The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 72



He left. Just like that, leaving me staring at the doorway. I glanced down at the bedcovers feeling miserable. Did he not want the child? My chest tightened. I didn't care if Knox didn't, I was still going to have this baby, but it hurt to think that he was so unhappy about the news that he'd gone almost running out the door the second he'd been told about the pregnancy. I was so lost in my thoughts I failed to hear Rachel enter the room until she spoke to me. "Hello."

Her voice was tentative. My head rose quickly and despite myself, I smiled at the woman who took a seat next to the bed. She looked concerned as she eyed me. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

I exhaled, fighting back tears "A little sore, but nothing too major" I lied "It's good to see you again Rachel" I added as she smiled.

"Flair's here too, she's just out front," she said nonchalantly "I hope you don't mind having visitors."

I was surprised but didn't show it "No actually that sounds nice right about now" I mumbled.

I could use the distraction.

Rachel quietly put a hand over mine. "It must have been terrifying what you went through. Flair and I want you to know that if you need anything, anything at all, all you have to do is call and ask. You're part of Flair's family now, which makes you my family as well" she laughs as I give her a shaky smile "and we all help each other, no matter what."

The urge to tell her I'm pregnant is on the edge of my tongue but I hold back. Right now it's between me and Knox. But it would have been good to have a confidante to talk to. Self-doubt is almost tearing me apart. What did I know about being a mother? The only one I did have, was hardly what anyone would call a role model. My mother had been nothing but a drug addict and had sold me out for money. I could hardly use her as inspiration. What if I was terrible at it? What if I failed at being the best mother I could be? What if I hurt my child unintentionally?

It made me feel sick to my stomach. I felt so anxious I almost vomited right then and there. Rachel patted my hand. "You poor thing," she said again, thinking that the distress was from my ordeal.

Suddenly Flair comes walking in. She immediately comes up and hugs me. "Lorelai, I'm so happy to hear that you are safe from those bastards," she said viciously "And don't worry Karen will get what's coming to her soon" she added maliciously, causing me to blink at her.

"Uh thanks," I said weakly as she raked her gaze over me.

What else was I supposed to say? I wished Knox was here. Flair smiled "I am sorry about what happened to you. I once had to kill someone" she hesitated as I stared at her in shock "and it haunted me for a very long time afterward. I had nightmares and PTSD. If it wasn't for Grayson, I don't think I would have gotten through it as strongly as I did. I'd like to give you the number for my therapist" she said calmly as I listened intently "You don't have to phone them. But if you need someone to talk to, besides myself and Rachel of course, I want you to have somebody you can contact."

I watch as she scribbles a number and name onto a card and hands it to me. I blindly put it on the bedside table. "Thanks" I mutter.

Flair's not offended. She simply stands next to Rachel. "What are your plans now?" she asks.

I scrunch up my face trying not to cry "I get discharged tomorrow and um, after that, I'm not sure."

Does she know? Did Knox tell her already? But Flair's giving nothing away. She nods slowly "I think it will be easier for you

to recover at home and a lot safer" she sighs. "but what about a wedding date or anything like that?"

I hesitate "I'm not sure that the wedding is still going to..."

"We haven't discussed that yet" Knox's voice breaks in, his frame filling the doorway,

He's clutching a large bouquet of roses which he hands to me as he crosses the room, Flair and Rachel nodding approvingly "I'm sorry about earlier" he says awkwardly, as I stare at him incredulously "I may have panicked a little bit" he added, glancing down at the floor while Flair looks at Rachel.

"I think that's our cue to leave," she said with laughter in her voice, grabbing Rachel's hand and tugging her towards the doorway "We'll see you later Lorelai and I'm glad you're okay."

They were gone before I could open my mouth. Knox sinks into the chair beside me and puts his face in his hands. "You left," I said, accusingly "You walked out."noveldrama

"I know," he says, dropping his hands and fixing his eyes on me "and I have no excuse. It's just that..." he hesitates. "Just what?"

"I wasn't sure that I would make a good father" he admits lowly "considering my situation and all that."

