The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

The sun had just begun to seep through the curtains when | felt a sudden jolt that rattled me from my dreams. Groaning, | rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed. My head was still foggy with sleep when | heard a voice, frantic and insistent, coming from the living room.

“Evie! Get up, quick! You won't believe this!” Aria’s voice poured into my room.

My heart raced, my sleep—fogged mind struggling to make sense of her words. | stumbled out of bed, not even bothering to throw on a robe, and followed the sound of Aria’s voice down the narrow hallway into the living room.

What | saw on the television screen made me stop dead in my tracks.

The news anchors were talking fervently, their faces plastered with shock and excitement. | blinked, still not comprehending, until | saw both Timothy and I’s faces flash along the screen.

“Who could have imagined that a nameless newcomer like Evie could beat Timothy's club owner, Mr. Fitzgerald, the most powerful man in the city?” the news anchor exclaimed. “It seems this may be the beautiful woman he had been trying to apologize to.”

| gaped at the screen, trying to process the words. Aria had been right; | couldn’t believe it. There, on national television, was the story of the past few weeks, presented like some dramatic movie plot. My heart pounded wildly as | watched the footage of our victory in court.

Aria turned to me, her face flushed with exhilaration. “Evic, can you believe it? You're famous!”

Famous. It was a word I’d never associated with myself, and it seemed utterly surreal. | didn’t have the chance to say anything in response because my phone began ringing like a mad alarm. | grabbed it, and it was as though the world had discovered my number.

The notifications flooded in, with friends and acquaintances alike congratulating me on my unexpected fame. “| need to get ready for work, | said absently, rushing out of the room.

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Chapter 37


At work, the atmosphere was electric. My coworkers crowded around my desk, congratulating me, and sharing their admiration for my unexpected victory.

“Evie, you're a sensation!” Trina exclaimed. “We're so proud of you!” “You go girl! Knew you could do it!” shouted Leila.

Then, Mr. Erickson’s voice boomed over the ruckus of the entire office, drawing everyone’s attention. “Ladies and gentlemen, can | have your attention, please?” he said.

The office fell silent. “I’m sure you've all heard about the incredible victory of one of our very own. Evie here has shown remarkable strength, and I’ve decided to give her a promotion and a well-deserved raise.”

A burst of applause erupted in the office, and | felt myself blush, my cheeks aflame with embarrassment. | was grateful for the recognition, but the spotlight was something | had never sought.

As | reached my desk, my inbox was already inundated with emails and messages, and my phone seemed to be ringing non— stop. The title of Senior Associate had brought with it newfound prestige, but it also seemed to demand more from me than | was prepared for.

irwell-a small

Ashort break was in order, | decided, and | headed for the refuge for moments of contemplation. | found a quiet landing a few floors below, where a small window allowed a gentle breeze to seep in. It was the perfect spot to collect my thoughts.

“Evie,” a voice called, interrupting my thoughts. | looked up to see Linda descending the stairs. Her face was devoid of its usual pretense, and her eyes bore a seriousness that was unfamiliar.

| frowned at her. “Linda?

Linda looked at me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. “Is this your version of a celebration, or has he gotten to you already?”

| felt a sense of dread creep over me. “What do you mean, Linda?”

Linda’s expression darkened. “Once you're in his good graces, there’s no escaping Chapter 37


At work, the atmosphere was electric. My coworkers crowded around my desk, congratulating me, and sharing their admiration for my unexpected victory.

“Evie, you're a sensation!” Trina exclaimed. “We're so proud of you!” “You go girl! Knew you could do it!” shouted Leila.

Then, Mr. Erickson’s voice boomed over the ruckus of the entire office, drawing everyone’s attention. “Ladies and gentlemen, can | have your attention, please?” he said.

The office fell silent. “I’m sure you've all heard about the incredible victory of one of our very own. Evie here has shown remarkable strength, and I’ve decided to give her a promotion and a well-deserved raise.”

