The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 111

lan POV

Dexter was smarter than I gave him credit for. Instead of choosing to meet us back at the mansion, he sent Dawn specific instructions to meet him at a nearby park with only myself and a lawyer in his presence to discuss custody arrangements. He must have known we would try something. I had spoken to Knox and arranged for our conversation to be recorded, but would now need to use earpieces and hope that the signal could be picked up from the extended range instead of the room that Knox had intended it to be in. Dawn was nervous and more than a little apprehensive as we left Faith behind with Carina who looked like she wanted to clock Dexter herself.

"Knox, can you hear me?" I asked quietly, adjusting the earpiece.

"Loud and clear. I have full signal" he confirmed "So long as there isn't anything to jam the equipment or prevent the signal, you are clear to go."

We were at the park, Dawn wheeling my chair up to a nearby picnic table and sitting beside me, nibbling away on her nails, even as I reached over and tried to take her hand, squeezing it hard.

"Dawn, you'll be fine."

She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. She glanced around the park, as did I, our eyes spotting Dexter with a man in an immaculate suit, heading up the hill towards us, briefcase in hand. We had elected not to have a lawyer but had one on standby in case. I was surprised that Dexter had wanted to part with any of his hard-won cash to hire a lawyer at all. He didn't strike me as the type to be generous with his money or smart with it.

"Ah, Mr. Grant and the soon-to-be Mrs. Grant," Dexter said, his body stiff as he slid onto the bench, the man holding the briefcase sliding in beside him.

"This is Mr. Woo," he said and the man nodded, holding out his hand, shaking mine and then Dawn's politely, a smile of restraint on his face.

"No lawyer?" Dexter smirked, raising a brow "You must be more naive than I thought or more stupid. It's hard to tell."

"I simply don't think one is necessary but if required I can have one here in minutes."

My voice was even and calm. Dexter shot a glance at his lawyer who merely nodded pleasantly.

"Well let's get down to business," Dexter said, rubbing his hands briskly together.

"Very well" my voice was cold "Why don't you state the reason for this meeting, Mr Robins?" Dexter's last name was used in deliberation and as a way to provoke him.

Dexter gave a slow smile "Ah, you think using my last name is going to make me mad. Very well, we are here to discuss the custody arrangements of our daughter Faith, isn't that right Dawn?"

Dawn bit her lip but stayed silent, as I'd asked her to do. Mr Woo blinked his eyes and looked at me "Is there a custody arrangement already in place?"

"No" I was blunt "there is not. Not legally."

The lawyer scribbled away on his pad. Dawn glanced at me and I nodded at her. She gave a shaky smile. "Very well then let's just have a discussion" Mr Woo suggested quietly "I understand that Miss Evans has had custody of Faith Evans for the last four years or so, is that correct?"

"Yes," Dawn said quietly "I have had full-time solo custody of Dawn for those years."

"In that time how often would you say that Dexter Robins has seen his daughter?" he asked.

Dexter scowled as Dawn glared at him "Maybe about twenty times if that" she confirmed with a scathing tone.

"Mr Robins, what is your reasoning for visiting Faith so few times?"

"I was addicted to drugs and unable to visit her while under the influence. I'm clean now and eager to resume a relationship with my daughter" he said crossing his arms.

"Bullshit, you just want" Dawn began and I hurriedly shushed her, causing her to flush and glare down at the table.

"Have you paid child support?" Mr Woo asked Dexter who hesitantly shook his head.

"I have not. Sometimes I gave Dawn money but not consistently" he confirmed.

"Do you see there being anything that would prevent you from seeing your daughter or having her on a regular basis if you should receive fifty percent custody of Faith?" Mr Woo continued to ask, writing away as Dexter shook his head. "No."

"What about you Miss Evans, what are your thoughts on Mr Robins having fifty percent custody of his daughter?"

Dawn laughed as I winced "I think the very notion of this irresponsible man, having to take care of somebody other than himself is the most stupid idea I have ever heard."

"You see" Dexter exploded as the lawyer nodded and wrote it down, "I told you that she would be unreasonable and that this would have to involve the courts. She's making me out to be a bad father when I'm not. I've done what I had to do to get clean and Faith is biologically mine" he insisted, slamming his fist down on the table "I have a right to see her and to have her at my place."

"Mr Robins, please calm yourself. If this needs to go to the courts then by all means we will go through the process but first, let's just see where everybody's thoughts lie."

