Chapter 170

Hardin’S POV

“Reign just mind linked, they did it guys!” I shout in excitement.

“Let’s go get her” Kol says and we all cross the boundary and dash into the East End Pack premises. Since they let her go, it means they want her to get to us, so they won’t send soldiers after us.

With the help of her pheromone, I easily track her down and when my eyes catches the sight of her, my heart leaps out of my chest as I slow down and take calculated steps towards her.

Her clothes are worn out and I can see trickles of blood on her legs and right now I’m nervous as fuck.

All I can do is pray and hope that Alpha Damien was right about the substance not causing any harm to her or the baby

“Are… are you sure she’s fine?” I ask as I turn to face him. l

“I promise you she is” He assures me and I nod my head and run over to Reign where I quickly scoop her in my arms and carry her bridal style.

They just gave her back to me, right now I can strike back as much as I want

They are all going to die.

“She looks like she has been crying all day” Kol points out.

“It must have drained her to know that they had found a way to make her lose the baby”

“Let’s just get her to the hospital already.”

I don’t have the time to walk according to their pace so I use my super speed to dash out of the woods and make my way to the pack hospital. When I get there, the nurses immediately bring out a stretcher on which I place her on and she is taken to the emergency ward.

Right now, I’m already familiar with the feeling of waiting out here for them to work on her and tell me what is wrong, but today I am extra nervous.

I know Alpha Damien assured me that she is not going to lose the baby, I can’t help but still feel nervous.

I hope and pray that she hasn’t lost the baby.

I pray the moon goddess hears me out.

“Hardin” I hear a voice call from the door and when I turn to look, I see my mum approaching me. Without warning, I run over to her and crash into her comforting arms as I burst into tears.

I can’t hold it anymore, I honestly need a shoulder to cry on right now and mum’s is the best.

“Everything is going to be alright”

“She was bleeding mum, I don’t know if she’s still pregnant or not.”

“Oh son, I can assure you that everything is going to be alright” She assures me as she caresses my back.

I raise my head up to look at her with my face completely drenched in tears.

“You think so?”

“I know son. Everything is going to be alright. Even if she loses the baby, we still have to thank the Moon goddess for bringing her to us again. We are actually lucky to have her here with us today. Calm down”

“Mum it hurts, it hurts so bad to watch her suffer like this. I love her so much and I hate having to see her in this kind of situation. Being an Alpha is so hard and I hate it!”

“You cannot hate being an Alpha Hardin. No matter what you just can’t. You were born for this!”

“Born for what exactly? To suffer? Or to watch my mate suffer every damn time. Mum all of this is too much and I just want this war to end already so we can go back to our normal lives. This is too much”

“That is why you have to work towards winning this war. You very well know that if you don’t win…”

“Mum I am not going to lose, but I just wish to not be an Alpha in my next life. I just want a quiet peaceful life”

“You very well know it’s not up to you to decide that right? The moon goddess will make you whatever she wants, so calm down.”

“Ugh…” I say cleaning my tears. I can smell Miguel and the others approaching and I don’t want them to see me in tears. The last thing I ever want is for my subjects to see me in tears.

“You are a strong man Hardin, strong enough to get through all these challenges. So stop lamenting and keep being on your feet. Wherever your father is right now, he must be very proud of you. I can swear on that”

“Mum, can I ask you a question?”

“Of course you can”

“Are you proud of me?” I ask looking at her straight in the eyes and she gives me a queer look.

“Are you kidding me right now Hardin? Of course I am proud of you, why would you even doubt that?”

“I just wanted to be sure that you are. I mean, I know I have made a lot of terrible mistakes in the past”

“Son, we all have made terrible mistakes in the past, but the thing that distinguishes a good person from a bad person is the fact that a good person realizes his mistakes and makes up his mind to change, he does everything in his power to make up for his wrong deeds just like you have done. You are not just a good Alpha Hardin, you are a good son and I am very proud of you”

I crash into her arms once more and this time around, I don’t hug her in tears but with a bright smile on my face.

I’m glad she is proud of me.

“You are bigger than all these challenges my son, you are more than conqueror and I can’t wait for you to win war and restore peace in this pack. You are just great!”

“Thank you very much mum”

Honestly, mum’s words have greatly calmed me down and right now I don’t feel very nervous again. Her words always do the trick of getting me out of my bad mood, they always give me extra confidence and peace of mind.

Life can never be the same without my mum by my side.

