The Luna’s Second Chance Mate

A deal

Chapter 55

Stefan’s POV

That fucking bastard.

I was shaking with fury, my hands clenched into fists as I stood outside this tacky, godforsaken mansion. It was a sore sight to the eyes and the one I had built was every inch more luxurious. For a second I contemplated going back in there and teaching that son of a bitch a lesson. How dare he? He didn’t know who the hell he was dealing with. I was Stefan fucking Tokenmoon, and no one in their right mind had ever dared cross me. Who the fuck did he think he was? Manhandling me like I was a nobody? And setting those foolish guards on me like a dog. I would not let him go scot-free. Never.

I shut my eyes in anger as I stood, still thinking. I couldn’t believe that everything I had done, all the things I had said to Larissa to gain her forgiveness had gone to utter waste! I already hated that I had to stoop as low as begging for her forgiveness. That alone was infuriating enough, and if it wasn’t for the sake of my health, I would never be caught dead pleading with anyone, especially not a woman. Why did I have to beg? I was her one and only true mate, after all, and I still am. But I knew I had to convince her somehow. So I swallowed my pride and made my way here, only to have it cut short and torn apart.

Again, fury clouded my chest. I had even managed to shed a few tears. I knew deep down that I would have been able to convince her. I watched her break as I spewed those sweet, sad words, driving them straight to her heart. I was so close to succeeding. Larissa would have been on my arm right now as I walked out of this place. She had always been easy to manipulate and bend to my will. She had never had a mind of her own, right from when I knew her. So I never thought I had my work cut out for me. And I was confident I could pull it off.

But, no. The presence of that fumbling fool had given her a sharp mouth and a cold heart, and I was unable to break down her walls. There were no words to describe my anger and disappointment. I had taken a hard blow today, my pride had been hurt. I was completely disregarded and disgraced by a bunch of fools I could have easily killed with one snap of my fingers.

“This wasn’t how it was supposed to go!” I spat furiously. I had spent a lot of time working out this plan. As soon as I found out I had contracted this disease, I had not had a day’s rest. That bitch, Katya. The thought of her always filled me with disgust. The only thing I regretted was that she died of that disease. She should be glad she got off that easy. I would’ve tortured and killed her with my bare hands. A slow, painful death was exactly what she deserved. And because of her I had spent weeks searching for a cure.

I was too much of a force to be reckoned with to die a shameful death. Death by a sexual disease from my cheating wife was an appalling and disgraceful way to die. That was why I sent my guards off to find Larissa as soon as the healer told me what I needed to do. I knew she would not be keen on returning to me. But I’d always known how to manipulate her so I wasn’t worried at all.

I paused in my pacing as something came to mind. I received no information about this whatsoever from the surveillance I’d set here. I had no clue Larissa was remarried. I clearly remembered my spies telling me she was a serving girl at this pack and nothing more. It would have been much easier that way. I could have been in and out completely undetected. But of course, they had given me the wrong information. Those incompetent fools. I would deal with them when I got back.

I hissed loudly in annoyance, punching at the first thing my hand came in contact with, which happened to be the brick wall. The impact made it shatter, leaving a large hole in place. My chest continued to heave as I paced around angrily. I wanted to bash that asshole’s face in. Beat him to a pulp until he died on the spot.

And there was his name too.

Kaden Griffin.

A name I had known for years, but without a face to it. The man I had spent years strategizing about in a bid to dethrone him. Alpha of Griffinhowl pack; the biggest and most powerful pack in the werewolf realm. That title I was keen to secure for myself and Tokenmoon, which was why I had begun to unleash my men onto the smaller packs in his territory. Packs he bore the responsibility to protect. I wanted to knock him hard at the knees, weaken him from every side…and then when I was ready to infiltrate Griffinhowl, he would be too busy making plans to notice. And I would destroy him and take over every single thing he owned.

It was why I had sent enemies against him several times in the last few months. It was why I’d had him ambushed. It was why I’d sent a spy to rattle him by making it clear I had eyes on his entire family, especially that little boy of his. I wanted to scare him, make him fear me. From the looks of things it was working, and this plan was still underway.

But, not once did I ever suspect that Larissa had taken refuge with Griffinhowl. Nor did I have a clue about their apparent relationship. And now that it had all come to light, it was an even bigger reason to destroy the bastard. As soon as he introduced himself to me in there, I had the sudden urge to jump at him and be done with him on the spot. But I reasoned that it would ruin the fun. Plus, I was outnumbered. So I waited.

