Chapter 110


I don’t know what got over Kol that made him fight against me the way he did, but I have to talk some sense into him. The Walk Street Pack is an enemy pack and defending any of their subjects is not part of the game. We don’t have mercy on any of them, even if it’s their pups!Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

That said, there’s something very interesting I just found this morning which was accompanied with a very interesting vision. I have summoned a meeting with all the Elementals once more and I am very sure that after they hear what I have to say, they will have no choice but to join forces with me.

I can bet my life on that.

I walk into the woods to the spot where we met the last time with Kevin (Water Elemental) by my side and we both meet Reed( Fire Elemental) and Kol ( Air Elemental) seated on the same fallen tree trunk waiting for us.

I’m actually showed to see Lol seating down there so confident and unbothered, I had expected him to show up last, looking guilty and scare that he fought against his fellow Elemental.

The nerve of this guy.

“Feels like someone no longer fancies a grand entrance”

“Not really, I just have very pressing issues on my mind that seem to be bothering me”

“And could any of those issueS be that fact that you defended the enemy against me the other day?”

“You call use the definite article “the” as if it were something standard”

“That’s because it is something standard! The Wall Street Pack is our enemy” I reprimand and creases his brows.

“You seem to be mistaken, I do not belong to a pack and that means I don’t have enemy packs, neither do I have friendly packs. So when you keep including me in that enmity circle of yours, it gets me wondering!”

“That’s why I’m asking you to join my pack!”

“That’s not going to happen” He denies flatly and I let out a heavy sigh of frustration. Kevin and Reed just keep looking at us like we have lost our minds and I’m beginning to think we actually have.

We are always arguing with each other. How the hell does he have such strong will?

He is just a rogue.

He didn’t grow up with any father to teach him principles, how come he is so smart and got such strong principles.

“I have just one warning to give you Kol, What you did yesterday should be the last time you do such a thing, this is a war and everyone is going down, be it teenagers or pups”

“You can’t tell me what to do, you have no right to give me warnings or orders. The fact that you belong to a pack and I don’t doesn’t make you any greater than I am. If ever I see you hurting harmless girls or pups, I will stop you and there’s nothing you can do about it” He declares in a firm tone and I swallow dryly.

Bloody Air Elemental.

He is always the toughest to deal with.

“Now let’s get on with why I summoned you here” I change the topic, arguing with Kol is pointless, we’ll just keep going round and round in circles.

“T’was about time” Reed exclaims with a heavy sigh.

The fire Elemental is always the most quiet. He’s a man of action.

“Good, last time I gathered you two here and asked you, particularly Reed to convince your Alpha to join my Alpha in fighting this battle but you declined.”

“I had my reasons, very tangible reasons at that and my answer is still no” He says confidently and I smile.

“I can assure you that when you hear this, you will change that answer of yours”

“Challenge accepted”

“Good, so as we all know, first, this battle is a fair battle and second, the Moon goddess gives out information and revelations bit by bit”

“That’s no news” That’s no one else but Kol.

“Wait for the big news bro. While asleep this night I had a revelation. I was in a completely dark woodland, confused and some what afraid become of how serene the place was, I could actually hear my own heart beat…”

“Can you just ostracize all the poetry and hit the nail on the head. Someone of us have got important things to do, besides I’m not a fan of poetry” Kol says sarcastically in clearly bored tone and I just roll my eyes. He is impossible!

“Do you ever take a break Kol?”

“Just ignore him and ride on” Reed urges.

“Like I was saying, the woodland was dark and suddenly, there came a ray of bright light from the sky that Shone directly on me. I look up to see what had brought the light but I couldn’t see anything and suddenly I heard a voice. It was a male voice.

“So what did it say?”

“It said something intriguing. That after this battle we are all going to loose our Elemental powers. We are going to be just as normal again. Do you know just how crazy that is?'”

“What?, that means, if this battle is over, then we loose these powers we have, is that what you are trying to tell us?”

