The Luna’s Second Chance Mate

Be careful

Chapter 63

Kaden’s POV

I was right. Infiltrating the Tokenmoon hideout was as easy as we anticipated because they had indeed prepared to attack at dawn. The trip took us exactly forty minutes, being a little far from Griffinhowl mansion, but we got there in good time. The whole time I continued to repeat a prayer in my mind, pleading with the moon goddess to keep my son and Larissa safe. I prayed neither of them had been harmed in any way, and I tried to keep my faith strong no matter how helpless I felt.

As soon as we arrived, I tossed aside all the doubt and fear in my mind and prepared for battle. This was not the time to lament and worry. It was the time to save my family and defeat that bastard once and for all.

I turned to Hunter. “You know the plan. Scope through the building and destroy any weapons you can find so we can cut them off at the knees. Then meet us inside. We only have ten minutes tops before we are detected, so make it count.”

He gave a stiff bow and moved closer to me. “Be careful,” he whispered.

“Don’t die on me either.”

We exchanged looks one last time and then we parted, my men close behind me. With my wolf vision, I looked through the empty courtyard behind the gate. I counted six guards in total. It would not be a problem getting past them as they were asleep. I turned to the Gemini. “Now.”

The rest of us stayed close behind as they put on gas masks and jumped over the gates. The guards were huddled in one spot so the fumes knocked them out quickly and effectively. They returned to the gates and pulled it open. “Go in, find the guard quarters and spread the fumes there as well. We need to knock a lot of them out as we’re outnumbered.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

As the Gemini raced into the mansion, I directed my men, and together, we snapped the necks of the unconscious men to make sure they were dead. Then we all filed inside. I turned to the last person I was meant to send off; a smallish maid I had seen with Larissa on several occasions. She had insisted on joining us on the grounds that she’d be able to find Declan faster under the guise of blending in as a maid. I tried to dissuade her but she would not budge.

“You know what to do,” I said.

“Yes Alpha,” she nodded readily. “I won’t let you down.” She picked up her skirts and raced up the stairs. As soon as she was gone, I began to separate my men. But we hadn’t even gotten far when we heard the deafening sound of a warning bell.

We had been detected.

Immediately, chaos descended. Guards descended from both sides of the the stairs and the rooms behind us, all of them shifting to their wolf form. And they were all rushing towards us.

“Hold!” I yelled over the noise, my arms spread wide to stop my men from moving. We had to stick to the plan.

The crowd of werewolves had transformed fully now, their claws out as they got even closer to us.


Come on.

I waited with bated breath.

As soon as I caught sight of the Gemini at the top of the stairs, I yelled to my men. “NOW!!”

We jumped out of the way as Jacob dropped the two large smoke bombs to the ground floor. Immediately, thick white fumes filled up the air, temporarily blinding the wolf vision of the army of werewolves. I knew it would affect them more because they were transformed fully and I was grateful things were going according to plan.

We tore through the crowd, slashing the necks of the men who were still trying to adjust their eyesight. When we finally outnumbered them, I left my men to complete the job as I raced up the stairs and began to search for Larissa. I knew the bastard would not let her out of his sight, so I needed to find him.

As I raced past screaming servants and children who were ducking for safety, I yelled out Larissa’s name. But there was no answer. My chest began to thump wildly and I prayed that she was somewhere in this house and not someplace else with that bastard.

I climbed through the six flight of stairs to the top floor, still screaming out her name. I had almost given up when I heard a scream in the distance. It was coming from the floor below me. I raced down like my life depended on it because it did. Again I heard a woman scream. “No! Stop!”

I knew that voice anywhere. Larissa.

Instead of using the stairs, I scaled the wall down to the next floor and jumped at the door. With all the strength I could muster, I kicked down the door and rushed in. The sight that met me sent fiery rage coursing through my veins. Stefan was tearing off Larissa’s dress, forcing her to him, his trousers pulled down and his dick exposed. The bastard was trying to rape her.

“GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!!” My wolf roared in anger. I lunged forward before he had the chance to react, aiming a hard kick to his head and sending him sprawling. He rolled on the floor, writhing in pain.

“Larissa!” I yelled, pulling her to me in a tight hug. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for everything,” I mumbled into her hair. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I’m sorry too. I love you so much, Kaden.” She hugged me again.

I melted in her embrace for a few seconds before I pulled away. It wasn’t over yet. I had one more thing to take care of. My gaze moved toward Stefan who was struggling to his feet, a murderous look on his face. Quickly, I kissed Larissa’s forehead. “Go..” I said to her. “Run as fast as you can and don’t stop. Hunter is waiting for you beyond the gates.”

“I don’t want to leave you.”

“You have to. I can’t lose you again. Just go, find Declan. He’s with one of the maids. They should be heading in Hunter’s direction as we speak, so join them. Now.” I released her hand and pushed her toward the door.

“Kaden…” her eyes were teary.

“Go!” From the corner of my eyes I could see Stefan running towards me. Once Larissa disappeared from sight, I faced him, transforming to my wolf form as well.

This would not be one of those fights where the villain would circle round whilst giving a speech. I did not have time for that shit, nor would I dare give him the chance. I was here to kill. For Declan. For Larissa. For Griffinhowl.

With a loud growl, I jumped high in the air and slashed my claws into his face.

Larissa’s POV

My heart felt like it was about to burst as I ran down the stairs. Tears sprung to my eyes but I did not stop running. I was still shaken from almost being raped by Stefan. That bastard. I hated him so much. As I made my way past the commotion and fighting, I prayed to the moon goddess to protect Kaden. Stefan was a bastard, but I knew how dangerous he was. The thought of losing Kaden was too much to bear. I didn’t want to leave him, but I had no choice. I ran until I was outdoors. My eyes darted left and right in search of anyone I recognized, but I was lost.

