The Lycan King’s Hybrid Queen

Chapter 47


"Yes, we've known the Lycan Royals since their conception. It wasn't until William took the throne that peace was made between our species. Lycans Kings before William had always been arrogant, and we were once enemies."

Lia has been telling me about Thane and Xale's friendship. It was interesting, to say the least. Now, she's telling me what as.sholes Lycans once were. I had to hold in the laughter because I didn't want everyone looking at me like I was crazy.

But I do find the Dragon Queen amusing. I really like her, and I hope we'll be good friends. She looks a little older than me, but the woman is thousands of years old. Lia has seen so much in her lifetime, many terrible and wonderful things, the changing of the world, and yet, Lia seems so grounded.

Lia also has eighteen children. Eighteen! The eldest is over eight thousand years of age, the youngest at just three. I was gobsmacked when Lia told me, but then I realized it is quite normal for someone who has lived as long as Lia has. "The day I met Lucy," Lia continues. "It was instant friendship."

I smile because I understand that feeling well. The moment I met Lucy, we immediately connected. Lucy is a wonderful woman, my new grandmother, and I already love her dearly.

"I was there at Lucy's coronation and at the birth of her firstborn. Ronan was such a beautiful baby. I was also there when Thane was born. Now he was precious."

'Mommy,' My eyes slide around the room, trying not to be noticeable. The sound of a small child calling for his mother can be heard in my mind. I didn't even know anybody had brought children with them!

'Levi, what's wrong?'

I furrow my brow while looking a Lia.

How am I hearing this conversation?

'Mommy, come quick!'

'Levi, where are you?'

'In the garden with the fountain.'

That's the private gardens! No one is permitted to go there.

Lia rushes away, and I automatically follow. I push past people, trying to keep up with Lia, yet no one pays us any attention. Not that I want them to, but who doesn't bat an eyelid when two Queens rush through a room? Whatever, it doesn't matter.

"Where are the damn gardens?" Lia stops running and, in a panic, grabs my hand. "Please. My baby needs me; he's just three years old."

"Follow me." With Lia's hand in mine, I lead her to our private garden.noveldrama

As soon as we get there, I see a little blond-haired, blue-eyed boy standing beside the water fountain. He is the most adorable baby I have ever seen. He's wearing a cream three-piece suit, and his hair is slicked back, making him look like a little gentleman. "Levi!" Lia lets go of my hand and rushes over to her son. Sliding to her knees, she wraps him up in her arms. "Baby, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"No, Mommy." Goddess, he has the sweetest voice! "Someone keeps calling me, but I can't find them."

"Calling you?" Levi nods at his mother. "What did they sound like? What did they say?"

"It was a little girl. Her spirit was calling out to me. She said I have to find her..." Levi stops abruptly. He's looking at me and smiling curiously.

I furrow my brow as he walks toward me. I sit on the stone wall surrounding the fountain. I hadn't even realized I was moving backward until the back of my knees hit the wall. I can't take my eyes off the little boy now standing between my legs. "What is your name?"

"My name is Lyric."

Levi smiles widely. "I hear her."

"Hear who?"

I gasp when he reaches out and lays his tiny hand on my stomach. "It's okay; I am here now. I will protect you, I promise." He leans down and kisses my belly.

A strange warmth fills me, and a beautiful blue light surrounds us. The world around us fades, and all I see is the little boy in front of me. He knows I'm pregnant. I don't see how this is possible; he shouldn't be able to know anything! Goddess, I am so confused, but at the same time, I feel unbelievably calm. Levi is doing this, keeping me calm. I don't know how I know that, but I sense it.

"What are you doing?"

"She needs me."

"Who, Levi?"

"She doesn't have a name yet; you haven't chosen one." He smiles sweetly. "Your daughter, she needs me."

"My-my daughter?" A lump forms in my throat and tears sting my eyes. "How do you know about my baby?"

Levi shrugs his little shoulders. "Fairy magic doesn't work on me."

