The Luna’s Second Chance Mate

On my knees

Chapter 61

Larissa’s POV

Bile filled my mouth as the guards escorted me inside the mansion I had lived in for the worst years of my life. I never thought I would ever return to this place, and even if it crossed my mind once, I wouldn’t have believed it’d be under circumstances like this. I tried not to look at the walls I still recognized. They held too many bitter memories. I tried to keep my head blank as I was led inside a room and offered a seat.

The guards left as soon as I was seated and I let my eyes dart around. They had probably gone off to inform Stefan of my arrival. Again, my hand drifted to my stomach and a wave of sadness hit me again. I never wanted things to turn out the way they did, but I had to save Declan. Even if it meant sacrificing myself for it.

I stopped myself before I could become emotional again. I was here for business and nothing else. I needed to clear my head. As I waited, I wondered where Declan was hidden in this mansion. It would be impossible to find him on my own, I knew that. But I comforted myself with the thought that he’d be free.

The door swung open just at that moment and I mentally prepared myself to see Stefan again. I heard his footsteps behind me before he finally came into view. His lips immediately curved into a smile when our eyes met. “Well, well, well. What a surprise.” To my disgust, he pulled my hand to his lips and planted a kiss on it. I restrained myself from pulling away. “To what do I owe this pleasure? Have you finally decided to come back to me? Or is this a scheme by you and Griffin?”This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“No,” I protested, getting to my feet. “It’s not a scheme, I’m here on my own. I know you have the little boy, we got your message.” When he did not respond, I continued, moving closer and getting to my knees. “Please…he has nothing to do with this. He is so young and he has a bright future ahead of him. Please don’t involve him in any of this. I know it’s me you want, and I am giving myself in exchange for him. Please, let him go.” Tears stood in my eyes when I finished and it occurred to me just how terrifying the thought of Declan getting hurt was.

Stefan watched me for a few moments and then he pulled me off the ground gently. I did not pull away when his thumb rubbed over my cheeks to wipe the tears away. “Good girl,” he smiled. “I knew you would come to your senses and find your way back to me eventually. And you’ve always been so brave.” He kissed my cheek, making my skin crawl.

I nodded, wiping my eyes. “Thank you. Where is he? Just let me take him back home. If you doubt me, you can have your guards follow me. I promise I will just drop him off, break things off with Kaden and I’ll return to yo–”

He chuckled loudly. “There’s no need for all of that.”

“What do you mean?” I frowned. He was walking towards me with a sinister grin on his face and it took all the courage in me not to shrink back. I nearly jumped in shock when I felt his huge hands clamp over my arm.

“No one is going anywhere,” he snarled.


Suddenly the doors closed behind me and I saw the two guards walk forward as if to stop me from running. I looked back at Stefan, wrought with fear. “What do you mean? You said you wanted me in exchange for Declan.”

Stefan laughed wickedly once again. “Yes, yes I do. But it’s also more fun this way. After all, he is Kaden’s heir, and I have scores to settle with his father. I can’t just let him go now.”

Suddenly, realization dawned on me. I was wrong about everything. He never planned to release Declan in exchange for me. That was just a thought out plot to have the most important people in Kaden’s life locked up in his possession. I was immediately filled with dread at the thought of what Stefan was planning for us.

“The boy is a precious pawn in the game now. He is already involved.”

“This is not a game!” I yelled, my voice filled with anger and fear, but Stefan only looked amused. For the first time ever I was genuinely scared of Stefan. He had changed so much from the man I once thought I knew. Way before we even got married. And now I realized that he had always been a monster. He was just good at keeping that fact hidden. “Please don’t do this, he’s innocent,” I begged.

“That’s not my problem,” he laughed. “Take her away,” he commanded the guards, and immediately both of my arms were clamped from behind. They pulled me backwards roughly and made towards the door.

“Stefan, please, don’t do this. The life of an innocent child is at stake, I beg you. Please!”

But he paid no attention to me. As I was dragged out the door, I heard Stefan snap his fingers at the guard in the room.

“Get the men ready. We attack Griffinhowl at dawn.”

