The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 288


Losing a child is like having a piece of your soul torn away, leaving an empty, aching void that nothing can fill. Your little boy, your sweet anget, was taken from you too soon, leaving you alone in a world that suddenly felt cold and heartless. Every day was a struggle to navigate through the pain, to find some semblance of peace amidst the storm of grief that

raged within you.

You remembered the day he was born so vividly, as if it were only yesterday. The joy and excitement that filled the room as you held him in your arms for the first time, his tiny fingers wrapping around yours, his eyes wide with wonder at the world around him. From that moment on, he became your entire world, your reason for living, your everything.

As he grew, you watched in awe as he discovered the world around him with boundle curiosity and infectious laughter. His smile could light up even the darkest of days, and his hugs were like a warm embrace from heaven itself. You shared countless moments together, building memories that you thought would last a lifetime.

But life had a cruel way of taking the things you held most dear. One fateful day, a tragedy struck, snatching your precious boy away from you in the blink of an eye. You still remembered the phone call, the words that shattered your world into a million pieces. It felt like the ground had been ripped out from beneath you, leaving you to fall into an abyss

of despair.

In the days that followed, you were consumed by grief, drowning in a sea of tears that seemed to have no end. Everywhere you looked, you saw reminders of him his favorite toys scattered around the house, his laughter echoing in the halls, his empty room at constant reminder of the life that was taken

from you too soon. The silence that once brought you comfort now felt suffocating, a constant reminder of the absence that now defined your existence.

People tried to offer words of comfort, but their well–meaning platitudes only served to deepen the wound in your heart. How could they understand the pain of losing a child, of having a piece of your soul ripped away without warning? You felt isolated, alone in your grief, with no one to turn to for solace.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and still the pain remained, a constant companion that refused to be ignored. You found yourself withdrawing from the world, retreating into yourself as you struggled to come to terms with the loss that had torn your life apart. Nothing seemed to bring you comfort, no amount of time could heal the wound that had been carved into your heart.


But amidst the darkness, there were moments of light memories of your sweet boy that brought a bittersweet smile to your lips. You would close your eyes and picture his face, hear his laughter ringing in your ears, feel the warmth of his embrace enveloping you like a gentle hug from beyond. In those moments, you could almost believe that he was still with you, watching over you from wherever he may be.

You knew that he would want you to find a way to move forward, to live your life in a way that honors his memory. And so you tried, one step at a time, clinging to the love that still binds you together even in death. You knew that he would always be a part of you, a guiding light in the darkness, a reminder of the precious gift of life and love.

But no matter how much time passed, no matter how far you may have journeyed on this road of grief, there would always be a part of you that longed for the little boy who was the taken from you too soon.

He would forever be your sweet angel, your precious son, light of your life and the beat of your heart. And though he may be gone, he would never be forgotten, for his memory lived on in the depths of your soul, a beacon of hope in the darkness that surrounded you.


“Can I ask you a question?” Andre quizzed, and I slowly turned to him.

I could only wonder what he was about to ask me now. And trust me, my mind had two things. Two things in the track, right in this brain. Okay, don’t mind me, I might be talking a little bit too much earlier. But honestly, two questions ran through my mind.

It’s either he was going to ask me about my relationship with Luke, which would be really kind of awkward. Since Andre don’t usually ask me about that. I mean, the things going on in my relationship aren’t actually his concern. So that thought could be scrapped out. But

don’t do that.

And then the second thought, the question stirring through my mind. He was going to ask. me about Mason. Apparently, it could be quite clear. Although the discussion and not started, I could tell that it was going to just like the last one we had when I came to see him at the hospital.

“Ariel?” Andre voiced, moving his hand nigh to my face, and it broke me off my thoughts.

“Oh, sorry.” I did a fake laugh. I was quite terrible at it.

“What were you thinking about?”

I looked at him, closing my eyes a little. “Is this what you wanted to ask me about?”


“What? No,” he answered right away. “This is just a question. You know, to snap you back. to reality.”

“Ohh, I see. You want to snap mo back to reality.”

“Don’t get things wrong around here. I genuinely had no idea what you were thinking.”

“I’m not getting things wrong. I’m not even upset. I was just lost in my thoughts, that’s all.”

“And I was only trying to help you.”

“Yeah, thank you.” I smiled at him.

“Okay, back to the main point.”

“What’s the main point?“I asked that very moment.

“Uhmm, I’m about to spit the question out.”

“Well go ahead, friend. No one’s stopping you.”

He looked at me for a moment. “Apparently, you are.”

“Me? How?”

Andre gave me knowing look. “Ohh,” was what I said immediately, in a low tone. He shook. his head and turned his face away.

“So, what’s the question?” I quizzed.

He took a deep breath before he finally replied, “It’s about Mason.”

“I knew it,” I whispered to myself, snapping my fingers.

Andre glanced at me immediately. “You knew what now?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s nothing,” I lied. “I was just uhmmm, practicing.”

He gave me a confused face. /”Practicing for what?”

“Practicing for what? Yes, that is a good question. What am I practicing for actually?” I moved my palms together, just doing crazy shit. I didn’t even know what the hell was wrong with me.

“Just forget about your practice, or whatever. Let’s focus on this question right now.”

“Concerning Mason?” I crossed both of my arms together.

Of course

Okay, go ahead with your questions”

“It’s about your revenge. Have you changed your mind?” This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

I closed my eyes, letting out a deep sigh. “Andre, please don’t as me that.”

“Come on, Ariel. You have to.”

7 have to what, huh? To forgive Mason?” I yelled to a certain degree. “He killed my son!”

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