tissue overtop of it. I took a few steading breaths while I read the instructions once more. One line is negative, two positive. Okay, here we go. I grabbed the test and said a silent prayer before removing the tissue and looking at the result screen. Please be one line. Please be one line.

Two lines.

I sank to the floor, covering my mouth from the cries that threatened to escape. I double checked the test again, willing it to only have one line. When I looked at it again, the lines looked even more prominent. What was I going to do?

“Kelly?” I heard Kelsey calling.

“What?” I asked, trying to hide my broken voice.

“Mason and I were going to catch a movie. I wanted to see if you wanted to come with us. You haven’t left your room all week…” She said from the other side of the door. She didn’t know it was because I had killed someone. That I killed my second chance mate she didn’t know I had found. She didn’t know it was because I was a coward.

“Maybe some other time.” I managed to get out. “I’m not feeling very well right now.”

“Is it your heat?” She asked.

“Yes.” I lied.

“Okay…I’ll bring back some chocolate then.”

“Thanks, have fun.”

I waited until I heard her shut my bedroom door to finally breathe again. Not wanting anyone to find out about my…news, I quickly wrapped the pregnancy test in toilet paper and threw it into the trash. I took its packaging and folded it up before tossing it out also, and finally, I took the cardboard box it came in and tore it open, inverted it so only the blank inside could be seen, and then threw that out also. Screw recycling right now. I triple bagged the evidence and then covered it with crumpled up toilet paper to try and make it look more normal before heading to my next destination.

I passed many bodies in the hallway, giving curt nods and trying not to seem too suspicious, though I think I failed miserably. I was just outside his door, about to knock, when it flung open before me.

“Kelly.” Emmett said, a bit of surprise in his voice. “Is everything alright?” He frowned, undoubtedly picking up on the terrified look on my face.

“Can I be seen…now?” I pleaded.

“Of course, room one, I’ll be right there.” he said, shutting a few books on his desk. I nodded and all but ran into the exam room built specifically for me, to get my wolf under control, though it was about to serve a different purpose. “I wasn’t expecting you for another week or so, I don’t have the next trial ready.” He began.

“You’re my doctor first, right?” I asked point blank.

“Yes.” Emmett nodded, confusion written all over his face.

“So that means anything I tell you will stay between us? My father will never know?”

“Absoultly. Patient confidentiality is everything in my field.” He nodded. “What’s going on?”

“I’m pregnant.” I choked out. “And I cant be pregnant.” I shook my head, tears falling freely. “I cant be.”

“I see…” He said, grabbing a few things out of the cabinets and turning on a machine next to me. “How far along do you think you are?”

“Only about four weeks” I sinffeled.

“Okay.” He nodded, handing me a tissue box. “I would like to do a quick ultrasound to confirm if that’s alright with you.”

“Fine.” I nodded, dabbing my eyes and nose.

“Alright, I’ll give you a minute to undress from the waist down, you can put this over your lap.” He said, handing me a paper thin folded square.

“You need me to undress?” I asked, scrunching my face up in disapproval.

“If what you say is true, a regular ultrasound won’t pick up on the fetus. It’s too small, too soon. But an internal one will.”

“Fine.” I sighed, tossing aside my care for my modestly.

Emmett left the room and I quickly undressed as he had asked. He came back in and performed the ultrasound, which was less painful than my first time having s*x, but still highly uncomfortable. Thankfully, Emmett didn’t make me feel any worse about any of it, saving what little dignity I had left. He asked if I wanted to see the screen and I declined. I didn’t want anything to do with this pregnancy. He left the room, asking me to get dressed again and we could discuss our options afterwards. I sat on the table, nervously biting my fingernails as I waited for him to come back in.

“All set?” He asked from the other side of the door.


“Lets talk about options then.” Emmett said, taking a seat in a chair that was in the corner of the room. “Your pup looks great, you could go on to have a healthy pregnancy and raise the pup as your own. You have a family that I believe would be a good support system for you through all of this.”

“I shook my head. “I can’t have an illegitimate baby, I’m the princess.”

“Is the father involved at all?” He asked.

“No…he rejected me and then…something happened and he died.” I said quietly.

“Option two,” he said, moving right along. “You could see the pregnancy through and list the pup for adoption. There are plenty of families looking to adopt.” He shrugged.

“I cant do that either…I don’t even know if my wolf would allow me to carry full term…she is…awful.” I said, a fresh wave of tears falling from my eyes.

“Then that leaves option three, to end the pregnancy.”

“How would that happen?”

“If you were to act in the next few weeks, there is a pill I can prescribe that will end it. If you wait further into the pregnancy, then things get more…invasive.”

“Its just a pill?” I asked, a wave of relief coming over me.

“Well, two actually. The first one stops its growth, the second one terminates the pregnancy. You will experience some painful cramping and bleeding but it will clear up within a few days.”

“I want to do that.” I nodded.

