Chapter 166


Today is the day I start carrying out my plan. Right now I got everything planned and I’m just waiting for Alpha Lance to arrive.

I promised Alpha Hardin I was going to sort this out and I won’t fail him. Like I said before, Reign is like a kid sister to me and I will die before I let anything harm come to her or that baby she is carrying. What ever it is their plan is, it won’t work.

“Hey” Tasha greets as she walks into our bedroom.

“Hey babe, sup?”

“I’m doing okay and you?”

“I’m better than okay.”

“Are you very certain this is going to work?”

“We won’t know if we don’t try, but yeah, I’m certain it will work”

“Babe, you know what?”


“I’m so proud of you”

“Aww, you are?”

“Yeah. In this entire world, just one out of ten men have got your kind heart. I’m so grateful to the moon goddess for giving you to me”

“And I’m so grateful to her for giving you to me too” I say as I blow her a passionate kiss.

“Alpha Lance is here”


“Yeah, he is waiting for you in the living room.”

“Then I guess I should go and talk with him already.”

“Yeah, please do and … by the time all of this is over and Luna Reign goes back home safely, I will give you something to look forward to”

“Tasha you very well know how to get me. Fine then, I will do as instructed and you get ready, because tonight… tonight” I repeat with a cocky smile on and she playfully pushes me away. I give her a quick kiss on her lips and exit the bedroom.

This is it. It’s either I go down there and save Reign or mess things up. The latter is definitely not going to be the case.

“Alpha Lance” I call enthusiastically as I descend the staircase. He is seated on one the sofas with two of his guards standing behind him.

I arranged for a male servant to go serve him and this time around. I didn’t want to give room for him to ogle over my She-wolf again.


“Alpha Damien” He calls as he rises from the couch and waits for me to get down. When I do, I stride over to him and we both shake hands.

“Nice to meet you again”Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“I seriously doubt that, yesterday you seemed anxious to get rid of me”

“Well, I guess I over reacted, you know I can be very dramatic at times” I say with a smile and he creases his brows

“I feel like I’m talking to someone else not Alpha Damien”

“Not to worry, it’s me Alpha Damien, flesh and blood”

“Nice, I think I’m more comfortable with this side of you. The side you portrayed yesterday sucked”

“I noticed, so I decided to change today.”

“So, can we get to business now!”

“If course, please take your seat” I say as I sit down and he does same. “Before we do that, I would like to make some amendments”

“Amendments?” He asks confused.

“I think I said things I wasn’t supposed to say yesterday.”

“Yeah, you did say a lot of things”

“I know and I’m sorry. I was wrong to downgrade you and your entire team in this war. I forgot to understand that we all have equal chances in wining this war and it was very wrong if me to keep insisting that you were no match for Alpha Hardin. Also, I want you guys to fight on and win, the Coltons have been ruling for so long now and it was about time they stepped down for a bit. It’s quite unfair that they keep winning every single time!”

“Ugh! You have no idea the kind of joy I feel in my heart right now. My best time is when someone realizes that the Coltons are over due in that position. It was about time someone dethroned them and I want to be that person!”

“Yeah, you know, someone has got to take that bold step and I respect you a lot for doing that. I hate having to go to him all the time to request for silver. He sits on his throne and passes orders like he was some sort of God, I want someone else to have that power, I want him to taste what it feels like to not be on top” I explain faking an angry mood and Alpha Lance keeps smiling from Molar to Molar. This man is indeed desperate and I have to use it my advantage.

“Wow, that’s really encouraging to hear. I’m glad you see this in the same light as I do”

“Our conversation of yesterday kept ringing on my mind all night and I had to do a rethink. Power has to change hands”

“And it will, just give me some time”

“I believe you will do it. So, for the silver, it arrived last night and …” I rise up from the chair and walk over to the central table where I pick up a big bowl of silver and walk over to him.

“Here is the silver you requested for” I hand the bowl over to him and I can see that he is all smiles as he opens he bowl and looks at it’s content. “You can now do what ever you want with your silver prison and of course, punish your recalcitrant subjects.

“Alpha Damien I really don’t know how I can thank you for this. You have no idea how much this is going to help us in this battle.”

“Help you in the battle?” I ask faking a frown.

