Chapter 117

Reign’S POV



Hard surfaces.C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

Bared doors, equals dungeon.

A sharp pain courses through my spine and I feel my neck muscle crack as I try to sit upright.

TF am I doing…


Bloody Air Elemental.

Kol has the audacity to betray us. When I get out of here, I will not hesitate to kill him. He just proved that he is the enemy.

I try to mind link Hardin, but it doesn’t work and I wonder why. If I can’t mind link him, then it is up to me alone to break out of here and I need to do that ASAP!

I close my eyes and try to summon my water ability so I can freeze the bars like I did the other time but I can’t.

I close my eyes once more and try yet again, but nothing happens. I try to make a fire ball, but zippo!

I try to summon both my Air and Earth powers but my efforts are futile.

No matter how I try to summon my powers, nothing happens. I feel a cold object on my left wrist and when I look at it, I see a bracelet on it. I can very well remember Kol putting that bracelet on my wrist when he lied about something being wrong with it and I am very certain that that’s what is preventing me from using my powers.

This is all messed up.

I can’t access my powers, I can’t mind link Hardin, how am I going to get through this?

Sweet Moon goddess, please help me.

I pray silently as I take sit on my butt and curl my knees up my chest and gently rest my head on them.

I hate dungeons.

They bring back a lot of bad memories and it is the last place I want to be.

“Well, well, well. Look who we have here” A voice sings from the barred door and when I raise my head up to look who it is, I roll my eyes hard on seeing Lance and his mate, Yves. She has on this satisfactory smile in her face that makes me want to dig my claws into it and rip her apart.

The nerve of this bitch!

“The Paramount Luna doesn’t look so Paramount after all” She mocks and I quietly rise up from the ground and walk close to the bar and she takes a few steps backwards in fear.

I smile.

“You still fear me Yves, that proves I’m still your Paramount Luna”

“No you are not!” She denies flatly.

“Then take two steps closer to this door” I dare but she doesn’t bulge. “I thought as much.” I turn to Alpha Lance.

“You guys are getting bolder as the days go by, aren’t you?”

“Well, we don’t have a choice, the battle is getting intense. One has to take some bold steps.”

“Interesting to know that you act without even thinking about the consequences”

“This is a war Reign…” I cut him off by swiftly picking him up by the collar and hitting him hard against the iron bars.

Blood oozes from his nostrils and I smile at the horrified look Yves has on.

“It’s Luna Reign for all of you!” I remind and let him go, the moment his feet lands on the ground, he quickly picks himself up and tries to wipe off the blood from his nostrils as he gives me a scornful look.

“You are going to regret this!”

“Please don’t me laugh, you were saying something about this being a war… I want to here it all”

“This is a war and we have no time to think about consequences. We act on impulse and whatever happens later happens. We are taking every chance we have!” He says panting and I chuckle.

“That’s a teenage boy move, don’t you think?” I ask with a creased brow

“You won’t be so bold and confident have we will have you down”

“And you won’t be bleeding so light when I finally get out here and get my hands on you. I’ll make sure you bleed to death Lance”

“IT’S ALPHA LANCE FOR YOU!” He roars and I just chuckle in mockery.

“And I’ve said this before, I’m Paramount Luna, I can call you whatever I want!” I remind with a daring smile and I can feel the anger burning in their hearts.

If looks could kill, oh, I’ll be dead and forgotten by now.

“You are not going to escape this time around Reign, I promise you that. You are going to rot in here”

“What a lame threat, this entire place will sink to the ground the moment my mate figures I’m here. I already feel sorry for you”

“I’ll leave you to your little fantasies. Yves, let’s go”

“You go ahead, I still have a few words with her” Yves objects and he looks at her in horror.

“Are you sure you want to stay here alone?” Lance asks in fear and I let a mocking chuckle.

“Aww… he’s scared for her. How touching! Well just do you could know, she’s not a weak fortress like you, she is a Wall Street Wolf. Confident, brave and fearless. She might be your mate but she will never be your kind. Now run along, we a little girls chat to do”

“I will personally decapitate you the moment this war is over!” He promises as he leaves the dungeon. I turn to Yves who looks like she is about to rip me apart.

“Do you really have to do this?” I ask and she just rolls her eyes.

“We have been over this already. Yes, I have to do this and will you just stop with all the threats and courageous actions already? You are now my prisoner for goodness sake”

“Really? You honestly think I am”

“You can’t use your powers as long as you have that bracelet on and you can’t mind link your Alpha to come get you either. You are stranded…” She breaks and looks at me as she swallows hard. “… Luna Reign, that’s is no turning back”

“You call me Luna, and then you say I’m stranded. That is the most ironic statement I have ever heard.”

