The Billionaire’s Bargain Bride

Chapter 52

Kicked Out


This son of a bitch!

He thought I was still the same naive girl he married weeks ago. He might have saved me from my family, but that didn’t give him the right to ditch me whenever he wanted or take me when it felt right for him.

“I came here to apologize.” He looked surprised. His dick was hard, but who cared about it right now? I was just unprepared, and it was prominent.

“Well, I don’t give a crap of your damn apology. I want you to listen to me, husband. You don’t get to leave because you are pissed off of something or because a lot is going on on your plate right now. I deal with a lot of pressure every day too, but I have never treated someone terribly because I feel my world is about to be doomed. And may I remind you if in case it slips your mind. You are the one who told me that we’re in this together. Either we are, or we are not. That’s the only choice you’ve got.”

His jaw was set hard. He was about to say something, but I knew what it was.

“Very well then. The latter it is.” I pointed at the door. “Now, get the hell out of this room.”

His face turned into a stone. “You’re not serious. At this ungodly hour?”

“Do I still look like I am joking right now? Get out, Cenric!” I was sure my face was red, and my eyes were narrowing at him that he’d never seen in me before.

“Sadie,” he snapped.

“No.” That was flat straight no. I was beyond furious if it was even a thing.

“Boss, is everything okay?” Devin just knocked on the door.

“Shut up!” we even chorused.

“Leave this room, or I will?”

He growled, “You don’t get to make me choose, Sadie.”

“Oh, I do.” I chuckled with mockery. “I checked in to this room. I’m paying for this. And don’t you ever dare tell me that this is your money!”

“Jesus,” he muttered, running his hand through his hair. “When you calm down, we’ll talk about it.”

“This is me being calm, and your only chance is over. Get out, Cenric. I have work tomorrow. I need to rest.”

He closed his eyes for a moment. “If this is really what you want.”

“Out.” I pointed at the door.

He lifted his hands, gesturing a surrender. I was hurt, though, so much that he didn’t trust me enough. Deep inside me, I was celebrating my rare victory, and at the same, I was overreacting.

After he put his clothes on, he went to the door. I wanted him to turn around and tell him that he could stay and that I change my mind, but he would get used to seeing the weakling Sadie that was now long gone.


I woke up early and missed something. There was a big hollow and ache in my chest.

Apparently, Devin’s shopping spree yesterday was to a whole new level.

I put on a jogger suit and walked out of the hotel. As soon as my playlist blasted in my AirPods, I started running. The image of my pissed husband still lingered in my head, but he could suck it up or tell me what was going on in his head. I was sure it had nothing to do with the stock market or his net worth losses. He was still filthy rich. Maybe it had something to do with him and my family.

Everyone had gone through a rough patch, so did I, but that didn’t give me the right to mistreat someone. I stopped, catching my breath. I realized Cenric didn’t care about me except to warm his bed. The reality just felt like twisting a knife in my chest.

I went back to the hotel. Beck was already inside the suit.

“I guess hotel guests don’t need to knock anymore.” I took off my Airpods. “Why are you here, Beck? Aside from maybe your turn to babysit me.”

“Let me guess. You two didn’t bury the hatchet.”

“No, and I don’t care.”

“Just give him a few days. He’ll come around.”

“I hope a better man.” My eyes started to burn.

“A lot is going on in his life right now.”

“So do I, Beck. I get that he runs a billion-dollar empire, but I know it has nothing to do with it. But about what? I don’t know, and I want to know. I hate it when someone keeps something from me, especially when I feel it involves me somehow. Is he going to declare war against my father?”

He shrugged it off. I swore this man was a tough nut to crack, and I admired his resilience and loyalty. No wonder his best friend trusted him with his secrets than his wife.

“Come on! I know you know something. If there’s someone who knows him better, or he can keep his secrets to, it’s you, Beck. I know he’s close to Cas, but he trusts you more than anyone.”

“That might be true, but I’ve sworn to secrecy, and on top of that, he might have good reasons why he can’t tell you. But I swear to you, I have his ass.”

I shook my head in defeat and slumped my ass on the chair. “He’s frustrating.” I looked at my hand, at my wedding ring. “I thought he cares, but I’m just a pawn in his game—an irrelevant and a property that has a temporary use to him. Any day from now, he’s going to toss me when he’s done.”

“That’s not true. You have to believe me. Cenric cares about you, Sadie. I know that man.”

“Pfft. Whatever. I’m starving.” I went to the breakfast table and poured myself a cup of coffee. “Join me.”

“I just had before I came. Enjoy your breakfast. Devin will drive you to work.” He rose from your seat.

“Just keep him safe.”


After my breakfast, I went to work and made myself busy, hoping I would forget our disagreements. It was hard not to think of Cenric when he was like a plague stuck in my head.

An email popped on the screen of my monitor. It was from Cenric.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I’ll be away for the whole weekend. Take care of yourself.

My mouth slacked as I narrowed at the screen. Well, he also took this dispute to a whole new level. I might have to expect to receive a petition for divorce in a few days as well.

I typed my reply.

Enjoy your weekend getaway.

I was about to hit the send button when my hand hung in the air. I hit the exit instead.

I checked my contacts on my phone. I only had a few. Since Zhuri left the city, I had no friends I could talk to. Becka was far. These guys were crossed out from my list—they were not on my side.

I Facetimed with Becka instead.

Her face popped into the screen. “Oh, my God! Congratulations!”

I smiled. “Thank you, and I missed you.”

“Really? I missed you too. I wish we are in the same city. How are you? We haven’t spoken since you left. I thought you had forgotten me.”

“Are you serious? Of course, not. I’m just busy. And I’m good. How about you? And Austin, how’s he?”

“We’re doing great.” She paused. She must have noticed something. “What’s wrong, Sadie?”

“What do you mean?” My brows knitted.

“This isn’t a courtesy call. And something’s bothering you. What is it? Come on, spill it out.”

“Sorry. I’m such a terrible person. I only call if I need someone to talk to. And honestly, I have no one. My friend Zhuri left the city, and in this office, I don’t know them.”

“I’m here. I’m a friend, a family.”

I dropped my gaze. “Something’s going on with Cenric, and he doesn’t want me to get involved. We fought last night. I have stayed in the hotel since yesterday. This morning, he emailed me that he would be out of town for the weekend. Should I be worried?”

“Oh, boy. Your first fight?”

“Nope. Second actually.”

“But this one is big?”

“Yeah. Kinda.” I shrugged. “It hurts more than before. I guess I care about him more than I’d like to admit. I mean, you know that I like him a lot.” I let go of a shaky breath when my eyes started to water. I looked up before I sighed and focused back on the phone screen. “I think I’m in love with Cenric.”

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