The Lycan King

Chapter 12.Training

Chapter 12.Training


2 weeks later.

"Ava, wake up, Love." I said caressing her hair. It was six am and I wanted to start her training from


She opened her eyes.

"What time is it? Am I late?" She mumbled sleepily.

"It's six am. We are starting your training today. Go get ready, we are already late." I told her.

"Yes, Nikolai." She nodded and got up, getting ready quickly.

I took her to the gym in the estate and it was empty, just as I had ordered it to be.

"Let's start with warm ups." I said and told her to copy me as I started with basic warm up exercises.

After we were done, I placed the mats on the ground and motioned her to stand in front of me.

"Since your wolf is not present," I started softly, "you are not as strong as most wolves."

I know that she knew that but me saying it out loud was hurting her more. "Which is why I want you to

train so that you can take care of yourself if needed. I will train you in special techniques which need

more skill and little strength. Tell me you understand."

"I understand." She echoed.

"If you do as I say and practice everyday, you will be able to take down a full grown wolf by the time I'm

done with you." I smirked, already imagining her kicking asses of other males.

No one will be able to take advantage of her ever again. No one will touch her without her permission


I could see the determination grow in her eyes. "I will do whatever you want me to do."


"Punch me."

Her eyes grew wide immediately and she was about to shake her head but I raised an eyebrow.

She blushed and then raised an arm to punch me but I caught it easily. "I asked you to punch me Moya

Lyubov, not tickle me." I chuckled.

Her skin turned redder as she brought another hand up to punch me and I caught it. Better than before

but still not enough.

"Land one punch on me and I'll give you a reward." I smirked. All she needed was an incentive.

A smirk grew on her lips too. "I'll get anything I ask for?"

I nodded. "Anything."

She didn't realise that I would give her anything she desired whether she landed a punch on me or not.

And for training's sake, I hoped she didn't.

"I want your dick."

I choked on my spit at what she blurted out.

"No! I mean yes!" She quickly corrected, her entire body flushing. "I mean, I want you to touch me

again." She said softly. "I want you to make love to me."

I do too. But I didn't say that. She isn't ready. She wanted it because she thought I wanted it. She

thought she was ready but she wasn't.

"Fine." I agreed. There was no way she would be able to do it but this was possibly the best incentive I

could give her.

She nodded and started punching me with a ferocity that shocked me. But I simply moved out of her

way, which increased her annoyed little pout further and further, much to my amusement.

"Are you even going to touch me Ava?" I laughed.

Her left hand came up to punch me simultaneously and I moved to the right and caught her right hand

that had come up too.

"Good one." I appreciated her determination but this was an old move. "Next time you try this move, try

not looking at where you are going to punch with your other hand."

She gave me a little glare but the ends of lips curved up, making me chuckle. I needed to do this more

often, getting her worked up was so much fun.

She aimed at my face next and I moved out of the way again. "Not the face Ava, I need to look

handsome for my woman right?" I winked.

She blushed again but then groaned in frustration. "I can't do it!" She cried out in annoyance. She

lasted for like forty minutes which was pretty good for the first day.

"You did good for the first day." I told her. "Go drink some water then we will start with the basic self

defence techniques for your first day."

She nodded and walked off towards the cooler, gulping the water pretty fast. She looked upset with

herself too. I wish I could know what was going inside her pretty little head.

"Let's start." I said as I circled around her, thinking about the best way to go around this.

But there is no best way...

I snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her flush against my body.

"What will you do when someone holds you from behind like this?" I whispered in her ear. I felt her

breath accelerating.

"Avalyn?" I asked after a few more seconds.


"What will you do?" I asked again.

"What will I do? Oh yes. I'll-I'll scream." She whispered, sounding very distracted.

I put my other hand on her mouth, effectively muffling her. "And now?" My lips brushed the shell of her


She used both her hands to move the hand over her mouth but it was of no use.

"I'm much stronger than you." I smirked.

She bit my hand hard.

"Harder." I whispered. "The attacker will not let you go because of a little nip."

She bit down harder than I expected. Good.

I took my hand away.

"Now take hold of the hand I have on your waist." I told her and she did. "You will push my hand out

and drop your weight. This will be unexpected so the attacker will either drop you or try to carry your

weight. This is your best chance to get out of his hold. Do it." I said.

She did as I said and I loosened my hold on her a bit, not letting her go completely. She twisted around

in my hand and her hand came up to punch my throat which I caught and then the other hand came up,

taking a hold of my face, her thumb over my left eye, ready to push in. But she caressed it instead.

I smiled at her. "Good move." I pecked her lips and then turned her around again, squeezing her

perfect little waist before letting go.

Damn! She looks delectable in her yoga pants and sports bra.

I put my arm over her shoulder and palmed her breast, squeezing and flexing my fingers. "And what if

someone else does this to you?" I asked, my voice husky.


"Yes?" She panted and then gulped.

God I've missed her. She's been so close but so far.

"What will you do?" I whispered again, closing my eyes, trying to regain my control.

She tried to squirm away but when that didn't work, she tried to drop down but I didn't let that happen


She then bit my arm hard which was why I reluctantly took my hand away. She turned around again,

wanting to punch me but I caught her fists and put them behind her back and pulled her flush against

me, her breasts brushing against my diaphragm. I smirked and then put her over my shoulder.

"You have legs too, you know? Use them. A kick to the groin will bring any man to his knees." I said

and then moulded the globes of her ass before kissing it.

She started kicking and pounding but it didn't help.