Stefan’s POV

A loud laugh escaped me as I leaned back into my chair with satisfaction. I did not expect this plot twist at all. Who would have thought dear old Larissa would show up at my door on her own accord, willing and ready to sacrifice herself for Kaden’s little boy. It was laughable. I let myself wonder how she had pulled it off, as I could bet my life that Griffin would not let her do this. She must have escaped in the dead of the night. That was the only explanation.

I laughed again. Larissa had always been stupidly kindhearted and self-sacrificing. It was one of the things I despised about her; she had hope when she wasn’t supposed to, and she trusted people too easily. Well, I would not complain about that now. It had brought her to me, after all. Everything was going even better than I expected. I rubbed my hands together in satisfaction, turning to face Mark who was standing with a few other men behind him.

“It’s the best time to attack,” I said. “She left the mansion only a few minutes ago so her presence will go unnoticed till dawn. We want to take them by surprise. They will still be in search of Larissa by the time we attack. And we shall destroy them all.” The plan sent chills through me and I smiled. This would be a bloody massacre. Easy and quick.

“Yes, Alpha,” Mark nodded. “There is one question I would like to ask though.”

“Go ahead. Any input is welcome, as long as it’s a valid question.”

Mark nodded and began to speak. “Griffinhowl is one of the most powerful packs. They are widely known for having the best security system. I don’t see how likely it is for them to be unprepared. They might already be set up and prepared for anything, especially after receiving your warning note.”

I smirked at his words. “Yes. That is a great observation, Mark. But that will not be a problem. Griffin has too much going on to worry about security. He is still distraught by the loss of his son. Imagine what the loss of his wife would do to him. He will be so disoriented and worried that he’d be at a loss. And once the Alpha of a pack is weak, the entire pack is affected. He won’t even see us coming.”

They all murmured in agreement.

“Besides,” I continued, “today should have been proof of how weak their security has become. How possible would it have been otherwise for the Alpha’s wife to escape in the middle of the night?”

I smiled in satisfaction when they finally understood. “Go now, ready our best men and get back to me.” They all bowed and filed out of the room. I was still relaxing and going through the plan in my head when I heard a loud voice outside my study. I frowned. Who the fuck was that at this ungodly hour?

The door swung open and I watched Amaya storm inside, kicking at the guard who was trying to stop her.

“Alpha, I tried to stop her but she was insistent–”

I raised a hand to stop him, making a mental note of his face so I could have him executed later. Any man who could let himself be overpowered by a woman should not be a guard of mine.

Amaya was still heaving as the guard shut the door behind her. “What the hell?!” She demanded. “I have been waiting for your call this whole time. Have you been avoiding me? You said you were going to get it done today.”

I stared lazily at her. “Is that why you’re making such a fuss? Calm down, have a seat.”

“Don’t tell me to calm the fuck down! I heard whispers outside that the tramp is here. You have her now, so where is my son? Did you even ask for the ransom? I want my ten million and my son, and I want it now!”

“Oh, shut the fuck up!” I growled. I had put up with this nagging bitch all this time because I needed her help, but her work was done and I would snap her neck if she pushed me to the edge. I stood from my chair and marched up to her. “Don’t walk in here and tell me what I should or shouldn’t do. Do you understand?”

I gripped her arm tightly and pressed, watching in satisfaction as fear clouded her eyes. “Everything I am doing right now is for the good of my pack, and if you were sensible enough you would have understood. But instead you’re choosing to be a dumb bitch. If you’re not going to join me, then shut the hell up, sit back and watch it all play out. Once I kill Kaden Griffin, you will get more money than you bargained for. Ten million is nothing. A hundred is more like it.”

I saw her eyes light up a little but the fear in them still remained. “I never said I wanted Kaden dead,” she whispered, looking uncomfortable.

“I never asked.”

I pushed her away from me and walked back to my seat.

“What about my son?”

I fell into my chair and shrugged. “As long as Kaden doesn’t try to do anything stupidly heroic before he’s released, the boy should still be alive by the end of it all.”

Her eyes widened. “Should? What do you mean should?!”

But I had already motioned to the guards to take her away.

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