The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

The aftermath of the confrontation with Evie left Timothy adrift in a sea of remorse and regret. He had never anticipated that his thoughtless actions would reemerge in such a dramatic fashion. His relationship with Evie was already hanging in the balance, but that video might have severed any chance they had at reconnecting. The weight of regret hung heavy on Timothy's shoulders as he retraced his steps, his mind consumed by the need to uncover the truth. He was determined to find out who had stolen the video that had shattered his relationship with Evie.

He could think of the few guys he’d shown that video to. Bill and Clay had been enthusiastic about seeing it, which had increased Timothy's doubts about

committing such a betrayal. Only Josh had actually received the video, since it was his motorcycle he was offering to Timothy. Timothy sighed and dialed Josh’s number. He needed answers, needed to know who had screwed this up for

him, as if he hadn’t enough damage on his own.

It had been a while since he’d spoken to Josh. Their friendship was highly situational, and its depth was shallow at best. Suddenly, the ringing was cut off and a groggy voice answered.

“Hey, man,” Josh greeted. “Long time no talk.”

Timothy's tone was measured, his words chosen with care. “Hey, Josh. It has been at


There was a moment of awkward silence. Timothy wasn’t feeling particularly nostalgic. He didn’t have the luxury of dwelling on the past.

He needed answers, and he needed them now. “Did you want to hang out?” Timothy asked. you want to

Josh snorted. “What? Grown so bored of your life of stardom that slum it up with an old bud?” “Perhaps,” Timothy said matter of factly, shrugging a shoulder. “Don’t act like you wouldn't be up for it.”

This made Josh laugh aloud. Timothy cringed at the sound, but he knew he had to 1/5

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12-26 Fri, 22 Mar

Chapter 93

remain cordial for the time being. Once he had Josh cornered, he’d


After a moment, Josh finally took the bite. “All right. I’ll send my address.”

As he stood before Josh’s apartment door, he hesitated for a moment, his hand poised to knock. Josh had wound up in a rough part of town. It was similar to where Evie and her friend had been situated, very rundown and abandoned in appearance.

Taking a deep breath, he rapped his knuckles against the door, the sound echoing in the hallway.

The door swung open, revealing Josh’s face. There was a flicker of surprise in his eyes, quickly masked by a forced smile. “Tim! Hey, man. Long time no see.”

ll Timothy managed a tight smile, his emotions a jumble beneath the surface. “Yeah, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Let me in, will ya?” Josh stepped back, gesturing for Timothy to enter. “Sure thing, come on in.”

As Timothy stepped into the apartment, he couldn’t help but feel discomfort. The familiarity of the space, with its worn-out furniture and moldy odor, all brought back memories of his less polished days. But there was an underlying tension in the air as well.

“Can | get you something to drink?” Josh asked, his attempt at hospitality a thin veil over their unspoken tension. Timothy shook his head, his focus squarely on the matter at hand. “Thanks, but I’m good. Actually, | wanted to talk to you about something.”

Josh’s smile faltered slightly, his eyes narrowing with curiosity. “Yeah? What's up?”

Timothy's gaze met Josh’s, his expression serious. “Remember that video | showed you? The one with me and Evie?” Recognition flickered in Josh’s eyes, followed by a grin. “Oh, right, that video. Yeah, | remember.

“| need to know if anyone else had access to that video, Timothy said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within.


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Chapter 93

Josh’s brow furrowed, confusion evident in his expression. “Why? Is something wrong?”

Timothy hesitated for a moment, grappling with how much he should reveal. “Yeah, something’s wrong. That video got out, Josh. It's causing a lot of problems.”

Understanding dawned on Josh’s face, his eyes widening with surprise. “Wait, seriously? How did that happen?” “That's what I’m trying to figure out,” Timothy replied; his frustration seeping out. “I need to know if anyone else could have seen it, if anyone else had access to it.”

Josh scratched his head, his expression thoughtful. “I mean, | don’t think so. You sent it to me, but I’m pretty sure | didn’t share it with anyone.”

Timothy nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. “But did you ever show it to anyone else, even if they just glanced at it?” Josh shook his head, his gaze locked on the floor. “Nah, man, | kept that to myself. | wouldn’t want that kind of thing getting out there.”From NôvelDrama.Org.

Timothy pinched the bridge of his nose and leered at Josh. He couldn't afford to give up, not when everything he cared about was on the line. Josh had to know something.

“Did you release the video?” Timothy asked again. Josh blinked. “What? Dude, no!”

“I'm not playing games with you, Josh,” Timothy growled. “You were the only one who got the video, but you're telling me someone else somehow got their hands

on it?” Josh kissed his teeth and ran his hands threw his hair in frustration. He walked to the fridge and swung open the door, cursing under his breath. When he came back. out, he pulled out an open can of beer and chugged it down.

Timothy kept his eyes trained on the other man, which didn’t go unnoticed. Josh turned back around and wiped the corner of his mouth with his wrist. “I did it, all right. That what you wanted?”

“Why?” Timothy’s voice was sharp as he spoke. “What the hell what you do that 12:26 Fri, 22 Mar

Chapter 93


Josh’s shoulders sagged, his voice laced with remorse. “I’ve been going through at tough time lately, man. Someone got to me, threatened me.”

Timothy stood up and crossed the room, towering over Josh as he pressed. “Who?”

Josh hesitated, fear flickering in his eyes before he finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “It’s someone dangerous, Timo. | don’t know their name, but they made it clear that they make good on their threats. They've been watching me. stealing some of my money.”

Asense of dread settled in Timothy’s chest as he listened to Josh’s words. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut— someone had been orchestrating this entire nightmare. Someone with enough influence to manipulate and threaten someone who had been in his life.

As the truth settled in. Timothy felt a little helpless. He had unwittingly become entangled in a dangerous game, one where the stakes were higher than he could have ever imagined. His mind raced with questions.

With a heavy heart, he stepped away from Josh. | have to go, Josh. | need to figure this out.” Josh’s gaze held a mixture of fear and regret. “Be careful, Tim.”

Leaving Josh’s apartment, Timothy’s mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The pieces of the puzzle were finally coming together, but the picture they painted was more sinister than he could have ever anticipated. He couldn’t shake the feeling that Bruce was somehow involved, that his actions had set off a chain of events that now threatened not only his relationship with Evie but their safety as well.

As he walked away from Josh’s apartment, the weight of the truth settled heavily on his shoulders. The danger was real, the stakes higher than he could have ever imagined. The scar on his midsection was proof of that. He was going to get to the bottom of this.

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