The Luna’s Second Chance Mate

I object

Chapter 50

Kaden’s POV

“Are you nervous?” Hunter asked as he helped me straighten out my tux. We were standing in front of the mirror and doing some final touches.

“A little,” I admitted. “But I’d be lying if I said I’m not fucking excited as well.” I was getting married to the love of my life and the most amazing woman on earth, why wouldn’t I be excited?

Hunter laughed and handed me a bottle of perfume. “Alright then, you should finish up. The boys and I will be outside, waiting to escort you to the hall.” He gave me a small smile and walked outside.

I could not help but chuckle. Although I did not say it often, I loved and appreciated how much support they gave me; Hunter, Jackson and the Gemini. They stood by me, no questions asked, and as long as I was happy, they were too. They were my closest friends, and I couldn’t have asked for more on the best day of my life.

I turned back to the mirror with a smile. I couldn’t wait to see my Issa. To be officially married to her and openly call her my wife. This was the best decision I had ever made, and I couldn’t wait to see what the future had in store for us.

I applied the perfume Hunter had given me and took one final look in the mirror. And then I headed down to the hall.

Larissa’s POV

“How are you feeling?” Gwen asked as she dabbed a makeup sponge lightly on my face. I was getting married today. Although I have gotten to this point, it still felt like a dream. I had gone through a turmoil of emotions in the past two days, but the one feeling that stayed strong was excitement.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“I’m nervous, but excited,” I finally said, smiling. “My palms have been clammy since last night.”

Gwen paused in applying my makeup to let out a snort. We both laughed for a while and then she nudged me lightly and leaned in for a hug. “I would be nervous too if I was getting married to Alpha Kaden,” she teased. When I pouted, she shook her head. “I’m just kidding. But, hey, you’ll be fine. You’ve been doing great so far. Plus, this is one of the best moments of your life. You should let yourself enjoy it, okay?”

I took a deep breath and nodded. “Yes, you’re right.”

“Good. And for what it’s worth, you deserve every bit of happiness that is coming your way right now.”

Her words made my eyes glaze over, but I knew Gwen would kill me if I dared ruin her work of art on my face. I had opted for Gwen to do my makeup instead of a random person I didn’t know. She had done such a great job the last time. Plus, I wanted the kind of makeup that was minimal and still showed my real features.

After I succeeded in keeping my tears at bay, I gave Gwen another hug and let her finish my makeup. She made light conversation as she worked, and I knew she was trying to calm my nerves. It worked, and soon I was chatting away and chuckling.

“And…done,” Gwen announced as she swiped my face with a brush one last time and put her tools away. “Would you like to see? Or should I style your hair first?”

I liked the idea of a complete reveal and I told her so. She spent the next few minutes styling my hair, and when she was done, she helped me put on my jewelry–which was a necklace I had gotten as a gift from Kaden. Finally, it was time to try on the dress. Gwen called for the stylist who walked in a few seconds later with a large, black bag in which the dress was hanging. My stomach churned with anxiety. When I tried on the dress two days ago, it was perfect save for a few adjustments that needed to be made.

I stood to let the stylist put the dress on me, and I wanted while she and Gwen began to adjust and tighten and loop strings through the openings. After what seemed like hours, they finished. Gwen stood in front of me, the smile on her face nowhere to be found.

My heart sank. Was something wrong?

Before I could ask, I saw her eyes glaze over with tears. She quickly looked away and sought a napkin to wipe her face with. “I’m sorry,” she whimpered, shaking her head. “You just…you look so beautiful, like a fairytale princess.”

Her reaction made me tear up as well. “Oh, Guinevere.” I pulled her in for a hug and patted her back affectionately. We both began to laugh, and immediately Gwen stood upright.

“No, no, no. No tears, please. Let’s not ruin your makeup, okay?” She rushed to the makeup box and took out a blotter which she used to wipe the tears on my face, and then she did a quick retouch. Once she was satisfied, she finally led me to the mirror. “Are you ready?”

I inhaled deeply and nodded. When she turned the mirror over, I nearly lost my footing from the shock. My jaw fell open as I continued to stare at my reflection. Gwen had applied my makeup to perfection. It gave me a regal look, paired with the high bun my hair was in. She had let a few strands fall in front to frame my face beautifully. And then there was the dress.

I twirled around, still in shock of how gorgeous it looked.

The dress was perfection. It was an immaculate white ball dress with a sweetheart neckline and sleeves that began from my mid-shoulder and fell all the way to my wrists. The corseted bodice gave it a snug appearance and fitted nicely.

