Lucas’ POV

I was taken aback to discover that Giselle had returned to the country, reaching out to spend my birthday with me. Caught up in a whirlwind of office tasks, her request left me torn. After all, I had promised my son that this day would be dedicated solely to him. Disappointing him was the last thing I wanted.

“Please, just a brief moment, babe,” Giselle pleaded on the phone. “I want to congratulate you and mend things, Lucas. I’ll be back. If you’re too busy, I understand, but it’s truly just for a moment.”

Sighing, I reluctantly agreed, “Alright, but only after an hour. I’m swamped with work.”

Her voice brimming with joy, she exclaimed, “Thank you, babe! I love you.”

As I hung up, an unfamiliar lump formed in my throat. It used to come effortlessly, reciprocating her “I love you,” but now, it felt awkward and unsettling. For some reason, the word “love” stirred thoughts of Zara within me.

Shaking off the unease, I tried to refocus on my tasks. This meeting with Giselle would be brief, a mere interlude before heading to my son’s birthday party.

Without realizing it, I found myself smiling as I opened the drawer of my desk, retrieving a picture frame featuring my son and me. The love I felt for him, an unexpected and profound affection, was a revelation. Becoming a proud and devoted father had brought me immeasurable happiness.

Glancing at the gift on the table-a ticket to Disneyland for the three of us-I knew deep down that I didn’t want to merely fulfill our agreement anymore. The thought of Zara signing the separation document filled me with anguish. The idea of her and Enrique disappearing from my life was unbearable.

I resolved to find a way to extend our time together. I couldn’t bear the thought of waking up one day and discovering that they were no longer part of my life. The mere prospect of that day felt like a fatal illness looming over me.

Words couldn’t adequately express the pain that decision would inflict. It took time, but in the midst of my office haze, I began piecing everything together.

Slowly, surely, and with an insatiable longing, I found myself falling in love with my wife once more. Zara, whom I once deemed a disappointment, had transformed into a priceless gem in my eyes.

With everything arranged, I instructed my secretary to clear my schedule for the day. After a brief rendezvous with Giselle, I would head straight to my son’s birthday celebration.

Speaking of Giselle, I faced one of the most challenging decisions of my life. Everyone knew the depth of my love for her. Together, we had built dreams, but now, I sensed a misalignment between our love and our aspirations.

Though she had once dominated my dreams, I realized that dreams can evolve and change. In my case, it wasn’t a quick shift, but a gradual realization over six years. Despite my initial resistance, my heart slowly shifted its focus toward Zara.

I had made up my mind. It was time to end my loveless relationship with Giselle. I would assess the situation and take the necessary steps to rectify what needed fixing. She deserved a better man, and it was time for me to repair my bond with my neglected family.

There’s an unexplainable tightness in my throat, hindering my ability to reciprocate with ease when I hear those three little words-I love you. It used to roll off my tongue effortlessly, never causing any inner turmoil. But why do I struggle now? Why does Zara occupy my thoughts whenever love is mentioned?

“I-I love you too,” I stumbled on the other end of the line. To be honest, it felt awkward and unsettling, an unfamiliar discomfort.

I ended the call and tried to refocus on my work. It would be a brief conversation. After all, I had my son’s birthday party to attend to.

But then, I caught myself smiling-a genuine smile. I reached into the drawer of my desk and retrieved a picture frame displaying a snapshot of me and my son. The unexpected surge of love for my child overwhelmed me. I had been raising him blindly for so long, unaware of the depth of this unsolicited love. My decision to prioritize him filled me with true happiness.

Glancing at the gift on the table-a ticket, not just any ordinary ticket, but a trip to Disneyland for three people-I realized that even after our agreement, I still wanted to be with them. I couldn’t quite comprehend it, but the thought of Zara signing our separation document pained me deeply. The idea of losing them tore at my heart.

So, I resolved to find ways to extend our time together. I refused to wake up one day and discover that Zara and Enrique were no longer a part of my life. The mere thought of that day felt like a terminal illness closing in.

No words can aptly describe the agony that decision would bring. Accepting myself had been a long and arduous journey. And as I sat there, stunned in my office, everything finally fell into place.

I am gradually, steadfastly, and passionately falling in love with my wife. The woman I once viewed as a disappointment now shines brightly as a precious gem in my eyes.

