The Lost Luna Is In Our Midst (Moon Goddess)

True Love

The evening sun cast a warm glow over the quiet neighborhood as Cory and Luna strolled along the familiar streets. Cory couldn’t shake the heaviness in his heart, knowing that the rift between Ella, Luna, and himself needed mending.

As they walked, Luna’s grip on her father’s hand began to loosen, and she skipped ahead, chasing the gentle breeze. Cory watched her, a mixture of pride and concern in his eyes.

Cory: *I need to find the right time to talk to Ella. Luna shouldn’t be caught up in our adult troubles.*

They reached a small park where families gathered, children playing on the swings, and couples sharing quiet moments. Luna’s eyes sparkled with excitement, and she pointed towards the swings.

Luna: “Papa, can we swing? Please?”

Cory smiled, grateful for the simple joys that could momentarily lift Luna’s spirits. They spent some time on the swings, laughter filling the air, a momentary reprieve from the tensions at home.

Meanwhile, Ella paced around the silent house, regret gnawing at her. She glanced at Luna’s drawings adorning the walls, each stroke reflecting a moment of shared happiness.

Ella (whispering): *What have I done to our little haven? I need to fix this.*

Driven by an impulse to make amends, Ella decided to prepare a special meal, one that had often brought smiles to their faces. She busied herself in the kitchen, chopping vegetables, the rhythmic sounds of cooking providing a calming backdrop.

Ella (thinking): *Maybe a comforting meal can help mend the wounds I’ve caused.*

Cory and Luna returned home, Luna’s laughter echoing through the halls. Cory noticed the change in the atmosphere and wondered if Ella was ready to talk.

Cory: “Luna, why don’t you go and freshen up? I’ll join you in a moment.”

Luna nodded and scampered off to her room, leaving Cory to face the challenging task of addressing the situation.

Cory: *I need to approach this carefully. We’re a family, and families find a way to heal.*

Cory found Ella in the kitchen, her eyes avoiding his. The aroma of the meal filled the air, a silent invitation to reconciliation.

Cory: “Ella, we need to talk.”

Ella glanced at him, a mix of guilt and remorse evident in her eyes.

Ella: “I… I know. I messed up, Cory. I let my frustrations affect both you and Luna.”

Cory: “We all have bad days, Ella. But we can’t let it define us. Luna needs us, and we need each other.”

Ella: *I have to make things right.*

Ella took a deep breath, her words carrying a genuine sincerity.

Ella: “I’m sorry, Cory. I shouldn’t have said those things. And Luna… I owe her an apology too.”

Cory gently interrupted, “We’re a family, Ella. We need to support each other, especially in tough times. Let’s find a way to make things better for all of us.

Let’s find a way to make it up to her. Together.”

And so, with a shared understanding, they kissed one another softly.

The evening unfolded with a shared meal, a silent agreement to move forward. Luna, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, smiled as her parents engaged in a heartfelt conversation, rebuilding the bonds that had momentarily frayed.

As the night settled, the family found solace in the simple act of being together. They gathered on the couch, Luna nestled between her parents, creating a cocoon of warmth and forgiveness.

Cory (softly): *We’re a family. And families find a way to heal.*


(Her thoughts)Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Ella’s days at the fashion house had taken a challenging turn. Her boss, a close friend, was away, leaving her to navigate the intricate world of design and deadlines alone. However, it wasn’t the workload that weighed on her the most.

Ella’s Inner Thoughts:

*I miss having Dennis around. His guidance and support always made the hectic days more manageable. Now, it feels like I’m swimming in uncharted waters.*

To add to her professional stress, Dennis’s fiancée, Emma, had been making Ella’s workplace a rather uncomfortable environment. Emma’s jealousy over Dennis’s close friendship with Ella had escalated, casting a shadow over the workplace camaraderie.

Ella’s Inner Thoughts:

*Why can’t Emma understand that Dennis and I are just friends, nothing more? The tension she’s creating is making my job unbearable.*

As Ella prepared Luna’s bed, she couldn’t shake off the emotional weight of the day.

Luna’s laughter and jokes provided a brief respite, but the impending conversation with Cory lingered in her mind.

Later, when Luna was tucked into bed, Ella finally discussed the topic with Cory. His comforting presence gave her the strength to share her concerns.

Ella: “Cory, it’s been tough at work. Dennis’s away, and Emma is making things difficult because she thinks there’s something more between us.”

Cory, ever the supportive husband, listened attentively.

Cory: “Ella, you’ve always handled challenges with grace. But I don’t want you to face this alone. We’re a team, and I’m here for you. What can we do to make it easier for you?”

Ella sighed, feeling a sense of relief with Cory’s understanding.

Ella: “Maybe I should talk to Dennis about this when he returns. Clarify things with Emma. It’s just hard, you know?”

Cory gently held her hand, his eyes filled with love.

Cory: “You’re not alone in this, Ella. And remember, no matter what happens at work, you’re cherished at home. Let’s find a way to navigate this together.”

Ella smiled, grateful for Cory’s unwavering support. Their conversation shifted from the challenges at work to the warmth of their relationship.

Cory: “You know, even in the midst of challenges, you’re the brightest part of my day.”

Ella blushed, touched by Cory’s sweet words.

Ella: “And you’re my anchor, Cory. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

As the evening unfolded, the couple found comfort in each other’s arms, sharing laughter and love. The challenges at work seemed less daunting, knowing they could face them together.

Cory: *No matter what comes our way, we’ll always have each other.*

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