Chapter 106


“Alpha Ralph, we have had this talk before and I am telling you, if we don’t unite with the fire and the air Elemental, we don’t stand a chance to win this battle. Alpha Hardin and Luna Reign are very strong , very strong I tell you. The kind of power they both used on us that night was no ordinary power. We need to be united as Elementals if we have to defeat them” My Earth Elemental, Lloyd explains and I just shake my head in despair. He seems to be making sense, but I can’t do what he’s asking me to do.

“Lloyd I understand you, but this is a battle between Alphas, a battle for Power, two Alphas can’t unite, if we unite and win, who gets the power now?”

“Well, that’s why the word treachery exists. You pretend to be with him, but you have your main aim, which is to flee immediately you get the power. That’s the sense”

They say the Earth Elemental is the most ambitious, strongest, the most wicked and now I just confirmed that and I’m so happy that he is on my side.

“That actually makes sense Lloyd, we go to Alpha Lance and convince him to join us in this battle so we can take advantage of his fire Elemental and after that we flee with the power. That seems like a perfect plan to me”

“Exactly. Now all we need is to pay them a harmless vist and make the proposal, they will definitely accept”

“Lloyd, I am so happy you are in my pack. I have a very good feeling about this battle.”

“Me too Alpha Ralph, me too”

“So what makes you two think that Alpha Lance won’t have the same thoughts?” My Water Elemental, Reed, chips in.

“Well, the smarter Alpha will definitely win. That’s why no matter what, we will always have to be ten steps ahead” Lloyd explains and I just nod in approval.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

Indeed we will always have to be ten steps ahead.

“So, Alpha Ralph, what brings you to my pack?” Alpha Lance asks curiously as he takes sits on the couch opposite mine.

After the conversation I had with both my water and earth Elementals this morning, I decided to pay him a surprise visit.

Alpha Lance and I are not friends, and aren’t enemies either. We have never met to celebrate anything together, neither have we ever had any conflict together and I believe that he will be greatly moved by this proposal of mine, after all he has just one Elemental.

If I, who has got two, still doesn’t stand a chance to win this battle? What of him who has just one? He definitely needs my help.

“Well, we all know the current fiasco that’s going on”

“It’s not a fiasco, Alpha Ralph it’s a battle. The greatest Werewolf Battle of the Millennium, nothing like a fiasco.” He corrects and from the look on his face I can see that statement of mine stroke the wrong nerve. He is indeed in for this battle.

“Forgive me for my wrong choice of words Alpha Hardin. I take them back”

“Now that’s better!”

“As I was saying, we all know about the battle that’s ongoing and of course we all know that Alpha Hardin has finally mated with his Luna and that’s why all the Elemental powers have been unlocked and that means, the battle is on a more intense level”

“That’s true” He replies with a creased brow and I can tell from the look on his face that he is trying to figure out where I am heading to with this talk.

“Alpha Lance, I am sure you know that both Alpha Hardin and Luna Reign have got all the Elemental powers combined in each of them and that makes them super strong”

“I know that and I have experienced it.”

“Good. I have two Elementals, the Earth and the Water and they both still stand no chance in winning that battle, what of you who has just one Elemental? Do you honestly think you have a chance in winning this battle?” I ask sincerely and he looks at me long and hard.

I can feel it in my bones, he doesn’t like what I just said, like damn I wouldn’t like it either if anyone indirectly referred to me as weak, but that is the brutal truth. He stands no chance.

“Alpha Ralph, I very well understand what you are trying to point out, but I can assure you that I am ready for this battle, I have set strategies in place and I know they will be effective enough”

“Brave, perfectly brave. I like that. But I have a proposition for you”

“And what could it be?” Ge asks as he leans forward on his couch to focus more on what I have to say.

“I would like us to join forces during this battle.”

“Join forces as in we bring our strategies, our ideas, our soldiers and our Elementals together and fight as one?”


“So who gets the power in the end if we win?”

“When we get to that bridge, we will cross it. For now, what we need to do is unite these powers if we want to stand a chance against those two.” I explain and he just keeps staring at me like I have lost my mind.

“Alpha Ralph, I must confess, your offer seems really enticing, but I’m afraid I can’t accept it. This a battle that has to be fought individually. Yes the moon goddess gave them a hundred times the power she gave us, that doesn’t mean we don’t stand a chance. The Moon goddess is wise and she knows why she made it so. I don’t know about you, but for mean, I very much believe that I’ve got everything I need to win this battle and this might sound funny to you, but I do believe that I stand a chance to win this battle.”


“Absolutely” He replies with a nod and I nod my head as well.

He’s a fool to refuse my offer and I will make sure not to have mercy on him if we ever meet at a battle front.

“Alright then” I say as I gracefully rise up from the couch and straighten up my black over-all coat. “I think I have overstayed my welcome. I will take my leave now, but if ever you change your mind and would like to consider my offer, you know where to find me.” I say as I signal my guards to follow me and when we get to the door, I turn to look behind over my shoulders. “And… I wish you good luck in this battle”

“Good luck to you too Alpha Ralph” He wishes with a sickening smile an I just turn around and walk away.

Plan A just back fired, now I need to come up with a new plan.



I will not be lured into their trap. He probably wants me to join him in battle and later on backstab me. I know what power can make a man do. If I dare accept his proposition, I will be in for the greatest betrayal of my life.

I’m not ready for that kind of heartbreak yet. Like I said before, the Moon goddess is a fair goddess, she doesn’t discriminate and if she has sent me just one Elemental, then that’s all I need to win this battle. I very much believe in myself and I definitely need no external help that will come with betrayal and demise. I would rather lose this battle than to win and robbed of the power.

“Babe, why didn’t you accept? It seemed like a really good offer” My mate and Luna, Yves asks as she scoots closer to me on the couch.

“It’s a trap love, a big trap that we must not get into”

“I don’t understand”

“Alpha Ralph has got two Elementals on his side, that’s a lot of power he has got, he just wants us to unite so would take advantage of our fire Elemental and trust me, after this battle, he will betray us, he will flee when he finally gets what he wants, that is why we can’t afford to let him fool us”

“I see…” She says nodding. “But babe, what if we play him at his own game?”

“How do you mean?”

“I mean we, we accept the proposition, be like the fools throughout the battle but underground, we have our own plan and strategy, that way he won’t suspect us or know what we are up to. After the battle, we can surprise him at the game and get all the power. It’s all about strategizing babe. If you’d ask me, I’d say this is an opening for us to have more power and much greater chance to win this battle. I advice you say yes to his proposition” She concludes and I look at her in awe.

I have never been the type to actually want to ever consider other people’s opinions, especially that of a woman, but after hearing what she just explained, I am tempted to change my decision.

Honestly, women are the worst.

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