With everything set in motion, I instructed my secretary to clear my schedule for the entire day. After a brief encounter with Giselle, I would head straight to my son’s birthday celebration.

And as for Giselle and our relationship, I stand at the precipice of one of the most difficult decisions of my life. Everyone knows the depth of my love for her. Together, we built dreams, but I no longer see the desire to fulfill those dreams reflected in her eyes. Our aspirations and love no longer align.

It’s true that she once dominated my dreams, but dreams can change. In my case, transforming everything overnight wasn’t a mere snap of the fingers. It took six years. Despite my initial resistance, Zara seemed to have carved her place within my heart.

I’ve made up my mind. I intend to break up with Giselle. I will carefully evaluate the situation and take the necessary steps to correct what needs fixing. There’s no reason for me to remain in a loveless relationship. Giselle deserves a better man now. It’s time for me to mend my neglected connection with my family.

As I retrieved the key from my pocket and opened the door of my sleek black sports car, I noticed more gifts waiting in the back. They were but a small gesture to compensate for my absence in my son’s life. However, my goal was clear-I wanted to win my son’s heart, and I longed for Zara to fall in love with me once more. I would not allow her to unlove me. I could no longer conform. I refused to be a foolish, irrational man. This time, I would be true to my feelings.

Just a short distance away, the renowned SB coffee shop beckoned. As I swung open the door, the envious and admiring gazes of other customers met me. Oh, how I longed to revel in their envy and give them a knowing smirk.

Not far off, I spotted Giselle engaged in conversation with her former best friend, Clare. Rumor had it that these two had been locked in a bitter argument for quite some time now.

When Giselle caught sight of me approaching, her eyes widened in surprise. She discreetly signaled to Clare, prompting her friend to leave. Clare brushed past me, her face a canvas of indiscernible emotions.

Dressed in a striking red dress, Giselle looked breathtakingly beautiful. Yet, deep down, I sensed that something had changed between us. The spark that once ignited our connection had faded away.

She leaned in to kiss me, but the magic of her touch no longer resonated as it once did. We took our seats near a table beside the glass wall, adorned with an array of delectable food. To my delight, Giselle had ordered my favorites-knowing all too well of my disdain for creamy indulgences, she brought me a dark coffee with an extra shot of brown sugar and a tantalizing piece of cinnamon bread.

“Eat, babe, and then we’ll go somewhere,” she exclaimed with excitement, her enthusiasm palpable. While I didn’t want to dampen her spirits, I had to be honest with her. I couldn’t miss my son’s birthday celebration.

“Giselle, I have a mountain of work waiting for me. I’m swamped right now, but we can plan something for another day,” I replied wearily. I witnessed a flicker of annoyance in her eyes.

“Your birthday only comes around once, Lucas Son Blackwood! Can you put your responsibilities aside, just for a little while? I’m doing this to make it up to you. Time is running out as I have a shoot in Japan this Saturday. Please, baby!” she pleaded.

“Then it seems like you prioritize your career more than I do. And that’s okay… I have to go,” I said calmly before rising from my seat and walking away. She chased after me, unleashing all her pent-up frustration.

“What’s gotten into you, Lucas?! You weren’t like this before! What’s wrong with you? Maybe you’re playing games,” she exclaimed, her voice piercingly loud and attracting the attention of the café’s patrons.

“Stop, Giselle.” I continued walking, unaffected by her stunned expression.

Determined, I headed towards Zara’s family home, where the party was about to begin. Excitement coursed through me at the thought of being there.

However, as I parked the car a distance away from the house and made my way toward the gate, I unwittingly stumbled upon a heart-wrenching scene. My heart shattered, and rage consumed me. Before my eyes, I witnessed Zara, alongside Nick, embracing my son as if they were a family.

An indescribable mix of anger and jealousy surged through my veins, leaving me breathless and my vision clouded. I refused to cause a scene solely due to my seething emotions and jealousy towards that despicable Nick.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

I watched myself retreat from the Delafontaine residence, forsaking the party. The bitter taste of karma lingered in my mouth. Did Zara experience the same pain when I was with Giselle? Fate certainly had a way of playing its twisted games. This moment served as a stark reminder of karma’s swift retribution.

Thus, what should have been a joyous occasion transformed into a solitary evening drowning my sorrows in a private bar. The only respite I sought was to drown myself in alcohol and wake up devoid of any lingering emotions.

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