Chapter 176


I have not been myself ever since Lloyd and Kevin left.

I fucked up!

I fucked up real bad and right now I regret it.

If you’d ask me what came over me when I said I wanted to kill them after this battle, I will have no explanation to give you.

Everything seems to be going down the hill for me. First I don’t have the staff of edification, Alpha Lance won’t let me have it and right now the only people who gave me some grounds in this battle have left me because of my greediness.

Where do I stand right now? What am I going to do?

I no longer have Alpha Lance on my side, neither do I have my Elementals.

Right now, Alpha Lance is way ahead of me. He has the staff and his fire Elemental.

Oh Sweet Moon goddess, why did you let all this befall me. I have worked so hard this battle and I can’t lose now. I just can’t!

Please help me.

“Babe” a familiar voice calls from the door and I immediately know it’s my mate, Alexis. She has been in Goodland all this while and came for a visit. I thought she was going to stay for a while, but not anymore. She will go back this night, for her own safety. I will never let anything happen to her, ever!

“Hey love”

“Why do you look so lost in thought?” She asks calmly as she sits by myside on the bed.

The moment she touches my cheeks , electric sparks explode all over body and I shiver in excitement. She does the trick of making me shiver every time she touches me. I love her more then anything else in this world and I would have to die before I let something happen to her.

“I actually am lost in thought babe”

“What’s wrong?” She asks concerned and I look down at her in her Hazel brown eyes that are bewitching!

“I fucked up big time”

“Now you are scaring me”

“I have lost everything in this battle Alexis”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I don’t have the staff of Edification with me, my Elementals are gone, I’m all alone in this battle”

“What made them leave”

“They overheard me telling Mr. Callan my plans of having them killed after this battle, so they confronted me and left”

“Why would you even think of killing them? After everything they have done for you”

“Babe I have no idea what came over me. I swear it wasn’t intentional.”

“Babe, maybe this is a sign for you to stop fighting this battle. Let it be”

Yeah, Alexis has never wanted me to get involved in this battle, that’s one of the main reasons why I sent her over to Goodland. So wouldn’t manage to convince me to drop it. Saying no to her is very hard and the only way I could stop her from convincing me was to send her away.

Now that she is back, she is at it again.

“Babe I can’t give up now. We are just a step away from getting those powers”

“No you are not! You don’t have the staff and your Elementals have left you. There is no way you can win this battle without them! Even if you do, you don’t have the staff” She explains and I swear I feel ripping my head off my shoulders.

How on earth did I put myself I this very compromising situation?

“Babe, I’m not only doing this for myself, I’m doing this for you too, for our entire pack. If I become Paramount Alpha, you become Paramount Luna too. Our pack will the invincible, prosperous and other packs will serve us. Don’t you want that?”

“Not at the cost of you losing your soul Ralph. It’s not worth it. Even without the powers, you are still powerful and respected, let it go” She insists and I look at her in totally disbelieve.NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

I want to get mad at her, but I can’t.

I can’t even scold at her so I just rise from the bed and walk helter-skelter in frustration.

I hate being in this situation!


“No Alexis ! I refuse to give up! I have gone far in this battle and I will not give up just yet. I will win this battle, I will become the next Paramount Alpha, just you watch and see!” I scold at her and she goes mute on the bed. She quietly takes off her shoes, lays on the bed and covers her body with the duvet.


That’s the only thing I feel right now. All she wants is the best for me and it was wrong of me to scold her the way I just did.


Women and their drama!

“Baby” I call softly as I sit by her side on the bed. “I’m sorry for raising my voice at you. I’m sorry for taking this out on you, please don’t be mad at me.” I plead in a calm, soft voice and immediately, she takes off the duvet from her head and looks at me. My heart shatters into a million pieces when I see tears streaming down her cheeks.

I made her cry.

I fucking made my mate cry.

“Oh no…” I cry as I take her into my arms and kiss her forehead. ” I’m so sorry love, I swear I didn’t mean to make you cry”

“I just want you to be happy Ralph”

“I know, I know love. I’m sorry, I’m sorry for hurting you” I apologize as I cradle her in my arms.

“I love you Ralph”

“I love you more Alexis. I love you more than you can ever imagine”

And I mean it

I love my mate more than anyone or anything else in the entire world and I’m not going to let her down.

“Alpha Ralph” My beta calls through mind link.

“Yes Denzy, what’s up?”

“We have a surprise for you. Just come out of the castle right now.”

“What surprise?”

“Just come out, I promise you will love it” He blocks the mind link and I let out a heavy sigh of frustration.

