Chapter 95


“You let them take your Luna!” I scream in anger as I effortlessly lift up the table from the center and angrily shoot against the wall and it shatters into pieces. “How dare you!”

“I’m sorry Alpha, just that I panicked when I saw Alpha Hardin” my Beta confesses in fear and I chuckle.

“Panic, you panicked when you saw Alpha Hardin and you left your Luna behind, the Luna you are obliged to protect with your life!” I scream as I give him a hard punch in the jaw and he staggers backwards before as he rubs his cheeks.

I know how cruel Alpha Hardin can get to his enemies. He is going punish Yves severely.


This was such a had idea. What even made me think I would be able to get her so easily. I should have gone there myself, or better still, I should never have concurred to Roderick’s plans of abducting the Paramount Luna, now look at where it has landed me. How am I going to get my mate back.

“Alpha Lance, I promise we are going to find a way to get her back”

“That had better be done with immediate effect. I can’t do without my Luna, I need her” I lament as angrily kick the nearby couch.

“Um… Alpha, there’s something you need to know”

“And what could that be”

“My powers have no effect on Luna Reign”Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I shot a fire ball at her, but it quenched immediately. It did not hurt her”

“Bloody hell! Bloody hell! Bloody hell! How then are supposed to hurt them?” I ask in anger and they all just stay quiet.

I angrily bolt out of the office to no where in particular. This is all too much to take.

My plan to abduct Luna Reign failed, my mate has been captured and right now I just learned that Elemental powers do not work on Luna Reign, just what kind of Battle is this going to be then?

Hardin’S POV

It’s evening and we all are seated in my office. By all of us, I mean Me, Reign, Miguel, Carl and Leonard. We need to figure out what is actually going on, why the fire ball did not harm Reign.

“Like I said before…” Before Leonard can finish his statement, the office door bolts open and my mother who has on a very unimpressed look walks in.

“Mum” I call as I rise up from her seat but she just ignores me and take her seat amongst us. “Mum what are you doing?”

“I am sick and tired of you exempting from every vital fight that has to take place in this pack. No matter what I am still a Luna and it is my duty to make sure that my subjects are safe. Now, I don’t care what you have to say, but henceforth, I will be part of every meeting that has to do with discussing the issues of this war and none of you here will say no to that!” She declares and we all go mute.

There is dead silence in the entire office and the rest of us just give each other nervous stares.

I quietly take my seat and signal Leonard to go on.

“So, I was saying is that, details about this battle won’t be dished out at once, they will be revealed by the Moon goddess bit by bit and for the fact that the fire ball did not affect Luna Reign, it just makes a lot of sense. She has all the Elemental powers and normally, Elementals can’t hurt each other, so noni of the Elemental powers can hurt her.”

“Oh… yeah, that’s actually very logical”

“So, what about me, can I be hurt by them?”

“Yes you can, you don’t yet have the powers, so you can be hurt by the fire Elemental”


“So what does he have to do in order to get the powers and the immunity?” Mother asks from nowhere and we all give each other awkward glances.

“Well, Luna, he has to mate with Luna Reign before the powers will be shared” Leonard explains and I just cover my face with my palms as I let out a heavy sigh of frustration.

I hate when he says this.

“Oh, if that’s the case then what are you two waiting for?”

“Mum no, please don’t do this” I beg in embarrassment and I can see Reign’s face flush red.

“No, let me talk. You two need to mate in order to share the powers. This is a war and we need all the powers we can get to win it”

“Mum… please, just stop talking already, please” I please with all seriousness.

“Okay, I’m going to keep my mouth shut.” She concurs as she folds her arms over her chest and I just shake my head.


“If that’s all then, I’ll just head to bed. Leonard, thank you very much for the advice” Reign thanks as she rises up from her seat and leaves the office.

“That will be all for tonight, you all can go home, we will meet again tomorrow”

“Thank you Alpha Hardin” Leonard thanks as he leaves the office and both Carl and Miguel follow closely behind him. The moment they both close the door, I turn to face my mum with a stern look plastered on my face.

“Mum, please can you never do that again?”

“Do what exactly?”

“Talk about my sexuality in public. That was very embarrassing”

“Was it?”

“Yes it was!”

“Well, I’m not sorry for embarrassing you, but I’m not going to do it next time. That’s punishment for exempting me from all your plans, you better behave henceforth, else you won’t like what next I’ll say” Then she rises in her feet and exits the office.

“Mother!” I call in a frustrated as I rise up from the couch.

The only thing I have on my mind right is to go into my bedroom and cuddle Reign all night in my arms.

That is my new favorite thing to do.


“I feel like we are being left behind” Alpha Ralph Laments.

Remember I told you all I was going to gang up with him in this battle, yes, that’s exactly what I have done. I am going to assist him in taking down that overly pompous boy called Hardin.

“How do you mean Alpha Hardin?”

“Alpha Lance made a move even though it backfired, but was a great move, he even sent his Elemental to go and burn their training field, that’s quite an action. But here we are, sitting and doing nothing!”

“That’s because we have no Elementals yet. The marking process just reveals one Elemental, it’s until they mate that the other powers will arise”

“And why in the name of the moon goddess haven’t they mated yet. What the hell are they waiting for? A trumpet to announce that it’s time?”

“I have been asking myself that same question!”

“Honestly, I can’t sit here and wait till the other Elemental powers are awoken before I make a move. I need make them know that I’m in for this war too”

“So what do you suggest we do?”

“I’m gathering a few if my soldiers, we are going to attack their children’s training ground and hurt a few of them. That should leave a message”

“You are going to lose men, Hardin and his boys are really good”

“I have thousands of soldiers Logan, losing a few tens tomorrow won’t mean anything to me. I have to do this to make them understand that I’m coming for them”

“Oh okay.” I say nodding. “So, are you going to go with them?”

“Yes I will, I need to have a face to face chat with that Paramount Alpha. It’s about time he understands how much I really hate him”

“So you will attacking the children’s training ground tomorrow”

“Exactly” He agrees and I smile in satisfaction.

This is even getting more interesting than I thought it would.

If only Hardin knows what is coming his way.

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