The Billionaire's Mistake (Anya and Daniel)


Chapter 240: Maya

Mathew sat in the back of his sleek black sedan his eyes narrowed as he listened intently to his bodyguard Joe. Joe was seated in the front passenger seat, reviewing the information they had gathered on Vivian.

"She played the role perfectly, Mr. Shaw," Joe reported. "During the...transaction, she stayed completely in character as your wife. Didn't break once, even when things got a little messy."


"Madam Hou took off an arm," Joe answered.

Mathew eyes flashed a hint of interest when he heard that there was violence, blood. He wondered how Vivian fared. "And she didn't seem scared? When that guy's arm got chopped off?"

Joe shook his head. "If she was scared, she hid it well. She's one heck of an actress."

"Well isn't that a good thing," Mathew chuckled. He raised his brow in question as he asked, What did they find on her?"

“Well, according to the background check, Vivian is in debt," Joe explained, "Her brother passed away and she's been working multiple jobs to pay off his debts and cover her niece's crazy medical bills."

"Her niece is sick?"

"The kid needs a kidney transplant, from what I heard. Really expensive stuff."

"Call the hospital her niece is at. It would be good to get kid's surgery scheduled right away. Such a good wife, how can she run away>"

Joe raised an eyebrow but didn't question the order.

"And you say she is in debt? Who is she owing" Mathew asked.

"You sir,"

"Me?" Mathew asked with a sudden light in his eyes.

"Yes, she borrowed money from Silica finance." Joe answered.

"Is that so?"

As he made the call, Mathew signaled to his driver. "Let's pay a visit to that hospital."

Across town, Vivian rushed into her cramped apartment, barely making it to the bucket by the door before vomiting violently. She sank to the floor, her body shaking with revulsion and


She had just witnessed a man's arm chopped away like host meat. And she had helped purchase heavy firearms and God knew what did she do? She bought weapons? When she took the gig, she never imagined it would involve flying hands and buying weapons.

What if the police found out? She had only been hired to play a part, not participate in any actual crimes. But would they see it that way? Her heart started to hammer in her chest as she pictured herself behind bars.

The sudden ringing of her phone almost made her jump out of her skin. With trembling hands, she pulled it from her purse and answered

It was the hospital calling about her 3-year-old lece Maya. Maya's doctor came on the line, his voice bright with good news.

“Miss. Greyson, I'm calling to let you know that we've had an anonymous donor come

forward. They've expedited the process of finding Maya a kidney match. We'll be able to move forward with her surgery immediately!"

Vivian's breath caught in her throat as relief washed over her. The fear and disgust jumped out the window ans she sprawled on the floor and cried. She had thought that she would never be abale to save Maya. But now...her tears flowed like rain.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!" words were hard. They struggled with sobs on her lips

to come out.

Vivian bolted out the door and hailed a taxi, not even bothering to change out of the

extravagant red dress she had worn to watch a man get... No, she sook the thought away. she had to get to Maya right away!

When she arrived at the hospital, Vivian rushed to the pediatric ward, only to find Maya's room empty. She almost went mad in panic until a nurse explained that Maya had been moved. to a private room.

The nurse led Vivian down a hallway and stopped in front of a closed door. "This is it. Her attending doctor will be by soon to see you and explain everything."

Vivian managed to nod a thank you before the nurse continued on her way. Drawing a steadying breath, she pushed open the door.

The sight that met her eyes made Vivian freeze in the doorway. There sat Mathew Shaw, the man she had so disastrously "married" that day. And in his arms, smiling and clutching a teddy bear...was Maya.

Maya's face lit up with delight when she saw her aunt enter the room. "Auntie Viv!" the little girl cried out, wriggling excitedly in Mathew's arms. Vivian froze as her body rooted to the spot, her heart pounding as her soul escaped through the back door. A part of her wanted nothing more than to scoop Maya into her arms and shower her with affection. But the presence of Mathew Shaw, this mysterious and clearly

dangerous man she had posed as a wife for warlie that day, Vivien suddenly wanted to pull out her halt. Why was he here?

Slowly, she forced herself to take a step forward then another, she had to pinch mide her tear, this was about Maya's safety.

"Hi sweetie," Vivian managed to say, her voice strained, she attempted a reassuring smile for her niece. "Are you happy to see aunty?"

Maya beamed back at her aunt. "The big man says I'm gonna get a new kidney soon! so I can stop feeling icky."

Vivian's gaze flickered to Mathew, her expression a mixture of confusion and wariness. He returned her frown with a small smile. Vivian felt like slapping that smirk off his handsome face. But she held back. It was the devil trying to get her to the doors of death earlier than she should.

The door opened once more and Maya's doctor entered, briefcase in hand. The older man smiled at the scene before him.

“Ah, Ms. Greyson, you're here. Wonderful." He turned to Maya, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Are you ready to talk about your surgery, sweetheart?" Maya nodded eagerly and the doctor pulled up a chair, opening his briefcase.noveldrama

"Well, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, we were able to find you a kidney match very quickly..."

As the doctor outlined the details of Maya's upcoming procedure, Vivian listened attentively, holding her niece's small hand. She couldn't help shooting occasional glances toward Mathew, utterly confused by his presence.

Finally, the doctor finished his explanations and excused himself, letting them know the surgical team would be by soon. As he departed, an awkward silence fell over the room.

Vivian found her voice first, turning to face Mathew fully. "Why are you here? What's your interest in my niece's surgery?""

"Won't you say thank you first?” he asked.

“I have never seen an anonymous donor that came to get a thank you,"she could not help but


Mathew leaned back in his chair, regarding her evenly. "Let's just say I...appreciate a good, performance. And you... it you acted a movie, I would buy you an Oscar."

“Are you saying I would not be able to get it on my own?" she countered.

He paused, then continued with an even more obvious smile. “Which is why I'd like to hire you. again,

Vivian recoiled uncotaclously, "I dare not. As you can see, I have to take care of my niece I don't think I will have time..."

She trailed off as Mathew held up a hand. "Before you reject the offer outright, hear me out. I'd clear all your outstanding debts. Cover the full cost of your niece's care, present and future. Enough money that you'd never have to take an acting job again and could devote yourself fully to Maya."

Vivian opened her mouth, then closed it, at a loss for words. She had to admit, she and money were old friends. They had frown up together and could not be apart too long. It was not fair to both of them. She had been barely scraping by, constantly juggling jobs to make ends meet and pay the never-ending debt. She was worried how money has been doing all these while without her.

Mathew seemed to read the thoughts flickering across her face. "Just think about it," he said, rising from his chair. He place down a black card and his card with his phone number. "If you change your mind, use the card to get a new dress and call me. The password is your birthday," he said.

"Who drops their card, what are you smoking?" she asked.

"Are you touched?" he asked and she swallowed her words. Of course she was. He stroked Maya's hair once more, then turned and strode from the room, leaving Vivian alone with her


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