The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Chapter Twenty

Daphne's Point of View

Caleb got me a gift. No one besides Luna Alma has ever gotten me a gift before. My sister use to sneak me books, food, and occasionally some little treat but I never considered those gifts. I have lived through countless birthdays, and holidays with no one even acknowledging me unless it was to bark orders. My hands are shaking as I am trying to take the bow off the velvet box. The box is very soft in my hands. Iam stunned when I finally open the box. °

Inside the soft velvet box is the most charming necklace I have ever seen. There are tiny diamonds lining the rose gold chain which is very fine. All of them lead down to a pristine teardrop shaped diamond pendant in the center.

Oh Moon Goddess surely this is not meant for me. Iam clumsy, I know I will break it. When I tell Caleb that I could not possibly accept this he acts heart broken. I try explaining to him that Iam wotried about breaking it.

Caleb makes all my fears into jokes. He informs me that he has more than enough money to replace the necklace if I break it. I like that he is assuring me without boasting. Then he is putting the necklace on me. There is a sharp contrast to the coolness of the necklace and the fire he is igniting every place

he touches my neck. | like feeling his hands on me. I worry though do! like it because I have not had any human touch in so long, or do! like it because he is my mate? *

Once the necklace is on Caleb is standing in front of me again. I notice we are close, very close. Just being this near to him is causing my breath to quicken. A part of me feels like Iam drowning in his eyes. He tells me that we need to go or else he is going to kiss me but neither of us moves our feet towards the door. Am I ready for my first kiss? Too late to wonder as Caleb starts lowering his face towards mine. It feels right, like I was meant to be here at this exact moment. Just as I think that we are indeed going to kiss there is a knock on the door. Caleb groans out loud and it causes me to giggle a little. : Iam slightly upset that our moment was broken, the knock shattered the small spell we were entwined in. I do find Caleb’s reaction slightly funny though. As Caleb strides toward the door I cannot help but watch his movements. The man is drop dead gorgeous. I like that he stands tall, no slouching. Even walking casually his movements are stealthy like a panther. My gaze drops down and I notice that even in a suit he has a great looking butt. :

As Caleb opens the door, I see arms trying to wrap around him.

Immediately there is an inferno burning through my body. My wolf is itching to come out and rip whoever is on the other side of the door apart. I can already feel my fingers elongating into claws. As Caleb moves to the side to avoid the person, I finally see who interrupted our time.

Standing in the doorway is Heather. Seeing her face is more than enough to amplify my rage. I know that she is talking to Caleb but all Ican see is a red haze. I did not even realize that I growled out loud until Caleb whipped his head back to look at me. My wolf is howling to rip Heather's throat out and shred the rest of her to pieces. My fingers are still mid shift into my claws. “Get away from him.” My left footsteps back and I am ready to pounce knowing that I can shift mid air and at least get the element of surprise.

Heather bites back, almost taking a step into the room. With her movements I get ready to leap, but Caleb steps in between us. Now he is confronting Heather. Hearing Caleb tell Heather that I am his mate is like a soothing balm to my soul. I am still angry, but lam calm enough to put my claws away. °

As Caleb closes the door, I start to examine my reaction. Why did I react so violently when Heather touched him? I have never been a fight, hell I have never even been in training. Truthfully had I attacked Heather there is a good chance that I would have had my butt handed to me. What had I been thinking? Why was I feeling this way? : I tried explaining to Caleb that I do not know what I was feeling. He explains that I was feeling jealous. It is nota feeling that I ever really wish to feel again. Then Caleb is telling me that seeing me being jealous was a turn on. Instantly the heat from earlier turns into something else entirely. I want Caleb to kiss me, but this is differently than early. Early was soft and sweet, now it is almost like I want to mark him. ° Before I can even process everything l am feeling and all the new emotions, Caleb is taking my hand and leading us out of the room. Instantly my mind goes back to being nervous about the ball. Having Caleb beside me is calming some of my fears, but I am still worried that I will embarrass us both.

“Caleb are you sure that you want to go to the ball with me?” I ask him as we are walking down the hallway towards the steps.

“Daphne there is no one else in this entire world that I would consider taking. You are my mate. I only want you.” He makes this statement so easily. How is he so sure that I am his mate? I wish now more than ever that I had been allowed to interact with more wolves in my old pack. If I had been allowed to join in or even observe them more than maybe I would be sure too. ° As we make our way to the bottom of the steps, Caleb starts heading towards the front door. My feet are frozen in place. Caleb looks back at me confused. “Iam not allowed to use the front door. I need to go out the back door.” I explain this to Caleb and once again my eyes

are on the floor again. *

Caleb pulls me into his arms right there in the hallway. “Daphne you are no longer a slave” he whispers into my ear. “You are my mate. You are my light and my life. You will never need to go outa certain door again. You do not need to hide. Hold your head high my love.” I know that he intends for his words to be comforting but I am terrified. If my father sees me, he will surely beat me senseless.

Caleb once again has my hand and is pulling me towards the front door. My mind is screeching at me to stop. I can barely breath, and I feel ice cold. Caleb again notices my distress. Instead of hugging me this time he turns and swoops me up in his arms.

No one has ever carried me before. Iam stunned into silence. Caleb reaches the front door, and just like that we are outside. Once we are on the steps, he sets me down, and takes my hand.

“If you ever get so scared that you can not carry on, I will be beside you to carry you through the fire.” Caleb’s words bring tears to my eyes. How can he promise so much? Does he not realize I am terrified of everything right now? All I can do is shake my head in acknowledgment of his words. ° Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

It is very romantic walking towards the meeting hall holding hands. The moonlight is casting soft shadows upon the ground. As we get closer to the ball my nerves are back in full force.

“Caleb, I have never danced before.” I look over at him, and he is smiling.

“Good that means I can teach you my love. 1am so happy that I get to be your first dance partner. Every man shall be jealous of me tonight because I will have the most gorgeous woman in the world in my arms tonight.” Caleb’s words make me blush. Before I know it we are rounding the corner and can see people milling into the meeting hall. Music can be heard from the open doors. I can hear the voices of many people talking and laughing. I am still nervous, and Caleb gives my hand a slight squeeze. As we near the doors Caleb turns and asks me if 1 am ready to go in. I truly don’t know if I am ready to go in, but it seems silly to just stand outside. Nodding my head, he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me in closer to his side. His hand is warm, and I appreciate the contact because it is comforting. Walking just like that we enter the ball.

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