The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 109

lan POV

I watched out of the corner of my eye as Knox deftly began to cut up Faith's hamburger into pieces for her, while a grateful Dawn watched on. For some reason, the little girl seemed taken with Knox and with Flair, not to mention my father. She seemed to gravitate towards them, on and off, between visiting her mother and me. I didn't mind. Knox was great with her, doing what she asked, helping, and playing games with her. Lorelai was content to sit between Flair and her husband, nibbling on her food and moaning in "So much better than hospital food," she said and Flair nodded solemnly in agreement.


"So lan" Grayson leaned forward and studied me intently "how do you feel knowing that Abigail Stevens has gone to prison for life?"

I stiffened and chose my words carefully "It's the least she deserves but it gives me small comfort, knowing what she's taken from me" I said bitterly "However, had she not shot me, then I never would have met Dawn" I paused and took hold of her hand, seeing her eyes rest anxiously on my face "so there is something to be grateful for in that. A silver lining, I suppose."

"And Karen?" Flair prodded turning to Knox "You still have been unable to locate her?" she sounded a little disbelieving. Knox grimaced and ran a hand through his hair "I have been a little preoccupied" he growled "but unless she uses credit cards, known bank accounts, anything digitally linked to her, I can't find her. She could be in another country for all I know, biding her time. Maybe she's too afraid to come back, knowing that she failed to get rid of us a second time" he added thoughtfully.

"I doubt it," I said scornfully, as all eyes turned to me, my father listening in the background, his head c****d, Carina also listening silently "She's too angry about the death of her daughter. She blames us. Primarily it would have been Grayson and Flair, but we are the ones who found the information that helped to put her daughter away" I told Knox "and she's the one that blames us for Charlotte taking her life. If it hadn't been for us, she never would have been put away. Eliminating us is what her end goal is. She's not going to give up, not so easily."

Faith was eating, subtly passing small bits of hamburger to Patches who lay under the table, wagging his tail as she fed him tidbits of food. My father was aware that she was feeding the dog and pretending to be oblivious while he kept an eye on how much she gave him. The poor dog would probably be missing out on his food tonight to make up for it.

"Maybe she's had a change of heart?" Dawn suggested timidly "Maybe she's had a chance to think about her actions and decided that she's just had enough?"

She knew only a little about the story, I had not divulged everything to her, in case it frightened her.

I wished. I shook my head and Knox did too. "All we can do is wait until she is lured back out to the open. We maintain our strict security procedures, take different routes back home, ensure we have bodyguards with us, etc. She'll slip up eventually" I growled, gnawing on my roll with a fierce glare.

"I still have that taser you gave me. It got given back" Flair said to Knox, looking meaningfully at Grayson who scowled "I can attest to its usefulness" she added.

"Do I need to be worried?" Dawn asked gravely, turning to me "do I need to be extra cautious. How likely is this woman to do something like go after Faith?" she asked.

I rushed to reassure her "She'll never get to lay a hand on Faith, ever" I snarled "because she won't get within five inches of her or you. I swear to you, I have made certain that you and your family" I glanced over at Carina who was gazing silently down at her glass "are covered."

"So when is the wedding?" Lorelai broke out, easing the tension in the air and looking at Dawn's finger with a crease in her brow "When are you planning on getting hitched?"

I groaned "Not for a while," I told her as Dawn gave a nervous giggle "We thought we would have an extended engagement first."

"Why?" asked Flair "I would just do it. Get it over and done with. Unless you are wanting some ostentatious wedding that's over the top and vulgar?" she continued bluntly.

I sighed. "No, we don't want that, but Dawn and I would like to get to know each other better and a long engagement would..."

"Do absolutely nothing since you already know how you feel about each other" Flair said argumentatively, turning to Grayson with a wicked grin "Am I right Grayson? When you know, you know" she said, glancing at Dawn who blushed a becoming pink color "no amount of time is going to tell you any differently."

"Now Flair" Knox began nervously as his sister turned to him for support "I don't want to get in the middle of this..." he put his hand up while Lorelai snorted beside him.

"What do you say Lorelai?" Flair said, pinning her with a gaze "Is it better to wait or get it over with."

Lorelai shot me an apologetic glance "Honestly, if I could have the choice all over again, especially since lan never got to attend our wedding" she said in a remorseful whisper "I would say just do it and have a small one. Forget about the fancy trimmings, because the only thing that matters on the day, is the love you have for each other."