"Take a hold of my waist." I ordered softly. She did as I said. "Now hold on tight and push your legs up.

This will imbalance the person and you can backflip your way out of his hold."

She did as I said but she wasn't good at flips so she fell down on the mat. She didn't attempt to stand

up, she kept lying down on her back, her chest heaving hard and her eyes hazy with want.

I was on her in a second. Both her wrist in my one hand, above her head and my face centimetres from

her's. "And what will you do now?" I whispered, my voice thick.

She looked in my eyes back and forth and then as if something clicked, she licked her lips, "this", and

smashed her lips against mine.

Kissing Avalyn was like a second nature to me. I could kiss her all day, everyday. I kissed her with

everything I had. Goddess, I missed her.

She tried to move her hands but I tightened my hold, kissing her harder and taking all the control. My

free hand slid down her body and into her pants automatically and finding her wet as fuck.

A small moan lets her mouth, "please."

And just like that, I realised what I was doing and in a second I was off of her and stood a few feet


"That shouldn't have happened." I heaved. I was ashamed for not having control on my own self.

"But??" she protested but I cut her off. I didn't trust myself alone near her anymore.

"No buts Avalyn." I ground. "We are done training here. We should train outside." I can't trust myself

when I'm alone with her.

"Sofiya." I called her once we reached the training grounds. Everyone were looking at us, but I ignored

them all. I know this was my first outing with Ava, their Luna and they were all curious. But they will get

their answers according to my schedule. And today wasn't that day.

"Yeah?" She came jogging towards me.

"Five laps around the field with Avalyn." I told her and motioned Ava to go with Sofiya. I gave Ava less

laps because I wanted to test her first. I had no idea how much of a werewolf and human she was. I

needed to know her potential if I was going to teach her how to attack.

"I'm done, Nikolai." Ava came and stood beside me after around half an hour. She was sweating

already and something about it turned my wolf on.

"We will start light for the first day because you are already a little worn out." I told her, clearing my

throat as I brought her towards the target practice section.

"You have these daggers and you have to aim them towards that human figure. You have to throw it

hard enough so it sticks on the board. Aim the weak areas like eyes, neck, heart and groin." I told her

as I stood behind her.

"Spread your legs a little to get a proper stance." I whispered in her ear and widened the gap between

her legs with my foot.

"Hold the dagger like this." I whispered as I picked her hand in mine and had her pick the dagger

proper way.

"Then you bring it just behind your shoulder, aim and then throw." I whispered, my lips caressing her

ears as I threw the dagger from our joint hands.

It got stuck in the figure's dick, and my dick that is almost pressed to her ass, is demanding attention.

Fuck! What am I doing? I took a few steps back quickly.

"You try it now." My voice came out cold and she flinched a bit but did as she was told. She picked the

dagger and threw it, it went from besides its neck and fell behind. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Try the centre of the chest, it will give you a bigger surface to aim." I told her softly.

She nodded at me and picked up another. She threw it and after only a few tries, it landed in the perfect

spot. She was either a quick learner or had done this before.

"Good girl." I told her softly and she smiled at me widely.

"Um, Papa used to help me with target practice ever since I was little. I know how to shoot a gun too

but it's been way too long since I've done anything." She whispered and smiled sadly at me.

"You have grown into a wonderful woman Ava, he would have been very proud." I whispered as I

kissed her forehead. She nodded.

"Do you want to practice gun shooting?" I asked her after she practiced throwing daggers some more.

She seemed to have good memories of gun shooting.

"Yes, please." She bobbed her head and smiled widely.

I chuckled at her excitement. I took her to the shooting range and handed her the electronic earmuffs

and eye protection glasses.

"You can choose your gun." I told her motioning towards the wide range of options. She picked up a

9mm Glock handgun and looked up at me in question. I nodded. She could start with what she was

comfortable in but later I would switch her to the bigger and better guns.

She wore her apparel and took the position in font of a range. She stood in proper position and shot. It

missed a couple of times and she wasn't able to take the recoil properly. I went behind her and took her

earmuff out.

"Keep your shoulders straight but not stiff, loosen up a bit. Keep your back upright." I whispered

palming her lower back to arch it more and give it the proper posture and then placed my one hand on

her shoulder to keep it tight and another over her hands on the gun and helped her aim.

"Shoot." I whispered in her ear and she pulled the trigger at my command. The bullet lodged in the

heart of the human figure drawn on the board.

"Got it?" I asked, my voice coming out thick.

"Yes, Nikolai." She nodded and wiggled a little and I realised my dick was pressed against her ass,


Fuck! I quickly shuffled back. I knew I was deliberately torturing myself but I couldn't bear the distance

between us.

'She needs time', I reminded myself and my mind flashed back to her state that night- the shock she

was in and then the next day when she told me everything- her crying herself to sleep on my chest- she

was in undeniable pain and just like that, my wolf regained his senses again. I took a deep breath and

cleared my head, focusing on the task at hand.

"Shoot." I told her. Her aims got better and then slowly she got very good at it too.

"Good." I told her, stopping her from shooting again.

"You are done for today, you can go now." I told her, placing everything back in its place.

"You're not coming?" She asked quietly. I knew she wanted me to come with her and shower together

but I couldn't do that.

"No, I have to look over other's practise too." I told her and exited the shooting range. I knew those

words would hurt her but I couldn't risk physically hurting her if I lost control.

I went back to our room after two hours of rounds to check up on the practices of the pack members. I

took a quick shower before going to the kitchen to have breakfast. I was looking forward to seeing Ava,

I had a plan in mind.

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