What the

How could this baby know I used Fairy magic?

Goddess, nothing makes sense!

"It's okay; I won't tell anyone your secret. My grandpa gave me special powers. Do you know my grandpa? Leviathan?"


"The water dragon?"

"Yes! He's a God who can grant his descendants special powers."

I'm struck dumb by how well this three-year-old can speak and how smart he is. I mean, the kid speaks as though he were hundreds of years old! To be fair, he is being raised by parents older than Jesus. "Your daughter's spirit calls to me. I am her mate."


What the hell is this?

My child hasn't even been born, and she already has a mate?

What kind of is this?

"Yes. Grandpa says that once in a while, two souls bond upon first meeting, even if one hasn't been born. Something calls one soul to another, and they cannot rest until they are together.

"Grandpa says it could be because those two souls knew one another in a previous life. I feel like we did know each other long ago. I was meant to be here today. I was meant to find you, so I could find her."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I don't know how to process all of this!

"Don't worry; I will protect her with my life and never let her down; our souls are entwined now."

I don't know what any of this mean! I feel sick, but I smile when Levi wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my stomach. I stroke the back of his hair while he hums a soft tune. The blue light around us fades, and the world returns to normal. "Lyric!" Thane rushes to my side and takes my face in his hands. "What the hell happened?"

'Levi,' I speak through the mind link. 'He said that his soul is connected to our baby, that he's her mate, and he will protect her.

'I don't know what it all means, Thane. But Levi said Fairy magic doesn't work on him. Leviathan granted him some sort of power to repel magic, I guess. Now our baby girl is soul bonded to a dragon!

'Girl?' I nod. 'I can't believe it, but I can believe Levi and our baby are bonded, that he's her mate!

'But he's a child, Thane! Our baby hasn't even been born!'

'It's incredibly rare, Lyric, but it happens. The Gods and Goddesses clearly have plans for our child and Levi. Who are we to question them? Our baby girl will be mated to a Royal Dragon, a descendant of Leviathan. She's going to be just fine! 'I don't like this, Thane; he's a baby!'

'He won't be forever, Lyric. They will grow and learn together and even fall in love!'

I guess I'm just going to have to get used to this. It's not like I can change the future.

Thane kisses my head and pulls me into his arms.

"Levi just told us." I hear Xale say. "I know you're probably freaking out, but this isn't a bad thing."

"You think!?" Lia screeches, causing me to pull out of Thane's arms and look at her. "I'm not leaving my baby here, Xale!"

"Lia," He sighs while taking her by the shoulders. "I know this is hard for you. But this is the way of things. Levi is soul bonded with Thane's child. You know how rare and unique it is for someone so young to know who their mate is.

"Levi won't be able to rest unless he's near Lyric. At least until the baby is born. Levi will need to hold the child to complete the bond. After that, we'll take him to my father for training."

Training for what?

My heart hammers as I look at Levi in Brody's arms. No matter the reason, I cannot take a child from their mother. It's also not safe here for a child right now.

Lia is now crying, and my heart is breaking for her. I don't even want to imagine what she's feeling right now. I only know that if I had to leave my child with strangers... Well, I wouldn't do it, simple.

'Thane,' I speak through the mind link. Thane turns away from the scene before us and looks at me. 'I can't allow this. I won't keep a child from his mother. Even if I could, it's not safe here.'

'You're right; it isn't. But Levi will need to be near you for a while. His dragon could become feral otherwise.

'He has his dragon already?'

What the hell?

How can one so young have their other half already?

'Levi can't shift yet, obviously. But as a descendant of Leviathan, he has his dragon spirit, and they can communicate. It's how he heard what he did and how he knew it was our child's soul calling out to him. It's why he'll need to be here until she's born!' Great. Just fuc.king great!

'Can't Lia stay here with us then? I know she's the Queen of Dragons, but surely it would be alright for a while? She's powerful, right? So she should be okay if Astro turns up!