Dexter flattened his lips and glanced away. Mr Woo sighed. "When does Faith start kindergarten?" he asked.

"Next year" Dawn supplied tersely "I have her enrolled at the local school already."

Mr Woo nodded.

Dexter was doing a good job of convincing the lawyer that he wanted custody of Faith but I was waiting for him to mention the money. I had warned Dawn that we couldn't mention it, or offer it. It had to come from his lips. Otherwise, the plan would not work. "Dexter, do you work?" I asked smoothly, causing Mr Woo to frown and glance at his client "Looking after a child is very expensive. You have medical bills, food, electricity, utilities, accommodation, and all the necessities you have to provide for them, especially if you want fifty percent custody. What proof do you have that you are going to be able to afford to have Faith for that period of time?"

Dexter shot us a nasty glance "I might not work but I'm not worried about providing for her" he snarled.

Mr Woo looked taken aback. "Mr. Robins without employment, Mr Grant is correct. It is expensive to provide for a child and their necessities. If this goes to court the judge will look at your financials and whether it's even feasible for you to have your daughter." Dexter waved a dismissive hand "Stop worrying about it. I know exactly what I'm doing You're just here to bare witness" he taunted.

Mr Woo adjusted his spectacles. I shot Dawn a meaningful look. I knew that Dexter was about to make a big mistake. Or at least I hoped he would. But if this could be done legally then so be it.

"I'm willing to stop my claim for custody if they give me what I ask for" Dexter blurted out.

"Are you talking about a bribe?" Mr Woo said, looking at his client disapprovingly.

"I'm talking about monetary compensation in exchange for terminating my parental rights. I looked it up online" Dexter said as I groaned inwardly "It's perfectly legal. At least in this state."

"Legal but frowned upon," Mr Woo said heavily "and if you agree to this, then there is no taking it back. Terminating your rights means you will no longer have access to your daughter at all. Are you willing to give her up for the mere sake of money?" he sounded incredulous and more than a little disapproving.

Clearly Dexter had not filled his lawyer in on his plan.

Dexter smirked at his lawyer "For the right amount I would give her up in a heartbeat. I never wanted her in the first place" he divulged and it took all I had in me not to hit him at that statement.

Dawn looked furious. The lawyer looked resigned. He pushed his spectacles up his nose. "Very well" he sighed glancing at us "In that case all parties would have to agree to a lump monetary sum that would provide Mr Robins with the compensation value he requires to terminate his rights and prevent him from access to the child now and in the future. I can write up a legal document for all parties to sign and another one for Mr Robins to terminate his rights. However, the monetary value must be agreed on first and by all willing parties."

Dexter looked smug. "I want 20 million in cash by tonight," he said "I want to leave before Faith realizes I'm back and wants to see me."

Son of a b***h. He didn't even have the decency to see his daughter one last time to say a final goodbye. I could feel my fury growing by the second. The lawyer even looked disgusted with him. I knew Knox was listening to everything being said. I didn't have to hesitate or even think about it. I wanted this man gone. Faith would be better off without this miserable excuse of a father in her life. If this is what it took, I would gladly pay for it.


"Excellent" Dexter smiled while the lawyer shook his head in disapproval "I want it in a briefcase and brought to me tonight. Only I want Dawn to bring it to me by herself" he said, while I started to shake my head "otherwise it's no deal."noveldrama

"I'll do it" Dawn interrupted even as I tried to refuse "if this gets you away from me and my daughter then I'll bring it to you. Are you satisfied now?" she asked him bitterly.

Dexter's eyes gleamed as he began to stand up "Almost Dawn" he said quietly "but make sure you come alone or the deals off" he added, shooting me a sharp glance as I glared at him.

Like hell, I would let Dawn take that briefcase to him alone. He was insane if he thought I would put her life at risk like that. "I will have the documents signed and couriered to your house immediately Mr. Grant and Miss Evans," Mr. Woo said respectfully, shooting Dawn a sympathetic look "Once you have signed them and witnessed by your own lawyer they will immediately be in effect" he warned, standing up and following behind his client with a look of revulsion as he glanced over his shoulder.

I turned my head and stared at Dawn "What in the hell are you thinking? Do you honestly think I'm about to let you go to him tonight alone? He has something up his sleeve Dawn and I don't trust him."

"I don't have a choice" she whispered as she put her head in her hands "if we want him to go then we play by his rules. Please lan, after tonight we won't ever see him again, I'm sure of it."

We wouldn't but not because of the money. Dexter wasn't the only one with plans.

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