And now everything had fallen apart because of him. I could not let this slide, no way. He had openly embarrassed me in front of those measly guards and in front of Larissa. I couldn’t have that. He must have taken me for an utter weakling, a fool who came back crawling to beg for Larissa’s forgiveness. Again, I felt shame crowd my chest. If not for the fact that I was trying to keep up appearances in front of Larissa, I would have dealt him with a blow he’d never forget. But there was nothing I could do about it now. It was done.

I just had to find another way. I had tried the easy way, warming up to Larissa to get her to come back. Now I was going to do it the hard way. If the only way I could be cured was by mating with her, then I would do exactly that. Whether she wanted to or not.

And then, I had to get Griffin out of the way, by any means necessary. And if push came to shove and it couldn’t be helped, then I would do the needful. If I had to die then so be it. But I would take the bastard down with me.

My lips curved into a smile as I imagined slashing my claws through his chest and tearing his organs open. A delicious chill ran down my spine. There was nothing more thrilling than brutal killing. And Kaden Griffin was high up on my list.

Calm now, I turned around to make my way outside. I didn’t want to spend one more second in this place lest I changed my mind. I had only taken a few steps when I heard the gates behind me clang loudly. I turned around in time to see the guards shove a screaming woman out and then bang the gates in her face.

I recalled seeing the woman go in earlier, but I’d been too pissed to pay attention to her. I was going to make my way out until I heard the words she was murmuring.

“I said, open up! Kaden!” She screamed. When there was no answer, she kicked hard at the gate, rattling it noisily. And then she whipped around furiously and marched about, murmuring. “That bastard! Keeping me away from my own son? I’ll teach him a goddamn lesson.”

Immediately, my ears perked up. Someone who harbored the same hatred I did for Griffin at this moment? Interesting. I wondered what exactly this was about. The woman was practically steaming. I immediately wondered what I could do with this.

First, I took a good look at her. Although twisted in rage, her face was quite beautiful. Young. I guessed she was probably around Larissa’s age. She wasn’t dressed cheaply either so I knew she could not be a servant.

My thoughts raced.

The only person young enough to be her son within those walls was the little boy. A sudden thought ran through my mind, and as she stormed past me, I took a wild guess.

“I’m guessing you’re the ex wife?”

She suddenly froze in place, and then whipped around, her face contorted in rage, and then she walked back to where I was standing. “For your information, we are still legally married,” she spat. “And who the fuck do you think you are, asking me questions?”

Oh. It was all beginning to make sense now. I’d heard the stories of the cheating wife who had run off with Griffin’s Beta a few years ago. My guess was that she was back now, and probably disrupting the relationship between Griffin and Larissa. Therefore, this woman here had issues with Kaden Griffin too. A common ground for us both. I wondered if I could work something out with this.

“Alpha Stefan Tokenmoon,” I said, stretching out a hand which she did not take. I chuckled in amusement. “Women like you know how to get things done. Let’s chat.”

She only hissed in annoyance and pushed past me roughly. “Do I look like I’m in the mood to get hit on? Get the fuck out of my face.”

I watched her walk away, tempted to snap her neck on the spot for speaking to me in that manner. But I knew I needed her for this to work.

“I’m Larissa’s ex husband.”Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Once again, she froze and turned around. “The tramp? She’s taking every damn thing away from me! I won’t let her take my son too. So she better not even dream of me granting that divorce, not until I get my money and my son,” she spat.

So I was right about her. She had a motive. Perfect. I could hear the anger and determination in her voice. Jealousy and greed. They were always perfect hand in hand, and I could already tell that if I played my card right, this woman would be an essential part of my plan.

“Why are you here?” She suddenly asked, glaring suspiciously at me.

This was my chance to strike the iron while it was hot. I just had to play it right.

“I came for her. I want her back. But just like you, I got kicked out by Griffin. What he doesn’t know is that I don’t back down easily. And I can tell you don’t either. From the looks of things, we are in similar situations. I am not a spy, nor am I here to ridicule you.”

She observed me for a few moments and then she inhaled deeply. I could see her features begin to relax. The hostile look had vanished from her face and she was warming up to me. “Amaya,” she offered, extending her arm for a handshake.

Very good.

That was when I spoke again.

“Amaya, what if I told you there was a way for the both of us to get what we want? You get your son and your money, and I get Larissa back. You just need to be willing to work with me.”

Her expression was a mixture of doubt and curiosity. For a second she said nothing, and then she crossed her arms over her chest and pulled her shoulders back.

“I’m listening.”

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