“As your doctor, I want to make sure you are sure about this decision. You just found out and I would hate to do something irreversible if you suddenly change your mind. I want you to go home, eat a good meal, socialize, think it over. If in one week you still want to end it, I’ll write you the script for the pills.”

“A week?” I don’t want to wait that long,” I pleaded.

“Fine. A day then.” He conceded. “But I need to know you are sure about your decision.”

“My mind isn’t going to change,” I said firmly.

“Thats completely fine. I just need to make sure you are sure,” he reiterated.

I asked him a few more questions before getting up to leave. I stopped short in the doorway before asking him about the one thing bothering me.

“Am I a monster for wanting to end it?” I asked.

He stopped cleaning up and turned back to me. “It’s not my place to judge. But given your circumstances, no, I don’t think you’re a monster.”

“Thanks.” I said before rushing off.

I followed the doctor’s orders and had dinner with my family, hung out with Jonas later that night, and even harassed Klyie along the way. The next day, I had sword training with Thorin, and had lunch with Kelsey and Mason. Even with all that, my mind never changed. If anything, I was more sure of my decision.

“Kelly.” Emmett greeted me.

“I did everything you asked and my mind is made up. I want to end the pregnancy.” I said firmly.

Emmett opened his desk drawer and pulled out a small box. He stood up and rounded his desk, handing it to me. “One now, one later.”

“Thats it?” I asked, baffled.

“Thats it.” He nodded.

“Thank you.” I said, throwing my arms around him.

“Of course. But we still need to talk about side effects,” he said seriously.

He spent the next ten minutes lecturing me on how to take the pills, what not to do, side effects, and what red flags to look for.

“Is that all?” I asked nervously.

“I have to give you all the possible outcomes so you can make an informed decision about your health.” He said. “And after this, I would like to see you back for a follow-up appointment. We can talk about birth control then.”

“Birth control?” I asked. It was almost unheard of for a shewolf to be on birth control. We knew when we would be fertile…well except me this last time apparently. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea after all. “Birth control, right.” I agreed, looking at Emmett, who had an amused look on his face. “What?” I laughed.

“Its fun watching you work things out.” He laughed softly.

We said goodbye and went back to my room to take the pills.

– – – – – – – – – –


“I just saw Kelly leaving. Did you figure out a new medicine for her?” King Carson asked.

“Still working on it Sir, I’m waiting for a few plants to come in the mail. It could take another week or two,” I answered.

I wasn’t about to tell him that she was just here to pick up her medicated abortion pills. I also wasn’t going to tell him that I had something ready for her to take to calm her wolf down. It was a last resort in my head. It would put the poor girl in a vegetable-like state. That was the last thing she needed right now. So, I ordered a few other potent plants that would hopefully settle her wolf down without debilitating her.

“I see.” He said disapprovingly. “What was she doing here then?” He frowned.

“She wanted to discuss the side effects of her current medication.” I answered smoothly. “In fact, I think it best to let her rest for several days. Some of the side effects are making her…achy.”

“Humph. Alright. I’ll let her trainer know.” He sighed. “Keep me posted.”

“Of course, my King.” I bowed my head ever so slightly.

After he left, I continued with my research, hoping that perhaps there was something out there that just might help the princess. Something that wouldn’t give her terrible side effects. Kelly deserved better than that. I worked well into the night, doing as much research as possible until I felt like my eyes were going to pop out of my head. At that point, I went to the kitchen and grabbed some leftover food, a perk of living in the palace packhouse. I made myself a plate, and then made one more. I don’t think it would do any harm to check on my patient.

I made my way to Kelly’s room. Fortunately, the only guards left were posted at the entrances and exits and not the door leading into the princess’s room. I gave a light knock, knowing if she was up she would hear it. “Its Emmett.” I said quietly. I could hear a muffled ‘come in’ and let myself in. Kelly was just exiting the bathroom when I came in, she looked like hell.

“This sucks.” She g*****d, flopping down on her bed.

“I brought you food.” I said, setting the plate on her dresser when she shot me a disgusted look. “You should try to get something small in you at least. And drink lots of water.” I added, cracking open a bottle for her.

“Thanks.” She said, sipping it lightly.

“Can I get you anything? A heating pad perhaps?”

“That would be amazing actually. Do you mind?” She asked, a hopeful look crossing her face.

“Not at all, I’ll be back before you know it,” I said.

I went back to my office, grabbing the heating pad as well as some nausea meds and ibuprofen. Those should all help her through this. When I came back, she was in the bathroom again.

“Kelly? I’m back.” I said, setting the stuff down on her nightstand.

“I’ll be out in a minute.” She called back.

I took the liberty of turning on a movie for her to watch. Although it wouldn’t completely distract her, it might ease the tension a bit. Kelly came back out shortly after and asked if I would stay with her, which I of course agreed to. I cant imagine what was going on in her beautiful mind right now. A lot of heavy emotions, no doubt. No one should go through this alone. Plus, Kelly sparked my interest. She was a unique enigma, not to mention very likable. I enjoyed her presence, and I think she did mine too.

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