The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 53

Knox POV

I wake up slowly, aware of Lorelai's body pressed next to mine and reluctantly peel away from her. She's fast asleep, her body curled up, her lips curved in a soft smile. I wonder what she's dreaming about as she snuggles into her pillow, while I hurriedly shower and get dressed, not wanting to disturb her after last night's disaster. She should never have been put in such a position. I scowl as I walk out of the room, closing it gently behind me and making my way downstairs, not surprised to find that my father and lan are waiting patiently for me in the dining room.

"How is she?" Father's voice is filled with concern.

"About as okay as you can expect her to be considering" my voice is tense.

lan raises a brow "You surprise me, considering the circumstances, I half expected you to retaliate despite Lorelai's objection. You've never shown such restraint in matters like this before" he comments nonchalantly.

I glare "I would still, but as I recall Abigail Steven's father is important to the business and you wouldn't like him to be offended. However, should she pull such a stunt again, not even Lorelai is going to be able to stop me from doing something to put that b***h in her place" My tone is venomous.

"I for one am grateful for the compassion she showed, it's to be commendable" my father interrupts before lan and I get into a heated argument "and you handled yourself remarkably. I'm proud of you Knox."

"Don't be" I mutter sourly "If I had been more attentive at the fundraiser, Lorelai would never have been humiliated in the first place."

My father sighs "Knox, you could never have seen Abigail taking such a vindictive action."

I realize he's got the puppy on his lap as he stares me down, his hand creeping below the table to subtly pat it while lan and I pretended not to notice, "However the engagement that you've declared between yourself and Lorelai does complicate things." He narrows his eyes at me. I shift on the chair, staring down at the table. I knew he would get around to lecturing me. lan merely smirks, enjoying my discomfort. Bastard.

"You haven't actually asked Lorelai to marry you, have you?" Father asks, pinning me with his gaze.

I avoid his eyes. He drums his fingers on the table. I swallow. Silence at the table. I let out a low growl of frustration. Why does he have to make everything such a big deal or so complicated?

"No" I exhale as Father shakes his head in resignation "but I'm sure that..."

"What? That Lorelai has no objections? Knox, you need to think before you speak. You announced it in front of the press and now there's no taking it back" my father admonished me heavily "Everybody will be looking towards you both now, the paparazzi will increase and they'll be waiting to see when you pick a ring out."

I grit my teeth "I know that" I snap "but I needed to do something. As my fiance Lorelai will be protected, she'll be given respect. It will give her more status than just as a girlfriend."

"But taking this step so fast?" My father is incredulous "Knox you've never had a serious relationship before. Don't you think that in this case, it should be a look before you leap? I know you like Lorelai but..."

"But what? I'm an adult" I tell him evenly as he pauses "I am fully able to make my own decisions father."

lan nods "He is. We can try and protect him, but in this instance, perhaps it's best that we let lan lead. He knows how he feels and he knows his own heart and mind," he tells Father while I look at him gratefully "we need to stop treating him differently just because of his eccentricities."

"I appreciate that," I say to lan in a low voice as my brother nods, plates of food put in front of us by the maids.

lan begins to dig in while father slips patches a piece of bacon, the puppy wagging its tail happily.

"I just want the best for both of you boys," My father says, glancing between the two of us "You both make me so proud. Your mother, she was the love of my life" he sighs and looks nostalgic "and I want that for you. I've never looked at another woman since she passed away and I don't think I ever will" he added gloomily "a love like that only comes once in a lifetime, may she rest in peace."

My phone dings. I glance at it and then stiffen. Ian cranes his head to look as I wordlessly hold up the phone. Karen's been granted bail and she's now awaiting another court date for her trial due to exceptional circumstances. I frown. "What exceptional circumstances?" lan frowns, looking moody.

I shrug "I don't know and I don't care so long as somebody is on her at all times. She gets nowhere near us or Lorelai" I mutter, quickly shooting off a message while lan begins to push his plate away, no longer hungry. The doorbell rings. "I'll get it" lan offers.

