The Alphas And The Orphan

Chapter 22

Sunday 16th January

Star POV

Luna Amanda took a sip of her coffee, “she was scared that they would find her, she had tried to hide her tricks by doubling back and going in circles, she even used dirt and wild herbs to cover her scent, but they had found them all the way in Greece so she was sure they would find her.”

“We promised to hide her, and protect the pup, and we did for months, she became strong, started to exploring her powers in human form, she could control the weather, create tornadoes, make it rain, thunder and lightning, her powers were amazing. Then she found she could control electricity and appliances. She could make water change directions, change shape even.”

about a week before I gave birth to the boys, we started hearing reports from our Allies that an Alpha was travelling from pack to pack, looking for his pregnant Luna, and that she was Greek and spoke very little English, his name was Alpha Liam Danvers of The Rising Moon Pack, they are from somewhere in Scotland.

She grabs my hand, “he is your father Star, you are a very special girl, you are a Luna born wolf, the firstborn of an Alpha, and your mother was the firstborn to an Alpha too, being a female born of two first born Alpha lines is very rare, you would be a prize for unmated Alphas just for that, all Alphas are stronger with their Luna, but with a Luna born, the Alpha would gain immense power. But after what happened last night, I assume you have your mother’s powers as well.”

I nod at her, my thoughts are scattered, I grip onto Alexei’s hand, “mum, I think Star needs a minute to process everything, give us ten minutes ok?”

She smiles at us as he stands with me in his arms and takes me to his old room. Ace and Ashton join us on the bed. “Ok baby, what are you thinking? Do you want to talk through everything?”

I am sitting in Lexi’s lap, while Ash rubs my legs and Ace rubs my back, “I guess I just don’t understand, did she want me at all, I mean she was basically raped and kept as broodmare, did she resent me? And this Alpha Liam he only wanted me to give him power. I am just really confused.”

Lexi k****s my head, “let’s go hear the rest baby, then you can ask all your questions, OK?” I nod and we make our way back to the lounge.

While we had been gone Amanda had made more coffee and put out cookies and cakes for us to munch on, “I know it’s a lot my darling, are you ready to continue?”

“yes Luna,” I whisper.

“When we told Thalia that Alpha Liam was looking for her, she got scared, wanted to run, but she was nearly 8 months pregnant. She was in no shape to be on her own in the wild. We convinced her we would keep you both safe. Her English was really coming along, her accent had diminished some too.”

“Alpha Liam arrived at the pack 3 weeks after I had the boys, we didn’t want to arose suspicion, so we treated him the way we treated any guest, we made up rooms for him and his men, he told us that his Luna had become depressed, being so far from home, and the lack of communication, when they had found out she was pregnant they were overjoyed. One morning, she went for a walk and never came back. He played the loving mate, desperately searching for the woman he loves. He even cried when he told us his child would be due soon and that he had to find her.”

“During his stay there was a huge thunderstorm, torrential rain, high wings, the Alfa was only supposed to stay for a day or two, but the storm was so great he ended up staying for five days, during that time I could not get to Thalia, but her labour was close,”

“So Gemma and Alvin had moved in with Thalia when the Alpha had arrived, so that they could let her know what was going on and keep her safe. They had become so close, Gemma couldn’t have children of her own, so took Thalia under her wing, almost like a mother, even though she was only a couple of years older.”

“Gemma told me that Thalia was causing the storm, and as days went on Alpha Liam became suspicious, started talking about the strange weather, that it seemed almost supernatural, at the time there was a witches coven camped a few miles from our border, we determined if it was supernatural it must be because of them, but he got really cagey, He thought someone must be hiding his mate from him, that they must know how special she was and wanted to keep her for themselves.”

On the fourth night he was here, Thalia went into labour, the storm raged that night, then everything went still, it felt like everything was holding its breath. Liam was enraged. He wanted to search the pack, threatening to go to war with us.”

“Gemma had linked me. The baby had been born, but while Gemma was cleaning the child, Thalia had run, she had left a note saying she would lead them away and for us to please protect her baby girl.”

“She must have shifted because one of our Allied packs a few hours called us, saying they thought they had found the missing Luna, that they found her when an abandoned cottage outside their territory had set on fire. They had investigated the smoke and found her a few feet from the burning building, screaming for her baby. They said she was in a really bad way. Their Doctor was trying to save her, but it was like she had given up.”

“Alpha Liam and his men rushed to the pack, apologising for his behaviour. We found out later that she took her own life. They said it was the grief of losing her baby, but we know it was to protect you and so that he couldn’t hold her again.”

Luna reached into the folder and pulled out a letter, which she handed to me along with a picture taken just moments after my birth of her cradling me in her arms.

“The letter she left for us, asked Gemma and Alvin to be your parents, to love you and keep you safe and hidden, she named you Astéri, which is Greek for Star, sow that’s what we called you, we decided we would not tell you until you turned 18 and had your first shift to protect you, we made up a story about finding you in the forest.”

“When Gemma and Alvin were killed, we tried to take you, but Clementine went to the council, she knew Andrews widows and orphans fund would go to her if they kept you, so she played the grieving sister, and the council gave her custody.”

We all sit in silence, taking in all the information. I am numb and snuggle into Lexi and just sit.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

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