Chapter 158

Reign’S POV

I made a wrong move.

Pretty wrong move.

I don’t know if it’s this pregnancy that’s make me dumb or is it that I’m actually dumb.

I was supposed to have suspected the call.

I was not supposed to have gone to meet my father on my own, now it’s too late.

Hardin advised me time and again not to leave the castle without at least three guards by my side but I didn’t listen. I thought he was just being over protective as usual, but I clearly understand why he was being so cautious, but it’s too late.

I’ve been in their dungeon for a whole lot hours now and I can’t help but wonder what it is they are planning.

What exactly are they going to do to me?This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

Oh Sweet Moon goddess, I know I have been stubborn lately, but please don’t let anything happen to this child I’m carrying. Please moon goddess.

“Well! Well! Well!” A familiar voice sings and when I raise my head up, I am not surprised at all to see Yves smiling down at me.

She must be elated to see me in the is condition again.

“Look who we have here”

“If I were you, I’d know better than to give another step forward, Yves” I warn and she immediately stops on her tracks. “That’s better”

“How does it feel like to be in here again?”

“Familiar. What about you? How does it feel like to be threatened in your very own dungeon?” I ask tilting my head to the side while smiling and she frowns.

“Still as mouthy as ever before”

“I’m glad you noticed”

“By the time we are done with you and that child in your womb, you won’t have the courage to utter a single word from that mouth of yours” She threatens and I swear it gets to me.

The thought of having them torture me till I lose this baby freaks me out a great deal but the last thing I will do is let her see my fear.

I am the Paramount Luna, and the last thing I’m supposed to do is show my fear to my enemies.

If there’s one thing I very know, it’s the fact that they are all scared of me and I’m going to use that fact to my advance. I won’t let them get to me easily.

They are going to have to earn my fear!

“You are a strong girl Yves” I compliment and she smiles proudly.

“Took you so long to notice?”

“Yes it did. You know I wonder how you doing it?”

“doing what?”

“I wonder how you are able to love and serve a man who clearly has no respect for you”

“And what makes you think he has no respect for me?”

“Oh come on, you think I don’t know that he has and uncontrollable libido that prompts him to sleep around with other women. Like, your mate, your Alpha, actually sleeps with other women who happens to be mere maids and prostitutes. I don’t know but does it feel as bad as it sounds? Trust me it sounds very, very bad” I say faking a sad expression and I can see her boiling in anger. If she had the chance now she would give me a hard punch in the face or better still decapitate me, but she knows better than to get close to me.

I won’t mind the opportunity to destroy that pretty face of hers.

“You have no idea what is actually going on between us”

“Oh I do, I know everything. I know how your mate seizes young girls from their parents the moment they turn sixteen and takes them to his brothel where they are trained to work as prostitutes. He spends the better part of his afternoon, drinking and sleeping with random girls and after that , at night, he is still going to stick that same promiscuous dick in you and you’ll get all excited. Is that really what you like?”

“You have no idea what I like Luna Reign”

“Of course I don’t, but do you honestly think you deserve all that shame and disgrace? One day a maid is going to disrespect you because she has equally felt what is rightfully yours. That’s just crazy, isn’t it?” I ask but she stays still.

I like the fact that I’m getting to her.

They are about to physically torture me, I might as well use the time I have left to emotionally torture one of them as well.

“Like I said, you have no idea what is going on, so you have no right to draw conclusions” She tries to defend.

“Alright then, let’s drop the sexual issue and talk about the battle at hand. What do you think will happen when this battle is over?”

“How do you mean?”

“Your mate has joined forces with Alpha Ralph in order to have more chances to win. Supposing you all win, which is never going to happen any way, who do you think is going to get the powers of the staff?”

“My Aloha of course”

“Oh, so you think Alpha Ralph wouldn’t want it too, aye?”

“I don’t care about his ambitions, what I know is that once this war is over and we must have won, my mate is going to get all the powers of the staff and become invincible. Anyone who tries to come in our way of accomplishing that goal will be wiped off”

“And that includes Alpha Ralph too right?”

“That includes everyone!”

“So that means you guys are just using Alpha Ralph and his Elementals, am I right?”

“You are smarter than I gave you credit for”

“So, what makes you think Aloha Ralph doesn’t have those same plans for you? What if he’s also conspiring against you?”

“Well then, let the best man win. Besides, we have the staff of edification in our keeping, that means we have the upper hand, once the battle is over, my Alpha is going to get all the powers the staff has to give out and he will be invincible. You all are going to go on your knees and beg for mercy but it won’t be granted. I’ll make sure he chops the heads of both you and your very pompous Alpha and hang them on a spikes at the boundary of your pack, that way your subjects will flee and become the miserable rogues they have to be.” She explains confidently and I smile sweetly at her.