A burst of applause erupted in the office, and | felt myself blush, my cheeks aflame with embarrassment. | was grateful for the recognition, but the spotlight was something | had never sought.

As | reached my desk, my inbox was already inundated with emails and messages, and my phone seemed to be ringing non— stop. The title of Senior Associate had brought with it newfound prestige, but it also seemed to demand more from me than | was prepared for.

Ashort break was in order, | decided, and | headed for the stairwell-a small refuge for moments of contemplation. | found a quiet landing a few floors below, where a small window allowed a gentle breeze to seep in. It was the perfect spot to collect my thoughts.

“Evie,” a voice called, interrupting my thoughts. | looked up to see Linda. descending the stairs. Her face was devoid of its usual pretense, and her eyes a seriousness that was unfamiliar.

bore | frowned at her. “Linda?

Linda looked at me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. “Is this version of a celebration, or has he gotten to you already?”

your | felt a sense of dread creep over me. “What do you mean, Linda?”

Linda’s expression darkened. “Once you're in his good graces, there’s no escaping

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Chapter 37

his clutches. He'll pull you in deeper and deeper, until you're trapped.”

| tried to make sense of her words, but they felt like riddles. “Linda, please, you have to explain. What are you talking about?”

She looked away, her voice low and resigned. “I was in your place once, full of ambition, thinking | could conquer the world. | became his favorite, just like you

are now.”

| was desperate for answers, but Linda turned away, her eyes distant. “You'll have to take my place now, Evie, but be careful what you wish for. Success here comes at a cost. A cost you may not be willing to pay.”

Linda left, disappearing up the stairwell before | could grasp the full meaning of her words. | was left bewildered and unnerved, my mind racing with questions and apprehension. What did she mean by “take my place“? What was the cost she had alluded to?

As | returned to my desk, | couldn’t shake off the shadow of Linda’s words. The excitement over my promotion had turned into a nagging feeling of unease. It could have been her playing with my mind again, still bitter that she hadn't been able to snatch the case from me.

Still, the promotion had been sudden, even if it was deserved. Mr. Erickson had to acknowledge my success either way, so Linda’s investment in that might have been her own paranoia. Over the next few days, | tried to settle into my new role as Senior Associate. The weight of increased responsibility and the

expectations of my coworkers pressed. down on me, and | felt as though | was under constant scrutiny.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Reporters followed me to and from work every day, and they had returned to their camp outside my doorstep. My name was being whispered from every stranger on the street, that was if they didn’t directly ask for a picture with me. Aria had shown. me all the fan sites popping up, branding me as a “forgiving woman” for deciding to aid Timothy after his public apology.

It was in a late-night session at the office, long after everyone else had left, that | had my first one-on-one meeting with Mr. Erickson since my promotion. He sat

“Evie, I've been impressed with your performance so far,” he began, his voice

behind his grand desk, regarding me with his uncharacteristic jollyne


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Chapter 37

measured and controlled. “Your victory against Fitzgerald showcased your determination and legal acumen.” “Thank you, Mr. Erickson,” | replied, striving to maintain my composure.

His eyes bore into mine, seemingly assessing my every thought. “I have high expectations for you, Evie. You've proven yourself to be a valuable asset, but the journey ahead won't be easy.”

| nodded, acknowledging the gravity of his words. My run-in with Linda flashed in my mind, though | tried to suppress her speculations. This was my time to shine, and | wouldn’t let her ruin that.

The day stretched into the evening, and | returned home, mentally and physically exhausted. To my surprise, the paparazzi had left their camp. Since their belongings had been left, | presumed they'd gone out for dinner.

Or to go bother someone else for the time being. “| wish they’d get a life,” | grumbled, searching for my keys as | walked up the steps. and to my door.

Only, as | approached, did | see that the door was slightly ajar. When | walked in and flipped on the light, | was aghast at the mess that awaited me.


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