“Yeah…” he turns and hands the silver to one of his guards before turning to face me again. “You see, yesterday, I lied about my intentions. Just that I wasn’t sure on whose side you were in this battle, buy now that I know we are on the same side, I will tell you the truth”


This man is the most gullible man I have ever met in my entire life. He is about to spill a secret which I will greatly use against him.

“Wow, I will be so happy to hear it. Maybe I can help”

“Well, actually, you know in this battle, we all have got equal chances in winning as you rightly said. So Alpha Ralph and I have gone quite a long way. There is this staff called the Staff of edification. When all this is over, the Alpha who holds that staff will have all the powers it wields to himself and he becomes the next Paramount Alpha, also, his pack gets to be edified and the war is over!”

“Sounds really good. So, as of now, who has got the staff of edification, is it you or Alpha Hardin?”

“I have it in my possession.”

“Now that is awesome!” I say enthusiastically and he smiles proudly.

“Yes I do. That’s why I am so confident about this battle. You know, everything was moving on smoothly until Luna Reign got pregnant. A revelation came that if she brings forth that child in her womb alive, this war is over and Alpha Hardin automatically wins. When we heard that, we knew we had to do something about it. So we found a way to abduct her and when we did, we first of all injected her with a good amount of poison, I mean the deadliest poisons in the world but nothing happened and it was later revealed to us that silver is the only thing that can make her lose that baby, that’s why I came here to get it. Once this silver gets into her system, that baby will be out and this war will go back to it’s normal pace!”

“Wow, that is one hell of a plan. You are such a brilliant man Alpha Lance”

“Thanks for the compliment”

“I have a question”

“I’m listening”

“So, when Luna Reign loses the baby, what are you going to do with her?”

“Well, I would have loved to kill her as well, byit you see, she seems immortal. She can’t be killed, so I’ll just leave her in the dungeon”

“Why don’t you just send her away? You very well know sooner or later, Alpha Hardin is going to attack right? Why don’t you spare yourself the trouble of having to fight with him. You’ve got the staff of edification with you, you don’t need her anymore”

“I haven’t really thought of that, but I think you are right. I don’t want to fight with Alpha Hardin except at the battle field. I’m going to send her back to him the moment she loses the baby”

“That will be better. That way you all can better prepare for the battle”

“You are such wise man Alpha Damien, I wish I had met you earlier.”

“Well, there is the right time for everything, I guess”

“Thank you very much for the advice’

“You are welcome.”

Kaylee was right.

This man wants to use that silver to make Reign lose her baby.

I swear I feel like punching him in the face this moment, but I can’t. That will mess things up.

I have to act as we planned and when the right time comes, I will personally end his miserable life.

“I’d advice you to get rid of anything that is trying compromise your victory in this battle Alpha Lance you have gone so far and you should not lose to any one!”

“I won’t! And after this I don’t care how Alpha Ralph is going to react, but I’m going to get those powers myself. If he tries to fight with me, I will strike back and finish him of including his Elementals.”

“You should do exactly that. And if anytime you need assistance, just send for me and I will be at your service. Just make sure to give me a good rank when you become Paramount Alpha.”

“You have my word on that Alpha Damien.”

“Thank you”

“That said…” He rises from the chair and straightens up his overall. “I best be on my way. The earlier we get on with this plan, the better for us. Alpha Hardin can attack at anytime”

“Alright then, let me see you outside”

I suggest as I rise up from my seat as well and we both walk outside and with each step I take, I fight my urge to turn around and snap his neck.

He is nothing but a beast.

He is wasting his precious time because a man like him can never become Paramount Alpha.

It is true that the moon goddess gives us all equal chances of winning this battle, but she also looks at the heart. She will never let a hard hearted jerk like him rule her people, that is one thing he fails to understand.

“Alright Alpha Lance, see you around and remember, anytime you need assistance, hit me up.”

“I will do just that”

He leaves wit his guards and I let out a sinister chuckle as I go back inside.

That was a game well played.

Right now I have to go over to the Wall Street Pack so we could get ready and wait at the boundary. If he sends Reign away, she is definitely going to mind link Alpha Hardin but he doesn’t, we are going to attack and when we do, it is going to be nasty. So if he knows what’s is good for him, he had better stick to the plan.


This is a war I swore not to get involved in, but right now I can’t escape it.

The only person close to a sibling I have right now is in trouble and I have to save her.

Oh Sweet Moon goddess, you have won.

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