He scurries away. Father looks me directly in the eyes. "I won't pretend that I'm ecstatic at the circumstances that you're in but I am happy you've found someone you like. But if the engagement is called off" he warns in a low voice as I listen, my heart pounding away in my chest "you'll look like a fool. I will have no choice but to arrange a new bride for you if that happens and I don't want to do that. Make sure that Lorelai is happy with how things are developing, for both your sakes. You might be able to walk away with your pride wounded, but she'll never be able to recover if it all goes to hell. Remember that Knox."

He was warning me. I nod. I'm not naive. Father eyes me shrewdly and then nods to himself pleased. Mr Deluca comes wandering into the kitchen chuckling. "Quite a s**t show last night eh Knox" he comments bluntly while I wince "That poor girl must have been utterly humiliated. Shame you can't just up and shoot the person responsible for it."

My father smiles at his friend. "What a pleasure to see you, John," he says calmly.

Mr Deluca grins and sits at the table. "I've never seen such entertainment. I tell you, women scorned are capable of doing the most bitchy things. It was like seeing Charlotte back in action" he said chuckling and shaking his head "Only she's not there." "How are Flair and Grayson doing and the baby?" Father quickly changes the subject.

Mr Deluca's face is wreathed in smiles. "Marvellous," he says beaming "The little tike is going to be a troublemaker I can tell. He's got his mother wrapped around his tiny finger and Grayson is absolutely smitten with him. Kid could get away with murder, no problems" he chuckled.

"Really, because I heard that Hunter's Grandfather is quite a softie when it comes to him" my father chirps while Mr Deluca frowns at him.

"Not soft, merely trying to be a role model and show what kindness and compassion is" Mr Deluca muttered while my father hid a grin and I tried not to laugh at how injured he looked by the compliment.

"Anyways," Mr. Deluca says exhaling and turning his head to regard me again "congratulations on your engagement. It was all over the news this morning and late last night. I never pictured you for the settling down type, given your ahem" he pauses and then wrinkles his nose and goes for the blunt truth "quirks but I'm happy for you. Lorelai seems like a lovely girl" he added.

"He hasn't asked her" My father informed him.

Mr. Deluca's eyes sparkled "Putting the horse before the cart eh Knox? Bit foolish but the move might prove effective for you. Still, might have been wise to ask the lady in question before announcing it," he said rebuking me while I winced.

lan smirked from the doorway, leaning against it and listening, a grin on his face.

"I wasn't thinking" I uttered trying not to sound petulant.noveldrama

Couldn't a guy catch a break? Mr Deluca snorted "Sounds just like any fool that's fallen head over heels for a beautiful woman."

I looked at him indignantly. My father chuckled and nodded in agreement. "I'll wager that it won't be long until the wedding" Mr Deluca continued and then gave my father a sly look "Care to make a wager with me?"

"Are you seriously trying to make a bet on the wedding date?" I snap.

My father leans forward "What are you thinking? One month. two? Let's discuss this in the study where Knox can't be influenced by our discussion" he added, grabbing Patches and standing.

"Good idea" Mr Deluca agrees, reaching over to pat the Dalmatian puppy on the head "What a cute puppy," he says smiling while I glare at them both as they walk away, their heads leaning in close together as they begin to mutter amongst themselves.

I hear footsteps and then the sound of Lorelai's voice. I tense. "Sounds like you're about to have that important discussion with Lorelai," lan says, peeling away from the doorframe and uncrossing his arms, his eyes dancing with amusement "Don't screw up. I need to go see Mr. Deluca and put in for the bet. I can't win if you don't get married" he advised me cheerfully as I grabbed a roll off the plate and threw it at the back of his head.

A tentative Lorelai comes into the dining room. She's changed into basic clothing, her hairs tossed up in a messy ponytail and she looks exhausted, despite the amount of sleep she's gotten. She has her arms wrapped protectively around herself and she looks frail. Like she could snap in half at any given moment. I stand up and she puts a hand up to prevent me moving closer. I pause, raking my gaze over her. She looks on the verge of tears and there's no colour in her face. I just want to hold her. I just want to reassure her everything's going to be okay, but looking at her and the expression she has on her face, I don't know if that's the truth anymore. "We need to talk."

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