The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 64

Lorelai POV

We make it to the mall and I shoot off the obligatory message to Knox before repocketing my phone. Dean leads me inside, where the mall is swarming with people. All of them look as though they are frazzled, rushing to and fro, some with children who are vehemently protesting or screaming out in shrill voices as I wince from the piercing sound that causes my head to throb even more painfully. This was no doubt a big mistake, I thought glancing at Dean whose eyes were scanning our surroundings for the merest hint of danger, but it was too late to back out now. I was too close to getting the answers I needed. I was too close to being able to help Knox for once. I couldn't back out now. But how was I going to get Dean to leave me alone once I made it to the store? That was the conundrum I was facing now as I gritted my teeth and desperately wracked my brain.

"Where should we go?" Dean asks gruffly.

The crowd doesn't appear to bother him in the slightest, I marvel. He still looks composed, his body tensed and at the ready to move if somebody so much as attempts to get near me. I blink. I can't just go straight to the store, that would be suspicious. I need to do some window shopping first. I point blindly at a store nearby. "I want to go there."

Too late I realize it's a store of children's clothing. If Dean is surprised, he doesn't show it, merely shrugging and following behind as I step inside the store, filled with clothing from baby sizes to toddlers. I s**k in a breath. The little girl dresses are adorable and I can't help but reach out to touch one with one hand, the little bow on it, causing tears to come to my eyes. It's so cute. Why was I getting so emotional over something like this?

The image of a little girl with Knox's charcoal eyes and dark hair fills my mind. A smile hovers on my lips. For a moment I feel this overwhelming pang at the thought of having a child of my own, even with all this business of my horrible family. I have always wanted a family unit of my own, a child to spoil and love, to give a childhood to that was the very opposite of my own. My child would always know how much they were loved and wanted, and how much I would do anything in my power to make them happy. If I had a baby, I thought, letting go of the dress with a sigh, there was nothing I would not do for them. But that was something to think about later, I chided shaking my head and blindly wandering the aisles, even as several other cute dresses and teddy bears caught my eyes when Knox and I were ready to be parents if we ever were.

I walked back out, fighting back tears. I was over emotional today I thought amused, wiping them with my hands. Dean cleared his throat. "Maam would you like to visit another baby store?" he asked cordially.

I realize then that he might tell Knox where we've been. I adamantly shake my head and force a laugh "No, I don't have anyone to buy them for anyway" I tell him and Dean relaxes slightly.

I walk along, peering into windows, glancing into them blindly, hardly aware of what I'm looking at. We pass jewelry stores, toy stores, and food kiosks and I become aware of time passing. I clear my throat. "I want to go look around Victoria's Secret," I tell Dean and see the man flush bright red for the first time since we've been here.

He looks uncomfortable now as he glances at me "Maam um, are you sure you want to go in there?" he asks as I nod at him.

I almost want to laugh at the discomfort on his face. So there was something that embarrassed this large hulking man. He looks almost desperate as we step inside. I glance around discreetly. No sign of Mother. I glance at the racks and then randomly begin to grab some lingerie. I pick up a cute babydoll, some stockings, various pieces of lacy bras, and panties while Dean blushes a brighter red, even as he resolutely remains stuck at my side. I have to give him credit. Even as embarrassed as he is, he's keeping his word to Knox and not budging, even as the women glance at him in the store, he refuses to leave my side.

Now what? My mother was hardly going to approach with a big scary bodyguard by my side I thought mildly, still picking and choosing through the racks. I kept an eye on the doorway but there was no sign of her. I needed to find a way to get out from underneath Dean without arousing suspicion. What should I do? The man was being annoyingly stubborn.

Suddenly his phone pings. "Mr. Knox has decided to come and join us," he says gravely and I stiffen.

If Knox is coming then I need to get this done quickly and fast. I glance around in desperation and my gaze fixes on the dressing rooms. I have an aha moment. Even if Dean wants to, he can hardly follow me in there. I almost want to cheer as I wave the lingerie at him and he looks at me confused.

