The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 57

Knox POV

Something happened in that store. I noticed that Abigail spoke to Lorelai, it was why I broke my conversation short with the manager. As we left, I turned my head to speak to an ashen Lorelai who was tight-lipped. I was willing to bet that whatever Abigail had spewed, it had been nothing but nonsense. "What did she say?" I asked mildly, trying to probe.

Lorelai glanced away from me "Nothing" she lied.

She was a terrible liar. She needed to work on her poker face, I thought studying her.

I frown and direct her towards the limousine. We're stopped by a flurry of reporters who have gotten wind that we're ring shopping. Lorelai stiffens but I expected this. After all, I was the one who had leaked the information while we were in the store. I put an arm around Lorelai while our bodyguard moves forward, grunting and holding the cage still, which I motion for him to place into the limousine. He does so scowling.

"Rumor has it that you were just seen inside none other than Sophisticate Jewelry, the most high-end jewelry store in the country, picking out your engagement ring" one of the reporters cuts in excitedly, her blonde hair bobbing up and down as she shoves the microphone towards us both "is the rumor true?"

I sense Abigail and her friend looking towards us as they exit the store and I turn, deliberately, so that they are forced to see us where they are standing. Abigail looks furious. I smirk at her while Lorelai looks like a deer caught in headlights. If Abigail wasn't going to take the hint that I was no longer in the market, then this should take care of the problem. I was still peeved that Lorelai had insisted I not retaliate with that stunt she had pulled off embarrassing Lorelai at the fundraiser.

I hold up Lorelai's hand to show off the ring while the reporters zoom in and begin to chatter amongst themselves. "Mr Knox, that's quite a modest ring by anyone's standards. Did you choose the ring or did Miss Mathews?"

"Miss Mathews chose the ring and I abided by her wishes. I am lucky in that my fiancee has both excellent taste and apparently no desire to spend as much of my money as possible as well" I say jokingly, making the reporters laugh out loud. Lorelai flushes but smiles. I can see Abigail scowling in the distance and flipping her hair as she angrily gestures towards us, deep in discussion with her friend.

"Do you have a date set yet?"

I shake my head firmly "Having just got engaged, we see no reason to rush things just yet. I'm overjoyed that Miss Mathews has accepted my proposal and both of us are looking forward to planning a wedding that meets both of our expectations. I want Lorelai to be happy and I will do whatever it takes to make that happen."

I turn and smile at my fiancee, holding her hand and pressing it to my lips. There are sighs in the crowd as they watch, several women looking envious.

"Miss Mathews, in regards to the scandal, is there anything more you wish to say? The person responsible for leaking the video and revealing your previous occupation has yet to be punished for their actions. What's to stop them from trying to do the same thing to you again?"

This time my eyes flash and I look pointedly over at Abigail, some of the reporters following my line of sight. "The person responsible for everything would do well to keep themselves as far away from mine and my fiancee's business as they possibly could. While I admire Lorelai's capacity to show such compassion and forgiveness" I pause and narrow my eyes at Abigail who had moved closer in order to hear every word "I am not so forgiving when it comes to those who have hurt people that I love. Should it happen again that person will find themselves in a world of pain."

It was a promise, not a threat and Abigail's expression said she knew it too. But rather than looking upset or panicked, she looked angry as she glanced between myself and Lorelai. I didn't understand what was going through her head. When had she become so obsessed with me? It made no sense. Had I been this oblivious to how she felt about me this entire time? "Miss Mathews, why did you choose an emerald ring rather than the traditional diamond ring?"

Lorelai's lips curved into a soft smile "I have always loved emeralds and have never been the traditional type. This is my dream ring and Knox was kind enough to get it for me, even if it seems a little quirky. The ring means a lot to me now because he loved me enough to get something I wanted, rather than what he believed I should have" she added and I couldn't help the goofy grin appearing on my face.

"Are you planning on having children in the near future?"

Lorelai stiffens. I cough and step forward. "That's enough, you're beginning to frighten my fiancee" I joke as they giggle "You've asked your questions and gotten your pictures of the ring, now let us go in peace. When we choose a wedding date you'll be the first to know" I add and the reporters nod, quickly dispersing.

