Chapter 102

Reign’S POV

I know what I’m doing is crazy, but I have to do it for those little ones. In a way, I am their mother and it is my responsibility to look out for them.

I know Hardin will be restless when he sees the note, but I know he will do as I have said.

That is my Alpha for you.

Right now I am being led to what I heard was Alpha Ralph’s living room and the most amazing thing is that I feel no fear in my heart. I have a whole plan on my mind and if it works, then that that will be good.

I look at the soldier, whose hand I set on fire because he insisted on grabbing me against my will and I almost laugh.

I’m going to roast them one by one during my short stay here.

They lead me into the mighty living room and I almost die of shock when my eye falls on my father. He is seated at the right hand of the man whom I presume should be Alpha Ralph with his usual poker face and stoic appearance on.

At first, I would feel sad to know that he hates me, but right now, as I walk towards him, I don’t feel anything. If I ever meet with him in a battle field, I swear I will rip off his heard from his body without hesitation.

“Well, well, well. Look who we have here”

The not attractive at all Alpha chants and I fight my urge to vomit. The Moon goddess had no mercy when creating him, made him ugly on both the inside and the outside.

How pathetic.

“You wanted me, here I am, now let the pups go”

“Oh, so you came for them, what a selfless Luna”

“I don’t have time for your nonsense shenanigans. Let my pups go!”

“Oh… Logan you didn’t tell me your daughter was one very fierce girl”

“It’s Luna for you” I correct.

“Luna my ass, just wait until I’m done with you, you and that pathetic mate of yours will be sorry”

“Just wait until l we are done with you, you and your entire Pack will be nothing but stray, hungry rogues!” I fire back and he rises from his throne and charges towards me. His guards hold me still and he gives me a very hard smack on my right check and another one on the left.

“You are nothing, nothing I tell you!”

“How about I introduce myself Alpha?” Another guys talks and when I turn around to look, my Earth instincts just tells me that he’s the Earth Elemental.

“You don’t need to introduce yourself, I know who you are. The bloody earth Elemental. I look forward to having a great duo with you” I say with smile and he smiles as well.

“I look forward to that too”

“Take her…” He starts to talk but just the door opens and a man walks in staggering and panting. The Earth Elemental goes to assist him and without warning, I burst into laughter.

“And is that supposed to be the Water Elemental?” I ask in mockery and the injured guy casts me a stern look “Did my mate do this to you?” I mock and he just looks away.

“You must be stupid, how could you get into fight with a man who has all four powers? Are you trying to get yourself killed?” The Earth Elemental reprimands and I just laugh harder.

“This is just the beginning!”

“Lock her up with her pups, I will figure out what to do with them later” The Alpha announces and the guards motion me to follow them which I gladly do. It’s a good thing they are taking to my pups.

They lead me out of the castle and all the way to their dungeon and I do well to master the roads. The dungeon happens to be situated by the woods and I just smile internally. It will be easy for me to escape with the children. Once we succeed to get out, I will mind link Hardin and he will track us with help of my pheromone.

“There you go” The guard says as he opens one of the cells and indeed the children are there, three of them and they are all asleep but they look very hungry and tired.

“So you starve children in your pack, aye?”

“I am not the one in charge of their feeding”

“I don’t care about that. I am your Paramount Luna and I command you to bring food for these children immediately!”

“It seems like it hasn’t dawned on you yet that you are now a prisoner in this pack. You are no Paramount Luna ” He rants at me and before he realizes it, I grab him by the throat and effortlessly lift him off his feet and plaster him against the bars of the cell door that he just locked. His legs are flying in the air and I am doing justice to his windpipe, because I can see him trying hard to breathe to no avail. I bring my face closer to his and turn the color of my eyes into Lyla’s yellow eyes.

“You have no right to talk to me the way you just did. Go now and get some healthy food for these children or I’ll kill you and everyone you have ever met the moment I get out of here. This is a threat!”

I release him and he falls to the ground and intensely gasps for breath as he holds his throat. I turn around to the children who now seem to be awake and when they see me, they all rush into my arms and I’m surprised. They don’t even know me, how come they trust me?

“The Colton pendent you have on is responsible for that” Lyla whispers to me and I smile.

“Thanks Lyla” I sit on the floor and take the children, who all happen to be about five years old each, into my arms.

“Luna, are you here to take us home?” The only boy amongst them asks and I smile at him.

“Yes I am, but it’s a secret so we don’t have to talk about it.”

“Luna, I’m hungry” One of the girls cried.

“Haven’t they given you good this morning?”

“No!” They all deny in unison and grit my teeth in anger. I have to break a leg before leaving this place.