Thane gives me a slight smile and cups my cheek. 'I think that's a great idea. I'll talk to Xale now!

I look at Levi and Brody when Thane gets to his feet and walks over to Xale and Lia. Levi whispers something in Brody's ear, and Brody sets him on his feet. Levi giggles and runs into his mother's loving arms.

Brody looks behind himself, growls lowly, then walks away. I narrow my eyes when I spot who Brody is marching toward. Anger floods me when Brody grabs the person's arm and drags them around the corner of the folly, away from prying eyes. What the hell is that about?

Thane is still talking with Xale and Lia, so he doesn't notice me leave. I rush after Brody, hoping he isn't doing anything he shouldn't be. He might be King of Bears, but he's on my territory now, and I won't have him harm one of my pack members. "I don't care!" I hear Brody growl as I plaster myself to the wall and peek around the corner. "You stay away from me. I mean it."

"I was nowhere near you, Brody."

"You came out here deliberately to antagonize me!"

"I did not! You grabbed me, not the other way around."

"To warn you,"

"To warn me? Look, I get it; you're embarrassed. But we're mates, Brody."

Well, I did not expect that!

"Shut up!" Brody hisses between his teeth. "We are not mates, little boy."

"You may not want me, Brody, but we are mates. The Goddess paired us for a reason. Do you think this is easy for me? Being paired with the King of Bears? It isn't, and I don't know what to do."

"Forget about me; that's what you do. Never mention this to another living soul if you know what's good for you! Forget this ever happened. Do you understand me?"

"Then reject me, Brody. Don't walk away from me and continue with your life, sleeping with whoever just to cause me pain. That would be unfair, don't you think?"

"You have no idea what unfair is. Stay away from me. This is your only warning." With that, Brody walks away.

What a fuc.king as.shole!

Soft crying has my feet moving. "Tristan," I call his name softly.

Tristan swallows hard, lip quivering, eyes full of tears as he looks at me. "How much did you hear?"

"All of it?" I don't know why that came out as a question, but Tristan nods in understanding. "I'm so sorry. How long have you known?"

Tristan sniffs while wiping the tears on his sleeve. "Since he arrived this morning. That's the first time we've spoken, though. He doesn't want me, Lyric, but he wouldn't reject me, and I don't know what to do now."

My eyes soften, and I sigh. "Oh, Tristan." I wrap my arms around him. He leans down and rests his head on my shoulder, and sobs.

My heart is breaking for Tristan. His mate doesn't want him but won't reject him either.

What the hell is Brody playing at?

"Can we keep this between us?" Tristan pulls away from me and wipes his eyes. "I don't want Thane finding out, especially when he needs Brody's help."

"I will keep it between us for now. But, Tristan, I can't keep it from him indefinitely. Brody is being unreasonable, and it isn't fair to you. But give him some time to get his head around this. Perhaps having a male mate has shocked him." Tristan scoffs. "Brody is known for sleeping with both men and women. He doesn't discriminate, Lyric. Brody likes people, no matter who they are."

"And you?"

Tristan shrugs. "Never slept with anyone. But I guess I like men and women just the same."

"Don't be disheartened, Tristan. Maybe it's the age thing?"

Tristan smiles, but I can see the utter sadness in his eyes. "We should get back to the party. The Queen is the bell of the ball, after all."

"Fine, but remember that I'm here for you, Tristan. Whenever you need me, no matter what. Okay?"

He smiles again. "Okay."

'Lyric, where are you?' Thane calls for me through the mind link. 'I turned around, and you were gone!

'With Tristan. Sorry for taking off; I thought you were busy!

'I'm sorry, baby. We have a lot to talk about, but that will have to wait. The sun is going down, the full moon is almost upon us, and we must get Emori to the forest.

Emori's first shift!

'I'll be right there.'

Goddess, it's been a long day, and it's not over yet. But I have to be there for my aunt, she needs me, and there's nowhere else I'd rather be.

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