I laugh. I can't help it. He look shocked by my response, even as I struggle to bring myself back under control. "Do you think that I'm not terrified or scared?" I asked him slowly as he leaned back in the chair and viewed me solemnly "I'm scared that I'm going to be a terrible mother" I admitted shyly "So you're not the only one who is filled with self-doubt" I told him.

"But you're so good with kids," he said surprised "I don't understand why you would think that. Hunter adored you when you helped babysit."

"I don't exactly have the mother that all kids dream of," I told him wryly "and there's always that fear in the back of my mind that I'm going to end up like her or become her. What if I hurt our child? What if I do something wrong?" I asked him.

"I had the same thoughts" he confessed, grimacing "I thought I would make a terrible father. I thought that maybe the baby might be better off with just you as their parent."

I stared at him "Knox, you're great with children. I wouldn't want to bring this baby into this world without you. I know how much you've thought about having children. I don't understand why you continue to put yourself down so much. Any child would be lucky to have you as their dad."

"Aren't you guilty of doing the same thing?" he asked and I stilled.

He was right. We both were. "Maybe it's normal when you learn you're going to become a parent in a few months," I said dully.

"Maybe" he exhaled "but it doesn't change the fact that now we have to come up with a new decision."

I'm confused. He sees the look on my face. "It's kind of expected that you marry before you have a child in our family" he explains "Flair had a contractual marriage so she just happened to already be married to Grayson when she learned she was pregnant. It's old fashioned and it's complete bullshit," he said making me giggle "but it would probably make my father feel a lot better if we were to marry before this child was born. Which means we would have to...."

"Get married in the next few months" I supplied with a sigh as Knox nodded and took hold of my hand "So much for an extended engagement."

His lower lip twitched. "Just think of the honeymoon," he said as I pretended to glare at him.

"Honeymoon? What's the point? I'll be nauseous and cranky. The most I'm going to want to do is go home and stream movies" I grumble.

He laughs and the sound washes over me, comforting me. Once again we were enjoying each other's company and it was like earlier hadn't happened.

"We could go on a cruise" he suggested.

I shook my head adamantly "I get motion sickness" I protested as he chuckled "Add that to pregnancy nausea and"

"I get it, I get it" he chuckled, holding his hands up "Okay we'll worry about the wedding and come up with something else later."

I sighed. Knox kissed me gently on the side of my mouth. "I know this is happening fast," he said apologetically "but if it's any consolation, I am very much looking forward to marrying you Miss Mathews," he said, looking me directly in the eyes as my heart gave a flutter and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I couldn't ignore the fact that I was feeling the same way. They say that marriage is just a piece of paper, but it means so much more than that to me. The ceremony itself was something I had dreamed of since I was a little girl. "I am looking forward to marrying you as well Mr Grant" I joked as he smiled and carefully put his arm around me "But I think we should worry about my parents don't you? The last thing I want is them crashing the ceremony" I added grimly.

"That won't be a problem," Knox said softly. "Trust me, they'll be long gone by then. As for Karen, hopefully, we'll have located her too."

I leaned against him and nuzzled his neck, closing my eyes. "When do we tell your family about the pregnancy?" I whispered.

He nibbled on my earlobe, causing me to inhale sharply from the sensation "When you're ready" he said "it doesn't have to be big, or fancy. They'll all be happy for us" he promised.

"You told Flair already didn't you?" I said peering at him as he flushed.

"I did" he admitted hanging his head.

My laughter rang out around the room "So long as you don't get angry at me if I accidentally let it slip."

"I wouldn't dream of it" he murmured "but for the record..."

His phone rang. He glanced at me apologetically and answered it.


"I'm on my way home. The authorities have taken care of the men. Karen however has not been located." "Thanks, I'll see you at home."

The dial tone rings. Ian hangs up. Lorelai reaches out and takes hold of my hand. "No sign of Karen?"

"No, but I'll do everything in my power to find her. Right now get some sleep, I'm spending tonight at the hospital with you." I'd be damned if anyone got near her while she was trying to recover. I clenched my jaw and fastened my gaze on the doorway, prepared to stay up all night if necessary. Now I had two people to protect, Lorelai and our unborn child.

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