At this event, from the foundation, they received a plaque for their valuable support and collaboration. Amber, as legal or juridical advisor required by any person protected by the institution. He, for his valuable economic contribution in the remodeling of the center. Once the simple tribute was over, they left.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

-Tired?” he asked, as the two of them got into the back of the van.

-Yes, and very sleepy! -she confessed, leaning her head and part of her body against his chest.


Arriving at the mansion, despite the sleep she claimed, with more time and dedication, he loved her and led her again on the path of love, passion and desire. Christopher made her experience strong emotions, which keep her content and immensely happy.

Three months later

Christopher, following up on Lugo’s process in the USA, could see how they were involved not only in the crime of drug trafficking, but also in white slavery.

-What are you doing?” asked Elian as he entered.

-Following the trial. Not only were they involved not only in drug trafficking, but also in white slavery,” answered Christopher.

-My God, they were real criminals,” said Elian.

-That’s not all! Michelle Fontain and her father were his partners in both crimes,” commented Christopher, regretting everything he did to lock up and punish his wife, influenced by her.

“Likewise, his lawyers will be extradited because these were his accomplices in all these misdeeds.

“Furthermore, he admitted that he gave the order and paid for Amber to be kidnapped and killed. My God! I will never forgive myself for having allowed myself to be handled like a puppet.

-Calm down! Christopher, leave that in the past, Amber is so kind, she forgave you in spite of everything. That’s true love,” said Elian with admiration towards her.

-Definitely! That’s why I don’t want anyone near me, who wants to make me fall into temptation, because of my weakness as a man,” he clarified, referring to Maggy.

-Speaking of which,” Elian commented, “I’ve already moved Maggy out of here. Taking advantage of the fact that she is an administrator and that we need her in Islander, I moved her there, with the new position. She was satisfied.

-Perfect, Elian! You take a load off my mind, because if we are going to see, she is not totally guilty either. At the time, I gave her a chance to get her hopes up about me,” he said stubbornly.

-She’s leaving early Monday morning, to give her time to organize and arrange all her things here,” Elian said with a smile.

-Thank you, my friend! I’m indebted to you. Speaking of which, what are you waiting for to visit the mansion next to mine,” he asked, smiling.

-I’ve been very busy, business is booming. We are finally finishing the biggest shopping mall in Santiago de Leon; almost all the stores are sold out. The same is happening in the residential complex next door.

In this one, only the Penthouse of the last tower is still to be sold, I was thinking of leaving it for myself. And start my own investments, but first I’m going to see the mansion you tell me about and if Genesis likes it, I’ll buy it at once,” he exclaimed smiling.

-Who told you that you will pay for it? -questioned Christopher, surprising him- That’s my gift. Besides, this way, we will have our wives close to us,” he answered. Meanwhile, Elian was astonished.

-Don’t worry, we will visit her tomorrow! -Thank you, Christopher! Sometimes I ask myself, how long will you keep on giving me gifts, without getting anything in return?

-What do you mean, nothing in return? I have your friendship, your support, loyalty, safety, security, protection, your time for twenty-four hours a day,” Christhoper affirmed.

“I can go anywhere, I’m sure that from here you protect me and my family, that’s priceless! -he affirmed.

-It is my obligation, Christopher,” he answered, very grateful and hugging him.

-Ok! Then, I will wait for your answer tomorrow, so that we close the business”, said Christopher, continuing with the attention in the trial.

A few minutes later, the hearing was adjourned for a week from now, when the verdict will be rendered. This one, anxious to know what it is, turned off his TV and began to search the networks for information about it. He found thousands and thousands of comments.

[According to what has been seen in the process, both the father and the son will be sentenced.]

[They deserve life imprisonment, moreover for destroying our youth, they deserve the death penalty].

[If they are not given life imprisonment, we will protest before the respective court, so that they really do justice].

[They are white-collar criminals, suddenly they are acquitted.]

[If that happens, we have the constitutional right to express our disagreement with it].

[I trust in the justice of my country and it will not let them escape. They will be condemned, for all crimes].

-Did you read the comments on the networks? -Christopher asked Elian.

-Yes, there are some very cruel comments, but they are right if they let them go free,” he added.

-I am sure that after the expenses generated by the extradition, they will not release them and they will be sentenced to life imprisonment,” assured Christopher, trusting in the justice system of that country.

-Let’s hope so! -said Elian, who got up to meet with the new manager of the travel agency.

-So be it! -said Christopher with faith in God.

The following week

With so much news and comments on the networks, the long-awaited day arrived. It could be seen in the new comments the strong criticism of the possible acquittal of the offenders, which was refuted by many connoisseurs of the matter.

Christopher, again with Elian in front of his huge flat screen in his office, awaited the verdict. Once the reading of the verdict began and it was announced, Christopher jumped up and hugged Elian, excited.

-I knew it! Justice could not fail me. They both deserved that sentence “life imprisonment” and out of Santiago de Leon. Where they have no power whatsoever,” Chris said.

-Blessed be God!” he exclaimed excitedly, calling Amber, to inform her and lower the pressure on her as well.

Ring! Ring!

-Yes, love! -she replied, checking a file.

-My love, are you watching TV? -he asked, excited.

-No, my life, I’m analyzing a file because my pupils need counseling -she expressed, deducing from his voice that it was good news- What good news do you have for me?

-They were convicted! Life imprisonment! Amber, I’m happy,” he said, feeling an inner joy he could not hide.

-Bless God, what good news, my love! I think that now, if we can have a life like any normal person, without fear, fear or fear that someone will assault us or want to hurt us,” she added, also excited, just like him.

-I trust in God it will be like that! -Today we must celebrate, I will take you to dinner at the Mediterranean. They had passed me an invitation, for their inauguration. However, my preoccupation with this, made me forget it. So be ready at seven o’clock.

-Ok, my love! Any special outfit? The dressing room is crammed with new outfits, from this season that your exclusive designer sent me, I don’t think I’ll wear even half of them,” she assured.

-Ha ha ha ha! What do you mean, my exclusive designer? He only makes outfits for queens, princesses and mises. You are my queen, my princess and the most beautiful Miss Universe on the planet,” he smiled.

Whatever you wear, it looks great on you,” he said, more in love than ever…

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