I couldn’t believe it. Maybe this was a fairytale wedding. I had never felt as beautiful as I did in this moment, and I loved it.

“It’s perfect,” I said. “It’s so perfect!” Without warning, I lunged at the stylist in a tight hug and kissed her on both cheeks, making her let out a chuckle.

Finally, Gwen linked her arm with mine and led me out of the room. The wedding was being held in the grand hall, and I has chosen Gwen to walk me down the aisle since I had no family members present. The pounding of my heart filled my ears as we stood behind the curtain, waiting for our entrance.

This was it. The biggest, and happiest moment of my life. I still couldn’t believe I had gotten to this point. Again, my eyes glazed over, but I held it in. Finally, we heard the light music and the introduction of the bride’s incoming.

The curtains fell open. Gwen squeezed my arm reassuringly, and I took the first step forward. The smiling faces in the crowd eased my tension, but the sight of an awestruck Kaden in a tuxedo was the most comforting of all. From where I stood, I saw his eyes light up with adoration. A warmth spread through me, and I felt like the luckiest girl alive to be getting married to this man. I loved him so much.

Slowly, all my nerves began to ease away. Sure, it was bittersweet because I longed for my parents to be here. For Chloe, my best friend, to be here, because I loved them and missed them so much. But I should’ve known I would be fine. I had a family. A man that adored me and vice versa. A little boy I cherished. Friends who loved and cared for me. I had stuck with the feeling of emptiness, when this whole time I had never been alone.

I felt the overwhelming urge to hug Kaden when I got to him, but I kept steady because I wanted everything to be perfect. He told me how beautiful I looked through the mind link, and I’m sure I blushed as red as my lipstick.

Kaden knew how to make me feel like I was on top of the moon. He made me feel alive. I loved him so much.

“You may please be seated.” The voice of the wedding officiant rang through the hall. The hall went silent as he began to speak.

“We are gathered here today to witness the sacred union of Kaden Griffin and Larissa Howle. We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends.”

Not once did Kaden stop staring at me with a reassuring smile that calmed my insides.

“Welcome, to all of you, who have come to share in this important moment in the lives of Kaden and Larissa. I ask you to join together in celebrating, acknowledging, and honoring this day and the vows that they will be making. By your presence, you witness and affirm the truth of their love and commitment to each other.”

It was time for the exchange of vows. Kaden went first.

“Larissa, since the moment you walked into my life, I have not been the same. You reminded me what love was supposed to feel like. With you, every waking moment is a blessing. You bring out the best in me and make me want to be a better man. A better father. I promise to spend my days making you feel loved, making you feel better, creating a safe space for you no matter the situation. I love you so much, Issa, and I will love you forever.”

I did not realize I was crying until a tear slid down my cheeks. I made no attempt to wipe it off and let it stream down my face.

“Guinevere will have your head for making me ruin my makeup,” I said, dabbing my wet cheeks. The crowd erupted in laughter at my words, making both Kaden and I laugh.

I could not stop myself as I moved forward and put my hand in his. “Kaden, you are the most amazing man I have ever met. Everything about you inspires me; from your strong leadership, your fierce love for your son, and your loyalty to your friends and family. I have never been a confident person, but being with you has changed me for the better. You taught me how to stand up for myself. You showed me that love is a beautiful thing when you’re with the right person. Every moment spent with you is like a breath of fresh air. I promise to cherish you, to stand by you, to understand your actions whatever the reason. I will spend my days taking care of you, supporting you, and being your best friend. I love you, Kaden, and I will love you forever.”

For the first time since I’d known him, I saw Kaden’s eyes glaze over. He squeezed my hand tightly, as though he never wanted to let go. I didn’t want to let go either. As I stared at Kaden, I knew that everything I had been through to get to this moment was worth it. I would never have met him if not for my struggles, and I wouldn’t change a single thing.

“If anyone objects to the joining of this man and this woman, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

The hall was silent, filled only with smiling faces.

The wedding officiant moved forward and began to speak as he faced Kaden. My heart raced with joy.

“Do you Kaden Griffin, take Larissa Howle to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”

Kaden squeezed my arm again, a grin lighting up his face. “I d–”

The thunderous sound of the doors swinging open reverberated through the halls. A scream rang through the room at the commotion and everyone whipped around to see what was going on.

My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach as I stared at the person who had just walked in. And at the sight of her face, my knees almost gave way.

I knew that face. I had seen it in the photos packed in storage boxes Kaden had ordered thrown out. I had seen certain features of that face, a replica in Declan. His mother and Kaden’s ex wife.


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