Chapter 155

Hardin’S POV

Sometimes, life hits you so hard that you begin to wonder where you went wrong, why some things keep happening to you.

That is exactly how I feel right now.

I’m at the corridor at the hospital, walking helter-skelter, praying in my heart to the moon goddess to protect Reign and our unborn child.

I know nothing very serious can actually happen to them, but, I don’t like the fact that she is in there. I love when she’s at home, strong and healthy and acting all naughty. I prefer to handle all of her mood swings than to have her in there.

“Hardin” The moment I hear my mother’s voice call, I turn around and rush into our outstretched arms and she cradles me in her arms.

“Mum she doesn’t deserve to be in there. I hate that she is in there”

“Everything is going to be alright son. I trust the doctors to work on her perfectly”

“I hope they do. Mum I would go crazy if anything were to happen to Reign”

“Why haven’t you given the order yet?” Kol asks furiously as he approaches us.

“What orders?” I ask confused.

“One word and we are setting both packs on fire for what they did to Reign”

“No Kol, we can’t do that now”

“Why not?”

“It is not the wish of the moon goddess”

“So it’s her wish to let other packs attack us, but not to let us attack them back?”

“Kol you have to calm down”

“I can’t calm down okay. My sister-in-law and unborn nephew are in there fighting for their lives because some people decided to have fun by attacking us. You don’t expect me to stay still. I want to strike back and give them a test of their own medicine!”

“We will do that when the time is right. I promise!”

“Guys, calm down. No fighting. This is a hospital” Mum reprimands and we both stop arguing and sit on the nearby couch.

“How’s she?” Miguel asks eagerly as he walks in with Mr. Leonard following closely behind.

“Still in the ER”

“Why on earth do these things always happen to her?” He asks almost rhetorically as he takes a seat beside me.

“You all need to relax. Luna Reign is fine” That’s Mr. Leonard

“Of course she is”

“There’s no need be sarcastic, I mean it. She is going to be fine”

“And how do you know that?”

“She only fainted because she used a lot of energy to hurt the fire Elemental. We all know that Elementals cannot hurt each other, neither can they hurt you, but you can hurt them. But if you were to inflict some very serious injury on them, it’s going to drain your energy. That’s exactly what happened to Reign”

“So that means she is going to be alright, right?”

“Yes she is”

“Thank you Moon goddess”

“One more think that is going to excite you”

“What’s that?”

“The wounds inflicted on him can only be healed by her. As in, only by drinking her blood, will he be healed, if not, he is going to due”

“Now that is some juicy news. I better find a way to hurt the other two so they die as well. That way their Alphas will know how to respect boundaries”

“Exactly!” Miguel confirms.

“And with this, I know they are going to want to avenge their fallen Elemental”

“Well then let them come. This time around I’m not going to spare them. I’m going to order a massacre. That way the war will be over and we all will find peace. Miguel, get the soldiers ready, next time those riffraffs show up here, I want Dylan and his guys to mess then I’m real bad. It’s about time we teach them an unforgettable lesson”

“I’m on it” He rises up and leaves with Mr. Leonard following him.

“Since it has been confirmed that Reign is fine, I will take my leave now. I have to go and check on Diana”

“Wait, you didn’t check on her before coming here?”


“Why not bro?”

“Cuz she a badass and trust me, she can very well defend herself. Chill, she’s fine”

“Next time I want you make sure she’s okay first”

“There will be no next time bro. I’m never going to let Reign get in this condition again.” Then he pats my right shoulder and exits the corridor.

“Kylie and Melissa must be so confused right now, I need to go and see how they are holding up”

“Alright mum, see you at home”

“Take care sweetie” She cautions as she kisses my forehead and leaves.

Now I’m left all alone in the corridor, waiting for the doctor to exit the ER.

Few minutes later, the doctor, who happens to be the same who attended to her a few days ago, walks out of the ER and I rush over to him.

Leonard just told me she is fine and I believed him, but I’m still curious to know what the doctor had to say.

“Doctor, how is she doing?”

“She’s doing okay Alpha Hardin”

“What exactly is wrong with her”

“It seems like she did something that drained a lot of energy from her, she showed signs of extreme exhaustion and that is what caused her to go unconscious. Right now she’s just resting”

“Does that mean her and the baby are safe?”

“Yes they are. They are both doing okay”

“Thank you very much”NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“You are welcome Alpha. I’m just show you to…”

“Before he can finish his statement, I leave his sight and find her room with the help of her pheromone.