“That is what I am saying. Just imagine if we fight individually as we want to and loose. Alpha Hardin becomes the Paramount Alpha again, he is going personally decapitate us all without mercy. We cannot afford to lose this battle and I will tell you once more, we can’t win this if we are not together. Kol your case is worst because you don’t even belong to a pack, you have no one who is going to try to stand up for you, he’s going to boil your bones and feed them to the dogs.”

“I’m still not squeamish.”

My God! Why is this guy like this?

Well, apart from that, I found something very interesting in my closet”

“And what could that be?” Reed asks.

“It’s a bracelet.”

“A bracelet ?”

“Yeah, not just any kind of bracelet.” I emphasize as I take out the bracket from my pocket. “It’s bracelet that neutralizes power. When worn on an Elemental, he or she doesn’t cannot use his or her abilities. You become like any other werewolf when you have this on” I explain and I can see both Reed and Kol’s eyes shoot open in shock.

“For real?”

“Wanna try it?”

“So you’ll capture me and take to your pack so you can use me all you want? No thanks” Kol denies and I just shake my head.

“Don’t you think I have any honor? Kol?”

“Tss, honor my ass, an honorable man will never have it in his mind to hurt underage shewolves and pups”

“Oh boy, you’ve still not gotten over that have you?”

“That is an impossible thing for me to do”

“Whatever. If your definition for honorable, involves not hurting pups and under aged shewolves, then you can call me any nasty name you want, my plans will never change though”

“Yeah, whatever. Now back to what you were saying”

“So it has picked your interest after all”

“It will interest me to know how I can stop you from using that bloody power of yours to harm people you are not supposed to harm”

“Are we just going to sit here and listen to you two argue all day?” Read asks clearly annoyed.

“Let’s forget about Kol. As I was saying, that bracelet has the ability to prevent an Elemental from using his or her powers.”

“It still doesn’t mean anything, if something is worn , that means it can be removed. Even if we wear it on either Alpha Hardin or Luna Reign, they will be able to take it off”

“Not when only one person has the ability to do so”

“Oh… so who has this ability?”

“The nincompoop who has done nothing but argue with me since I got here”

“Wait… you mean to tell me that Lol is the only one who can take that bracelet when it is worn on an Elementals hand?”

“Correct, want prove?”

“Yes please”

I turn to Kevin and motion him to show his hand forward which he does and I wear the bracelet on his left wrist.

He then closes his eye and tries to call his water instinct to raise up the drops of water on the nearby leaves but nothing happens. He tries over and over again to no avail and then he finally gives up and turns to face us.

He also tries to take it off but I can’t.

I go to try to no avail.

Reed tries but nothing happens.

“This is frustrating. Pray this is never worn on your hand. Kol please take it off” He pleads as he stretched his hand over to Kill who hesitates and looks at us all before taking it off by unhooking it I take the bracelet from him. This is a very powerful weapon and most not fall in the hands of someone who isn’t on my side.

The look in his eyes is priceless. He looks at all of us shocked and I just smile.

“That is juts how special and important you are Kol. You can join us in this battle and let us win, so even if you become normal again afterwards, you live, you too Reed. We need each other. We honestly cannot do this individually”

I explain with all sincerity and seriousness and there’s a long moment of pin dropping silence.

I can tell that there is a war going on in each other’s minds and I’m convinced that they will give me good news.

Reed suddenly lets out a heavy breath and turns to face me.

“I think you are right, we need each other if we want to win this battle. I will talk to Alpha Lance and convince him to accept your Alpha’s offer”

“Thank you very much Reed, I’m really happy you finally understand.” I turn to Kol who happens to be staring at me like I just stole his piece of cake.

“Summon me any time you need me” Then he walks away.

A huge satisfactory smile plasters on my face as I cross my arms over chest and nod my head.

That was easier than I thought.

“I will take my leave now”

“Thank you once more for reconsidering your decision. I will do well to summon you when anything is up”

“I will be waiting” He says as he rises from the tree trunk and walks away. Once he is out of sight, I turn Kevin and we smile at each other.

We are definitely on our way to victory. Alpha Hardin has no idea what is coming his way!

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