If only she knows the staff is the fake staff, then she won’t run her mouth the way she is going right now.

“Wow, what a plan. That’s actually very impressive. Wait till Alpha Ralph finds out”

“He’s never going to find out. Even if he does, we are going to fight and I trust my mate, he’s going to take him down without breaking a single sweat!”

“Your Alpha sounds so cool”

“You have no idea. Well, I think we have to end this little chitchat. It’s time for you to lose that thing you are carrying” She announces and immediately, my heart’s starts pounding as I hear footsteps fast approaching. I try to wiggle my hands out of the handcuffs to no avail.

“There’s no way you can get out of those honey, I hope you enjoy you torture sessions” Then she walks away. Three guards appear at the door and as the one in the middle opens the barred gate, I walk backwards and lean against the wall and as tears start welling down my eyes.

This is it.

I am going to lose my baby and no one, but me is to be blamed for it. This is what my stubbornness is going to cost me.

Oh Sweet Moon goddess, I know you are mad at me right now, but please forgive me and don’t let them harm my baby

He’s innocent.

“Don’t come any closer” I warn The two guards who are approaching me but the do not listen. Without uttering a word, they both grab me each by an arm and drag me out of the cell.

All my wriggling and trashing goes in vain because the guards are strong enough to hold me still.

If only I didn’t have these cuffs on. I would have finished them off in just a matter of seconds.

I am being dragged all the way to another room which I assume should be the torture room, because of the kind of equipment I see in it.

Whips, a basin of water, a chair with ropes on it and many other unpleasant stuff.

They forcefully put my to sit on the chair and tie my hands and feet on it using the rope.

“Please I beg you. Don’t let them do this to me. It’s just an innocent baby”

“There’s nothing innocent about that baby. He is going to be the end of all of us. We can’t let that happen” One of the guards explain.

They all look do scary and intimidating and I can bet on my life that they are the most powerful guards in this whole pack.

“If you let me go I will talk to my Alpha to spare you all and your families. Please”

“Liar! The moment you live this place you are going rat to us out to that cruel Alpha of yours and he will kill us all. We will make sure this ends here and now!” He promises and the three guards exit the room.

I try to mind link Hardin yet again but it doesn’t go through.

As long as I’m still in this bloody dungeon, I will be at be able to mind link him.

I hear footsteps approaching the room and soon, both Alpha Lance and Ralph walk in with satisfied smiles plastered on their faces.

Alpha Lance has a box in his hand and I can’t help but wonder what’s in it.

“You don’t look too good” Alpha Lance remarks and I give him a deadly glance.

“Quit giving me that deadly look Luna, you can’t do any thing to me”

“I swear to God Lance if you do anything hurt my baby, I’m going to kill you” I threaten in anger and he laughs as he walks closer to me.

He fucking laughs!

“You know what?” He suddenly gives me a very hard kick in the tummy and instantly my breath hitches. Excruciating pain courses through my abdomen and I let out a loud scream of agony as more tears come streaming down my eyes.

My stomach hurts very badly right now I feel like I’m going to die. I look at my legs to see if I’m bleeding but there’s no blood trickling down my thighs.

Even though my stomach hurts, I can still feel my little munchkin in it.

“I had known no amount of physical torture would get the little guy out, he’s a future Alpha and that means he is very resistant to pain and torture, but now, let’s see how he’ll react to all these poisons” He says as he opens the little box in his hand and when I peep in, I almost faint when I see multitudes of syringes filled with poisons as he had mentioned.

“Lance please don’t do this, please” I cry when he takes out the first syringe and walks over to me. I start shaking violently on the chair as he approaches but that doesn’t stop him.

Two guards suddenly walk in and hold me still as Alpha Lance inches closer.

“I’m going inject each and every shot of those injections in you and when I’m done, you are gonna feel nothing at all. Those are all the most dangerous poisons in this entire world and now, they may not cause you any harm but we can’t say the same for your fragile fetus. It’s over Luna Reign, you are about to meet your doom!” He whispers in my ears as he gives me the shot on my left arm.

The only thing I do is cry and beg for mercy as he keeps giving me the shots.

When he’s done, he puts the now empty syringes in the box and closes it.

Right now, I can’t explain how I feel, but all I know is that I’m going to be very sick and it’ll be a miracle if I don’t lose this baby.

My eyes are spinning like a merry-go-round and I all want to do vomit and die.

Before I know it, everything goes black and the last thing I can hear is faint voices of both Alphas laughing.

This is not the end.

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