"I want to go try some of this on," I say haughtily.

"Maam you could just buy and then return those that don't fit" he begins and I shake my head.

"No, they won't accept returns," I say pointing at the window in the store "and I want to make sure that it fits so that Knox can see me in them."

I blush, causing Dean's eyes to widen. He coughs uncomfortably. I continue to stare at him, daring him to suggest coming in with me. Even he knows that's taking it a step too far. He glances around the shop but sees nothing threatening. He exhales slowly. "Fine, but I must insist on checking the dressing room first," he says with resignation.

I wave him forward. He quickly checks. The room is empty. He steps back and I begin to take my shirt off, causing him to make a strangled noise.

"I'll just go and wait in the store for you," he says disappearing while I give a triumphant grin and silently rejoice.

I unlock the door put my shirt back on and wait. Just like I'm in disguise, I'm certain that my mother will be. It's the only way I can picture her making it into the store without Dean seeing her or the salespeople.

I frown, glancing at my wristwatch. Time was slipping by and I was becoming impatient. There was no sign of mother anywhere. I could feel sweat beading down my back. I had been so certain she would be here. It seems that some sentences in this chapter require

you to read the complete chapters on Job ni in order to avoid an incomplete reading experience. Especially because it involved giving her money. I bit my lip, shifting from one foot to the other. I couldn't afford to wait much longer in here before Dean would come looking for me. Finally, the door opened and a woman came sidling in, dressed in a cleaner's uniform. I frown. It's not my mother.

"I'm sorry this room is occupied" I begin to say with a groan as the woman turns to view me, with a puzzled expression on her face.

"The door was unlocked" she said apologetically as I relaxed, thinking it was a simple misunderstanding.

Prick. Something sharp imbeds itself in my arm, burying itself in deep. I inhale sharply, feeling stunned and glance down blindly at my arm, a syringe swiftly being pulled out of it. My mouth parts, and I try to scream but no words come out as I fall to the ground. The woman kneels down and I feel her beginning to lift me up. Somebody else slides into the dressing


"Hurry up" they hiss, sounding panicked.noveldrama

It's another female. "She's heavy" the first woman grunts as she lifts me and the other woman rushes to help.

They carry me towards the cleaning trolley sitting there. I try to struggle but my body refuses to cooperate. I feel tired, So tired. My body is becoming floppy and I feel like I'm floating. The women are cursing quietly underneath their breaths. "Ugh, she weighs a ton" one complains with a hiss.

"Who cares. Just think about the money" the other one growls, as they shove me into the trolley, my body folded up and crammed in.

"We should have asked for more" the woman grumbles.

"Don't be greedy. Do you want to be killed? Don't be stupid. We need to get going. That stupid bodyguard is going to come looking for her any minute now. Make sure you bring the syringe with you. We can't afford to leave any evidence."

I could feel my body beginning to lose the fight as they put something over the trolley, and darkness began to set in. My eyelids were beginning to flutter closed. Knox, I thought with a hint of desperation, Knox would be able to find me. But that hope was soon dashed as a hand reached in and felt for my phone, grabbing it and pulling back with it in their hand. "Remember to drop the phone into the nearest bin" their voices faded away "so it can't be traced."

They had thought of everything. I could feel myself beginning to panic as my vision dimmed even further.

My eyes began to close. A lone tear trailed down my cheek. I didn't know who these women were or what they wanted, but one thing was clear. My mother had tricked me into coming and given my location away. She had betrayed me once again and now I was at somebody's mercy. Knox would not know what happened to me. This was all my fault. I should never have kept this a secret from him or attempted to do this without his help. I was an i***t.

Find me Knox, I began to pray in my mind as darkness surrounded me and my vision began to dim. Find me please. I'm sorry I whispered in my mind, as the darkness claimed me, I'm sorry and then I knew no more as I became unconscious. My only hope now was Dean discovering I was gone and Knox using his god given talent to find me. If anybody could find me, It was Knox. But would it be too late by then? I could only pray that it wouldn't be.

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