Who dares starve children?

“Is Alpha Hardin coming too?”

“Yes he is” I whisper “But for now, let’s not talk about it. I asked one of the guards very nicely to get you some food, he should be here anytime soon”

“You mean the guy you lifted in the air and threw to the ground?” Sebastian asks with eyes wide open.

“Ummm…” I stutter.

Shit! Children!

“Does that mean throwing people down is a nice thing to do?”

“No! No! Not at all sweethearts, throwing people down is a very bad thing to do. Never do that to anyone”

“But you just did and you said it was nice” Sebastian insists.

I bite my lips nervously. I give up!

“Throwing people down is not nice, period! No further questions.”

“Yes Luna” They all answer in unison and smile at them.

“Good. So what are your names?”

“My name is Kaylee” The black haired girl indicates.

“And I’m Cindy” that’s the blonde.

“I’m Sebastian” The little boy says confidently and I smile.

I like the name Sebastian!

Just then, the guard I almost strangled a while ago shows up with food in a tray which he quietly slides under the door and hurries away.

“Food is here” I announce and they all start clapping their little hands wide smiles beamed on their adorable faces.

They are so cute that it hurts.

I spend the rest of the day discussing with the children and for a while, I forget that we are actually in a dungeon. They are such adorable children.

“Hardin is trying to reach you” Lyla announces and I just look at my watch and smile.

The time reads six pm, I’m supposed to mind-link him any time soon.

“Hey, can you all run?” I ask the children

“Yes we can!”

“Good, it’s time for us to leave. Alpha Hardin is waiting for us in the woods”

Immediately, they get on their feet, ready to run. I look at Cindy and smile as I carry her in my arms, she’s the cry baby amongst them and I’m scared she might not be able to run.

I hold one of the iron bars of the door and close my eyes. I call my water ability and instantly, the iron bar freezes. I do the same with two others and they freeze as well. I look at the kids who seem fascinated and wink at them.

“Close your eyes” I instruct and immediately they do, I use my might to break the frozen bars and that makes way for us.

“Lets go” I announce and immediately, Kaylee and Sebastian rush ahead of me. A guard pops up from nowhere and I’m quick to create a fireball with my left hand and encircle him with it.

Dare he step out.

He starts shouting and alarming the rest of the guards but it’s too late because we are already out of the castle. I put Cindy down and create a large fireball with my hands and shoot at the gate of the dungeon and it starts blazing.

None of them can leave.

I pick up Cindy once more and we all dash into the woods and I’m really impressed by Sebastian and Kaylee’s speed. They are not bad at all.

“Hardin!” I call through the mind link.

“Reign you scared the shit out of me. Where are you?”

“I don’t exactly know where I am, but sooner or later those Elementals will come after me, please try to track me using my pheromone” And just then, the earth starts shaking and both Kaylee and Sebastian fall.

The Earth Elemental is right behind me.

I take the three children and hide them under a nearby rock.

“Now I want you to close your eyes and count from one to one hundred in your hearts. No peeping.”

“No peeping” They all agree and I take a different turn that makes me appear behind the earth Elemental.

“Looking for me?”

I ask from behind and he abruptly turns to look at me. He stomps his feet on the ground and that makes the earth shake violently but I don’t lose my stability.

“Is that all you’ve got?” I mock with a raised brow as I aggressively swing my hand to the left and he falls face flat on the floor. I encircle him with fire and to my greatest shock, the fire is immediately quenched by the water Elemental who appears from nowhere. He lunges his palms towards me and sharp ice crystals emanate from them and fly towards me one after the other, but I’m quick to dissolve them with fire balls as I take refuge behind a tree.

“You can’t stand us both Luna ” The water Elemental mocks.

He’s such an immature fool.

I spin my hands in the air multiple times and there’s a sudden violent wind that causes trees sway side wards. I peep behind and notice that they are both struggling to gain balance and so I use that opportunity to stump my right foot on the ground which causes the ground to tremble and they both loose balance.

“Reign!” I hear a voice call.

“Over here!” I indicate and in no time, Hardin shows up. The horror on their faces of both Elementals is quite evident and without warning, they both get in their feet and run away.

I rush over to the rock where I meet the children with their eyes still closed and counting.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“What are they doing?” Hardin asks surprised.

“I asked them to close their eyes and count to a hundred” I say with a smile as I pick up Cindy and he does Sam with Kaylee and Sebastian.

Just then, Miguel arrives with the other soldiers.

“We have to go now before they bring their entire army out.” He instructs as he takes Sebastian from Hardin’s arms. The soldiers shapeshift into their wolf forms while the three of us run with the children in our arms.

Today has been a blast!

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