“When both Alphas will be done with you, you will be sorry”

“Oh, I quaver with fear” I say faking a scared expression and she just frowns.

“You and your Alpha are not going to win this war.”

“Then who will?”

“My mate, Alpha Lance!”

“Well, rumor has it that your mate has joined forces with Alpha Ralph, so why do you keep personalizing that victory like it will be yours alone”

“Because that’s how it is going to be.”

“So how do you all plan on shoving Alpha Ralph in the back and taking all the credit?”

“That’s classified”

“So, you guys have joined forces to fight this battle. But at the back of your treacherous minds, you and your mate, plan to do whatever it is you plan to do with Alpha Ralph and take all the power and privileges for yourselves. That act is too obvious to be considerate as a classified” I explain and I can see her swallow hard and that can only mean one thing.

I just hit the nail on the head!

On a second thought, me being abducted could be an added advantage to us, here I am figuring out plans that could be used against them.


“So tell me Yves, or should I say Luna Yves, do you honestly think that Alpha Ralph and his dearest mate, whoever she is, do not have this same plan?” I ask with a creased brow. “Do you honestly think they don’t also plan on eliminating you and your Alpha after this battle in order to get those powers. You would be a fool to think that only you can be treacherous Yves”

“Alpha Ralph stands no chance against us”

“Oh, it’s the plan after all. So after the Elemental Battle, comes another battle. How will that one be titled? Survival of the fittest? You two start fighting against each other. How very tragic!”

“At least we won’t have you and your pesty Alpha to bug our lives.”

“Well, I think this is the moment I give you a spoiler. You can’t and you will never defeat my pack in this battle. You all are up for a suicide mission. If I were you, I will tell my mate to back off.”

“That is only going to happen I’m your dreams””

“Good then, at least I’ll have the pleasure of ripping your body parts pieces by piece. You all are in for a slaughter!”

“Then let it be so. But I won’t let this battle get over without me even trying”

“Such Bravery!”

“That will be all for now, once we figure out what we want to do with you, I will be back.”

“And I will be waiting”

She Majestically walks out of the dungeon and I snort as I take my former position on the ground.

The person I want to meet hasn’t come yet.



If there was a word that could be used to describe every damn Wall Street Pack wolf, that word would be fearless.

They don’t fear anyone.

Even my mate Yves doesn’t fear me. When she wants to state her point, she doesn’t care if it’s going to upset me, she just goes ahead and does it anyway and now it’s her Luna.

How can someone be locked behind bars in a dungeon and still have the courage to talk and threaten people. She even attacked me!

I swear I can’t wait to kill her. The last thing she will see before she dies is my face and I will make sure she sees the joy in my eyes as she takes her very last breath.


I swear she won’t see it coming.

“Babe” I hear Yves call as she walks into our bedroom and I turn to face her.

“That bloody Luna of yours, I just want to kill her right now!”

“But you know you can’t do that. If you do, you’ll get Alpha Ralph upset and he might rebel against you. Just one more night my love, one more night and your dream will come true.”

“I hate her courageI hate the way she makes me feel, I hate the fact that her words make me tremble. I hate all of them!” I scream as I angrily kick one of the couches which comes crashing on the wall. “I am Alpha Lance and I fear no threats coming from a woman! Who does she think she is? Threatening me, how dare she make me tremble!”

“Babe calm down!”

“DON’T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!” I scream yet again and she jumps in fright. “I’m going to kill them all” I say in a sudden calm but deadly tone. “I’m going to make them pay, by the time I’m done with them, they are going to be sorry. That I swear!”

“Lance!” she calls firmly as she takes long strides towards and cubes my red, sweaty face in her hands. “Look at me!” She urges and I look into her green eyes that always sets me on fire. “There is no need to let your anger get the better of you. We will win this battle, you will get those powers and you will render them useless. That is one thing for sure. Now what you need to do is pull yourself together and go with the plan. Those were empty threats she made in there. She cannot harm you from a cell, you have the upper hand in this battle love, so calm down and let’s execute the plan like the pros we are. I see a bright light at the end of the tunnel my love, a very bright light” She encourages and without warning, I slam my lips hard against hers and kiss her roughly, with all my might.

There’s a gunshot of emotions in my body when she kisses me back and I only deepen the kiss. I take a whole lot of time to explore her lips, claiming them as mine and making l her understand that she is mine alone.

I lead her to bed but when we get there, I push her on it and make my way out of the bedroom.

Right now I am enraged and I have no desire to make love.

What I want to do is fuck hard and that is something Yves can’t handle yet. She’s only eighteen and I had her deflowered a few weeks ago, besides I don’t want to hurt my mate.

I know just where to go get some good fuck.

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