I glance towards Abigail who is still staring at us. Lorelai follows my gaze. "Knox" she whispers as I look back towards her "Are you sure there wasn't anything between you and Abigail?" she asks as I stare at her incredulously.

"Nothing. Not even a single damn date" I told her honestly "Whatever Abigail is telling you, it's all in her head. Why?" I demand "What did she say to you?"

Lorelai hesitates. Abigail comes storming up. I move to protect my fiancee from her. The bodyguard puts himself between Abigail and myself. Abigail's face is contorted into an ugly expression, her friend nervously hovering behind her. "You're nothing but a cad Knox Grant" she hisses, while I stand there in disbelief "leading me on with your lies and your false promises. Do you think that my father will allow you to continue insulting me like this?"

"Abigail, we never had an agreement" I retort, motioning for Lorelai to get into the limousine "and I'm not afraid of your father. If anything he should be embarrassed by your behavior" I told her brutally.

She sneers at me "You were willing to marry me until this little slut came along" she points at Lorelai "Don't deny it. You told me I was beautiful, you kissed me."

I wince. I had kissed her but only because she had made the first move. It hadn't been pleasant, her lips had felt like ice and she wasn't very experienced, making it terrible, but evidently she felt like it had meant more than it did.

"You kissed me that day," I told her evenly "You initiated it and I kissed you because I felt pity for you. You seemed so desperate to have me like you."

"Don't lie" she screamed "You wanted me. Stop pretending that I'm nothing now. I swear Knox Grant, you're going to pay for what you've done to me. If you leave her" she points at Lorelai again as I stare at her bemused "then we can just start over, start anew" she breathes, her eyes shining.

Start over? We never had anything to begin with. I began to feel unsettled. There was something off about the way that Abigail was behaving. I shook my head subtly at the bodyguard while I grabbed the cage from the ground and hastily popped it into the limousine with Lorelai.

"Abigail, you'll find somebody of your very own," I told her kindly, keeping a close eye on her "but I'm not the man for you. There's someone out there that will be your other half and you'll be glad you waited for them."noveldrama

She scowls. I slide into the limousine. The bodyguard shuts the door and waits until we begin to drive away before heading for his own vehicle. I glance at Lorelai who looks a little wan.

"I don't think she got the memo," Lorelai says ruefully "Knox, I don't think she's completely sane" she continues a little concerned "Maybe you should be a bit more careful when speaking to her."

I wave a dismissive hand "Abigail is harmless, it's all bluster. There's nothing she can do to harm me. I'm sorry she leaked that video but there's nothing she can do physically to harm either of us. She'll come around and realize she's been acting crazy soon enough." Lorelai didn't look so certain of that. I settled back against the seat.

"Knox, I think she's dangerous" Lorelai's voice is a low murmur.

I blink. "Lorelai she's just a spoilt little rich girl who is not used to the word no. She's acting like a brat who had her favorite toy taken off her. I promise you, she's not going to do anything" I vowed.

Lorelai bit her lip and then sighed. "I guess you know her better than I do."

My phone rings. I glance at the caller ID and then answer.

"What's up, lan?"

"Come past the company. There's a situation, one that involves the both of you."

"Do you think you could elaborate?" I ask lightly.

"The prosecution for Karen's case is here. They've decided that there's not enough evidence to take Karen to trial." "What? We have her on surveillance camera, she shot Lorelai, she bribed a guard, what more do they need?" I explode. "The evidence has gone missing." What? I'm certain I've misheard him. The evidence has been securely locked up by the authorities and undergone the proper chain of custody. I gripped my cell phone tighter while Lorelai looked at me with a worried expression.

"Can you repeat that?" my voice is terse.

"The evidence has magically gone missing" lan's voice is tight.

He sounds just as angry. I close my eyes and rub my temple. I'm on the verge of throwing the phone but refrain. "Keep the prosecutor there" I instruct lan peevishly "We'll be there in five and for heaven's sake he better have a good explanation for this. They personally guaranteed we would be safe from Karen. I expected them to keep their f*****g word" I swore, slamming the cell phone closed and then shoving it angrily into my pocket. "Is she going to get away with what she did?"

I glanced at Lorelai and swallowed hard. For once, I didn't have the answer. I was so angry I couldn't speak. This was the last thing we needed. A woman with a thirst for vengeance and a justice system that seemed hell-bent on screwing us over. f**k.

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