The two women clinked their glasses together nodding in agreement. Dawn was giggling while I frowned at the women. They were supposed to be on my side. Knox was struggling to contain his own laughter. Grayson was holding Hunter in his arms while the boy feasted on bits of hot dog, his mouth opening and closing with enthusiasm.

"It's not fair to pressure Dawn like this" I growled.

But Dawn was looking thoughtful now. The women pointed at her, smug expressions on their faces.

There was suddenly a large ruckus by the gate leading into our compound or backyard. The sounds of yelling could be heard, heavy thuds, and a lot of swearing. The women shot each other uneasy glances. Grayson stood up, handing Hunter to Flair. "Get in the house," he said urgently and Flair didn't hesitate, doing as he bid, waving Carina to follow her. Faith followed behind, clutching Carina's hand, her face turning towards Dawn with anxiety but Dawn was looking a little worried now, even as her hair billowed around her head. Mr father's cell phone rang. He answered it, his voice frigid and cold. He was not happy about the interruption to our family gathering which had been going so well until now.

"There better be a good reason for this interruption."

"How did he get on our premises? What did you say his relationship to her is? Who he claims to be?" A pause and a frown on my father's face, a scowl, and then a look of utter irritation. "Regardless of who he is, he should not have made it so close to the gate. That's on you" he growled "and I'll be having a discussion about this later in regards to improvements. As for him" he exhaled and glanced at our group, a look of apology coming onto his face "Give us five minutes to clear the premises and then bring him in. We might as well hear what he has to say now instead of waiting for him to try something stupid again. Wait for my call" he snapped and then hung up, putting his cell phone back in his pocket moodily.

Silence. My father exhaled again and then turned to Knox. "Have the women clear out. Lorelai needs to go upstairs with Gabriel. Carina and Faith too. I don't want either of them sticking their heads out" he warned "Stay with them. Advise Flair and Grayson that they need to leave promptly and give our apologies. Tell them I'll explain later and make sure that they have everything they need, including Hunter's diaper bag. This doesn't involve you" he said to Knox who looked at our father questioningly, hesitated, and then nodded, quickly heading inside to do as he bid.

"Dawn you should..." I began but my father held up his hand and shook his head.

"Wait lan," he said gruffly "because while this does not involve Knox or Flair, this does pertain to Dawn and her daughter Faith. She should be here for this. I'm sorry to do this to you, Dawn," he said, frowning while my fiancee stiffened "but the guards managed to tackle a man attempting to climb over the fence and gate in order to get to us. Primarily" he said with a sigh "he wanted to get to you. Evidently he found out that you were lan's fiancee and worked out where you were."noveldrama

I was confused. Dawn was confused. She brushed her hair back, looking bewildered. "I don't understand," she said with trembling lips as I felt a fierce rage begin to rise inside of me "Who would be foolish enough to try and break into this place of all places in order to get to me?"

Realization struck the two of us, even as Father narrowed his eyes and regarded us both with a look that seemed almost pitying. "The man claims his name is Dexter," he said softly, as Dawn began to go pale and sway back and forth on her feet "and he is making the claim that he is Faith's biological father and as such, has rights to see her. Visit Job n i b .co m to read the complete chapters for free. According to the guards he's quite" my father looked angry now as he glared towards the gate "intoxicated. Forgive me but I don't think that Faith should see her father if he is indeed that," he said heavily "looking like that. We should clear up this mess now and figure out our next move from there."

"So much for being clean," Dawn said quietly, as she trembled beside me, the blood draining from her face "he is Faith's father but it's complicated. Can't you just send him away?"

"Unfortunately not if this is a custody matter" my father was kind, even while I gripped the armrests of my chair wishing I could strangle the man threatening the very fabric of our lives "But we can stay here and offer our support, even a lawyer if you need it. He can't take her" he was quick to assure Dawn who nodded grimly "but if we deny him he could get the police involved and nobody here wants that if we can help it."

"Let him in Father," I said with determination "Let's hear what Dexter here has to say before Faith tries to come back down." I met his eyes and watched as he pulled his phone back out to call the guards and instruct them to bring Dexter in. Dawn looked close to collapsing and it was all I could do to grab her hand in silent reassurance. I would never let Dexter take Faith away from us or her mother. I didn't know Dexter, but I already hated the man.

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