I have heard all what I wanted to hear and now what I need to do is hold her in my arms and rub her tummy until my heart beat stabilizes because right now, my heart is beating so fast that I’m scared it might hop out of my chest.

I swear Reign and our unborn child are both going to be the end of me.


I don’t like the move Alpha Ralph made last night.

The plan was to go and have a threatening conversation with Alpha Hardin at his pack, but when we arrived there, he ordered the soldiers to pick up a fight and now that reckless decision of his has taken us about ten steps behind.

Against Alpha Hardin, we are not only out numbered but we are over powered and now the issue has only gotten worse.

One Elemental is down and if something is not done sooner, he is going to die.

I don’t want Reed to die. We might not be related in any way, we might be from different packs but just the fact that we have one goal in our minds to attain, I have placed him high in my heart and when I place people high in my heart, I don’t want to lose them.

I don’t want to lose Reed and I hope we abduct Luna Reign sooner so we can use her blood to heal him.

I will never be the same again if we lose him to death.

“You alright?” I hear Kevin’s voice from behind and I turn to face him.

“Not really”

“Still thinking about Reed?” He asks as he walk over to me and takes a seat beside me. We are both seated by the fountain at the center of castle yard.

This is my favorite place to sit when I want to drown myself in my thoughts. The water gushing out of the fountain kind of mentally assists in drowning me in them and I like it.

“What happened to Reed wasn’t fair at all. It would not have happened if Alpha Ralph didn’t start up a fight”

“I’m glad I’m not the only one who is pissed off. With Reed down, our chances of winning this battle have been compromised and right now we have to think of how we have to go out there and defeat Alpha Hardin”


“Also, Reed is like a brother to me, I don’t want him to die”

“I don’t want Reed to die either, we need to do something”

“The only thing we need to do is get Luna Reign so we can extract her blood and give him to drink and be saved. That is the only thing”

“Oh my God Lloyd this is messed up. After what we did yesterday, I can bet on my life that Alpha Lance is very mad at us. Bro if Reed dies, this battle is over for us because we won’t have only Alpha Hardin to fight, but Alpha Lance too. He is going to cut all ties with us and who knows, he might even join forces with Alpha Hardin to fight against us. Do you see how slim our chances of winning are?”

“I can very well see it bro. I can very well see it. That’s why we have to do this.”

“What abut the bracelet, do you still have it?”

“Yes I do, that is the only thing that will stop her from roasting us when we succeed to capture her.”

“Good then.”

“I honestly wish I had the courage to stand up to Alpha Ralph and tell him that what he did was not cool at all. He put all of us at risk yesterday. If indeed Alpha Hardin was a cruel man, he would’ve ordered his guards have us all slaughtered last night. That was so close!”

“I very well understand the source of your worries” We both freeze on hearing Alpha Ralph’s voice speak directly from behind us.

We were so engrossed in the conversation that we didn’t even hear him approach us.

We are so dead.

“Alpha Ralph” I call in fear as I turn around to face him with my head bowed down.

“There is no need for you to be afraid Lloyd, what you are saying is correct. I went a bit overboard last night giving those orders and right now, Reed is injured all because of those orders . The guilt I feel is eating up my soul and the earlier I do something to remedy the situation, the better for me”

“Alpha well know the only thing we have to do is abduct Luna Reign and get her blood. How are we going to do that when we have already sparked awareness of our intensions? Right now everyone in the wall street pack will be guarding their Luna like never before. It’s almost impossible”

“Remember her father is here with her”

“Reign obviously hates her father, there’s no way he’s going to succeed in luring her into any trap”

“Wanna bet?” He asks with a sly smile as he stretches his hand forward but I look away.

“I’m glad there’s a way out Alpha”

“Guys, where there is a will, there is away. Leave this to me, I promise Mr. Callan and I are going to fix this. For now, I want you both to go over to the East End pack and check on Reed, tell him I’m going to fix this mess I made”

“We will do just that alpha”

“Good, I’ll be inside” he turns and takes a few steps forward and then turns again to look at us. “Next time, feel free to tell me what I’ve done wrong, I’m not going to eat you”

“Yes Alpha, we will do that”


“Good” Then he leaves. I turn to Kevin and we both simultaneously let out heavy sighs of relief.

That was close.

“That was crazy!”

“Please let’s be on our way already, right now I can’t feel my heart beat. I almost died a while ago’

“Me too”

It’s actually punishable by the law to talk about an Alpha’s faults behind his back. We are lucky he didn’t punish us.

Anyway, I’m just glad that he has a plan. Reed is not going to die after all.

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