As I took a sharp turn in the courtyard, I bumped into a large figure with turned out to be a cloaked Gwen, Declan huddled into her.

“Mommy!” He screamed when he saw me. I cried out in joy and hugged him tight when he jumped into my arms. I missed him so much. I pulled away to check his body for any marks, but he was fine.

I said a silent prayer to the goddess for keeping him safe. Then I turned to Gwen. Before I could say anything, she jumped at me in a tight hug. “God, Larissa. I was so worried when I heard you went to sacrifice yourself in place of Declan. What were you thinking?!” Tears stood in her eyes. “Do you know how worried I was? You, in the clutches of this dangerous bastard…he could have killed you!”

I pulled her into a hug, tears spilling from my eyes. “I’m so sorry..” I whimpered. “I’ve been such an ass to you for the past few days and–”

“It’s fine, Larissa. I get it. You were under so much stress. A lot happened. You don’t need to apologize.” She pulled away when she realized a part of my chest was bare. She quickly wrapped her cloak around me.

I hugged her again. She tugged at my arm urgently. “We need to leave. It’s not safe here. The Alpha’s Beta is waiting outside for us. Come on.”

I scooped Declan into my arms and followed behind her, and we ran. We were almost at the gate when I stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Gwen asked.

I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. I couldn’t do it. “I can’t leave Kaden, I can’t. I thought I could do it, but I…I won’t leave him.”


“I love him, Gwen. And no one has ever loved me as much as he does. He’s the best thing that ever happened to me and I can’t bring myself to abandon him here not knowing if he’s going to walk out alive. I want to be there for him, help him in any way. I can’t leave..”

Gwen looked fearful. “B-But you’re pregnant…what could you possibly do?”

My hand rubbed my stomach. “I won’t let this baby grow up without a father. I’ll be fine. But I have to know he’s okay.” I wiped the tears off my face and handed Declan back to her. “Take him. Go. I’m going back in.”

She stared at me. “Are you sure?”

I nodded. “I will not let Stefan destroy the life I have built. I love Kaden, and I’m not letting him go.” I pushed her toward the gates and hugged them once more before I raced back into the mansion.

Praying that Kaden was safe, I raced back to the room I had come from. I crossed a room which looked to be an armory and I went in search of any kind of weapon I could use. I knew I did not stand a chance against Stefan, but I did not want to be unarmed. I finally laid eyes on a small dagger. I let out a loud yelp when I picked it up, realising it was made of silver. I stared at the large burn on my palm, deciding if I should take it. Finally I picked it up again. Silver would kill instantly. I could take the burn.

As I reached the room I heard a loud gunshot and then a deafening@ groan.

No. Please, no.

I walked in. Kaden was clutching his abdomen, blood spurting out in all directions. He staggered on his feet, his eyes wide. As soon as he saw me, he jumped at Stefan and silently motioned me to leave. I stared on, rage filling my chest. Stefan had brought a gun to a physical combat, the coward.

I watched fearfully as Stefan overpowered Kaden, slashing his claws through Kaden. He was going to kill him.

“Stefan!!” I yelled from the bottom of my lungs.

He froze just as he was about to deal Kaden a fatal blow. I released the breath I was holding.

Stefan let out a laugh as he staggered to where I stood. He was bloody from head to toe, blood leaking from gashes in his skin. “Oh, Larissa. I knew you would come back to me.”

“Larissa, run…” Kaden wheezed from behind. He tried to crawl forward but he was too weak. I prepared myself for what I was about to do, shuffling backwards as Stefan came even closer.

When he was inches away from me, I raised a hand up to slap his face, but he caught it easily. Immediately, I raised my other hand which held the silver knife, digging it deep into his temple. He did not see it coming.

I watched his eyes widen as he stumbled over his feet. His lips moved as if he was trying to speak, but blood spurted out instead. The whites of his eyes slowly turned red and he fell to the floor in a heap.Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

My heart was thundering in my ears as I watched Stefan writhe on the floor. Bitter tears filled my eyes at the memory of everything I had gone through in his hands. I hated him so much. I wanted him dead.

Letting out a loud scream, I kicked the knife deeper into his temple. Deeper. And deeper. Until he breathed his last. I swiped the tears out of my eyes and rushed to Kaden. “Stay with me, please…” I begged. I pressed the open wound in his abdomen and kissed his forehead.

“Larissa?” His voice was drowsy. Low.

“I’m here, baby. I’m fine. Declan is safe. You have to pull through, okay? We have this little one to think about too.” I placed his hand on my stomach and laughed through the tears when I saw him crack a smile.

“You were so brave, Issa.. so…brave.”

I kissed his forehead. “Stay with me. Please. Stay, okay? I love you so much.” The tears streamed down my face. I couldn’t lose him. I just couldn’t. “Help!” I yelled, hoping someone would hear me. I mindlinked Gwen, telling her to bring Hunter, but I didn’t know if she got the message.

“I’m so sorry,” I heard Kaden whisper. “I said so many horrible things to you. So many things I didn’t mean. None of it was your fault, Issa. I’m so sorry.”

“I’m sorry too. I also said things I shouldn’t have. We’ll work it out, we always do. You have to be okay for us, hmm? We’ll work it out.”

He nodded drowsily. I watched fearfully as his eyes began to close shut. “Kaden…” I shook him. “Kaden!”

Moments later I heard footsteps rush into the room and my heart leaped when I saw Hunter race inside. Kaden was completely unconscious by now.


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