I’m gonna need her for the rest of my life.

“So, just because you’ve got super speed, you just decided to bail out on us the way you did?” Kol asked annoyed as they all walk into the waiting room and I just roll my eyes as I disengage myself from my mother’s hug.

Now that they saw in that position, I’d be damned if they don’t taunt me about it.

Bloody werewolves.


“Only to come and steal hugs from mummy” That’s no other than Miguel.

“Oh God!” I cry as I cover my face with both my palms feeling frustrated like never before.

“I’m going to leave you guys for now, when Reign wakes up, make sure to signal me”

“Wait mum, how did you know Reign was here in the first place?”

“A little birdy whispered to me” She says with a sweet smile turns on her heels and exits the room.

“And, could that little Birdy be Miguel?”

“Now come on! It’s not like it bad was of me to tell her”

“I did not say that”This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“But your looks say so”

“I am not arguing with you right now Miguel”

“Neither am I!”

“Do they always fight like this?” Alpha Damien asks confused and Kol nods his head as he looks at us.

“And to think that they are both the Alpha and Beta of the pack, it’s such a shame”

“I think it’s adorable” Alpha Damien compliments and I snort.

“Please don’t make me laugh!” Kol says as he shoves both hands in his pockets and walks over to the other side of the room.

Soon, the doctor walks in and I hastily rush over to him.

“How is she?”

“Luna Reign is doing just well Alpha”

“And the baby?”

“Healthy and kicking” He announces with a smile and exhale heavily as I slump on the nearby couch. All my nerves in my body relax and I can feel the blood that had paused in my veins start to flow again.

This is a miracle.

This is an absolute miracle.

I abruptly rise up from the chair again and look at the doctor.

“You honestly mean to tell that Reign is still pregnant, as in she did not lose the baby?”

“Yes Alpha, she did not lose the baby”

“Holy Moon goddess” I exclaim as I dash out of the waiting room and trace Reign’s ward with the help of her pheromone. When I get to her door, I see her already awake and sitting upright on the bed. I hastily open the door and rush over to her.

“Reign” I call as I hug her.

“Hardin I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you… I swear.. I … I …I …didn’t know they were going to get an new…” She stutters in tears and I just take into my arms.

“It’s okay love, forget about that”

“No I can’t, it’s my fault I got abducted, it’s my fault that I’ve lost the baby. Please find it in your heart to forgive me for being so stubborn and self-centered” She pleads still crying hard and wipe away her tears.

“Love, there is nothing for you apologize for, and beside, stop saying you lost our baby because you haven’t”

“What are you talking about?” She asks still in tears.

“I mean you are still pregnant, you did not lose the baby”

“No, that is not possible. Alpha Lance gave me ten shots of silver, I felt the excruciating pain in my stomach, I felt the baby go out. Hardin I bled!”

“Yes baby, I know you bled, but that was all a planed act”


“Can we come in?” Kol from the door.

“Yes you can” I approve and the all walk in over to us.

“DAMIEN!” She calls in excitement.

“Hello cupcake” Alpha Damien walks over to her and engulfs her in a gentle hug. “How are you doing?”

“I’m confused, what does Hardin mean by I’m still pregnant?”

“I know this might be confusing to you, but yes you are still pregnant”

“But… I … I mean I bled, I felt the pain, how is this possible?”

“It was all a planned act love.”

“Planned act? I wanna hear it all!”

“Actually the thing is, Alpha Lance came to get silver from me…”

Alpha Damien explains everything to her in detail and by the time he is done, Reign is dumbfounded and the only thing she does is look at all of us with eyes wide open.

If I were in her shoes, I will be just as shocked as she is right now.

“I must confess that was brilliant and risky!”

“The risk was worth it. Alpha Lance is a very gullible man by the way, tricking him was quite easy”

“Damien I honestly don’t know how I can thank you for doing this for me. You just saved my baby’s life and I can never thank you enough for that”

“You don’t have thank me, you are like a little sister to me and you know what big brothers to little sisters right? They protect them, I was just performing my big brother duties.”

“I am so proud to have a big brother like you”

She says with smiles.

“We are glad to have you back, Reign” That’s Kol.

“Oh Kol, that dungeon felt so empty without you”

“I know right? But not to worry, you are never going back there.”

“I hope I don’t”

“You won’t. Even if I have to keep you by myside every second, I will. I swear they are never going to get you again.”

And I mean it. Even if I have to take her every where I go, I will. They are never going to get her again.


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