I had better like the surprise.

“Going somewhere?” Alexis asks in a sleepy tone.

“Denzy says he has a surprise for me. I better go check it out”

“You won’t be out for long right?”

“I promise I won’t” I say as I kiss her forehead and cover her up with the duvet.

As I walk out of my bedroom, I can’t help but wonder what exactly the surprise is.

Could it be that they managed to convince the Elementals to come back?

I will be so grateful if that’s the case. That is literally the only thing that can make me happy right now.

“Bloody Elementals!” I curse as I descend the staircase.

How I wish this battle did not involve any special powers. This is a messed up.

I stride across the living room over to the door that leads to the mighty yard and when I open it, I almost faint at what I see.

There is an army of soldiers lined up at the yard all dressed in their uniforms and standing straight tall, holding various weapons.

My beta, gamma and Mr. Callan come forward and I look at them totally confused as to what’s actually going on.

“What’s going on?” I ask and Mr. Callan steps closer to me with a smile plastered on his face.

“Alpha Ralph, we understand that today has not been a very good day for you. I’m guessing right now you feel very discouraged about how things have turned out to be, but we are here to let you know that all hope is not lost” Mr. Callan explain and I roll my eyes.

“How will assembling all my soldiers assure me that all hope is not lost?”

“Oh you foolish boy” He darns in a frustrated tone and I almost laugh. “Think out of the box for once, these soldiers aren’t just gathered here for nothing”

“So what are they gathered here for?”

“You want the staff of edification, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do want it”

“Then we are going to go get it right now”

“An ambush?” I ask shocked and Mr. Leonard nods.

“Justly thought, rightly said. So, are you in?” He asks with a smile and a cocky smile creeps on my lips as well.

There is no way I’m going to miss this opportunity. I am so game for this!

“With everything that has got life in me”

“Perfect! We leave now!” He announces to the soldiers and they all make an about turn and start marching out of the castle gate.

I can’t miss this opportunity to get that staff. If my Elementals are gone, I can as well get the staff for myself.

No one will stop me this time around.

“Mr. Leonard, I don’t think I can thank you enough for doing this”

“You are like a son to me and what father’s do, is make sure their sons get the best of everything. We will go over to the East End Pack and steal that staff. You will emerge victorious in this battle with or without Elementals. Trust me”

“I trust you”

“Good, now let’s get going” He instructs and we march on.

The kind of determination he has instilled in me right now is unmeasurable.

I am ready to fight for what is rightfully mine!

When we get to the East end pack, I’m am beyond shocked to see Alpha Lance and his soldiers waiting for us at the castle gate.

Why is he always ten steps ahead.

“You seemed shocked Alpha Ralph” He says with a smile and swallow dryly as I step closer to him.

“Shock would be an understatement, I am astounded by your smartness. How did you know I was coming?”

“I had a dream!” He says in a poetic manner and I fight my urge to laugh. Actually I’m boiling in anger. This was supposed to be an ambush.


“I can see you are here with a few of your soldiers, why? If I may ask”

“Don’t ask questions you already have answers to Lance. You know exactly why I’m here”

“You are smarter than I gave you credit. Could you be here for this?” He asks stretching the staff of edification forward and I swallow dryly. That is what I want.

That’s all I need for this battle!

“There is no need to pretend Alpha Lance, I very know you are aware of the fact I am here for that staff”

“But I thought we agreed I was the one to keep the staff”

“And I repeat, that was never the plan!”

“Alright then, let’s do a dual. If you defeat me, you take the staff, if you don’t, I keep it”

“Do you honestly thing I will be stupid enough to have duel with you in your very own pack? Even if I win you won’t let me get out alive. This duel will be done at the boundary of our two packs!”

“That’s still fine with me. Off we go then” He says carelessly and as he turns to go, I charge towards him with utmost speed and seize the staff from his hand. He turns abruptly and gives me a hard punch in the face and as I lose my balance, the staff comes flying out of my hands once more. The moment I see him rushing over to get it, I spin around and rush towards it as well. We both hold the staff at both ends and start dragging.

“Let go of the staff!” Alpha Lance scolds and I smile as I shake my head.

“Never!” and the next thing I hear us a breaking noise. We both fall to the ground and that’s when I realize that the staff has broken and the piece I hold in my hand right now has transformed into a simple wooden stick.

I look up at Alpha Lance who looks just as terrified as I am.

There can only be one explanation for this.

This staff is fake!

We stole the fake staff a d Alpha Hardin still has the original Staff of Edification.

We are so doomed!

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