The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus)

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

Jonas furrowed his brow, shutting his eyes to the world as the vivid image of her radiant face and the gaze that had etched itself into his very marrow haunted him. "Jonas, please, no. | can't forget you! Don't make me forget. Don't erase our child from my memory!"

Those were days filled with the sweetest bliss and the sharpest of pains, where love had seeped into their bones, and heartache had taken residence in their souls.

Duty had called, a mission from his superiors that he could not refuse, and he was forced to wipe her memory clean. He only wanted to temporarily erase her recollections of their life together, promising himself he'd return for her soon. But when he set foot on that familiar land once again, her presence was nowhere to be found.

Three years had vanished, and he had raised their child alone; she had disappeared as if wiped from existence, never to be seen again. If he had known that erasing her memory would result in her vanishing, he would have sacrificed everything to prevent it, rather than enduring a world of pain without her.

Tomorrow, he was to be engaged to Madeline, an inescapable reality.

Cradling the soft bundle in his arms, breathing in the scent that was so achingly hers, Jonas rested his chin on the small shoulder and inhaled deeply. "Max, remember, starting tomorrow, Madeline will be your mom. She's going to love you!" For the first time, he spoke these words carefully to his son.

Max, with a look that mirrored the depth of his father's eyes, coldly shrugged off Jonas’ hand and hopped down from his lap. "I'll

never call her mom! Max marched upstairs with a glance that could curdle milk and his hands defiantly in his pockets.

Watching the retreating figure, Jonas called out, his voice laden with sorrow, "Max!"

The boy turned, his gaze icy. "Hmph!" The sound of the door slamming echoed through the house like a thunderclap. Jonas, frowning at the strength of his son's spirit, climbed the stairs with a heavy heart.

In the dead of night, Jonas lay restless in his bed, sleep a stranger to him.

Tomorrow was the day he'd bind himself to Madeline, though his heart rebelled against it. Over the years, Madeline had attempted to end her own life several times, despairing over his reluctance to marry her. His mentor, who had been like a second father to him, had begged Jonas to give his daughter a chance to live in this world.

Three years prior, Jonas had embarked on a classified mission, a year that turned his life upside down. That year, he met Elisea, a woman who would become the cornerstone of his existence.

On the night she was betrayed and injected with a potent drug meant to leave her helpless in the hands of a ruthless man, Jonas caught her pleading eyes. Her silent plea was deafening: Save me!

Without a second thought, Jonas had fought them off and brought her to safety in his room. Although he could have taken her to a hospital, he lost control and used his body as the antidote... resulting in her pregnancy with Max.

Those were the happiest days of his life. She'd waddle around with her pregnant belly, preparing meals for him to come home to. She'd wrap her arms around him, saying, "Jonas, | love you so much. Meeting you has been the joy of my life."

She'd iron his shirts and pants, ensuring they were crisp, saying, "Jonas, a man's got to be healthy and comfortable."

Touching her eight-month belly, she'd muse, "Jonas, our son will be just like you, handsome and strong.”

But Max was a blend of both his parents...

To complete his mission in secrecy, Jonas had to erase her memory. He promised she'd only have to wait three months before he'd reunite their family. After those months passed, she was gone, leaving Jonas to feel the chill of a life without her.

Obliged by gratitude, he agreed to his mentor's request to marry Madeline. Without Elisea, one woman was the same as another.Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

He closed his eyes against the bitterness. The memories of Elisea, her every smile and word, tugged at his heartstrings incessantly.

Even now, remorse for the decisions of his past gnawed at him. He regretted his haste, his naive belief that all would be well once the mission ended and he could bring her home. Instead, she had vanished without a trace.

Many a night, he awoke from dreams, steeped in the bitterness of her absence. He still remembered the desperate fear in her eyes when he erased her memory, a look he'd never forget as long as he lived.

Who would have thought that would be her final glance?

Holding onto the memory of the girl he loved and lost, Jonas eventually drifted to sleep. In his ee me, ca \ f nchimegalt AONS ine meadow btdoming with flowers. Not far away, under a weeping willow, sat a graceful young woman, playfully engaging with a white rabbit. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

Overjoyed at the sight, Jonas hurried toward her. That silhouette was none other than her, the woman of his dreams!

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't close the distance. The willow remained just that, the girl absorbed with the rabbit. The fragrance of her perfume hung tantalizingly in the air.

Despite his efforts, he couldn't reach her side.

Jonas awoke in a sweat, the dream shattering around him. Disappointment weighed heavily as he closed his eyes, chastising himself for waking. Why couldn't he have simply watched her from afar in his dream?

Suddenly, Jonas tensed in feigned slumber as a shadowy figure leaped onto his balcony and through his bedroom window, landing silently and moving with stealth.

The intruder checked her surroundings before creeping Taree Jonas’ bed in emoentignt © reyealingihet form clad in a black bodysuit. Her face was obscured by a mask, and her eyes were glinting with malice. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

She approached Jonas, confirming his identity with a calculated gaze, then swiftly drew a dagger from her side, aiming for his throat with lethal intent.

The blade glinted coldly in the night, poised to sever his life in a single stroke...

Just as the woman's knife was raised high, Jonas’ eyes snapped open. pou a second's hesttatioa, Ae!" dautihis fase y sending the dagger flying from her grip. The blade arced through the air, a silver flash that embedded itself into the wall with a dull thud. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

His voice was icy as he demanded, "Who the hell are you?!"

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