The Lycan’s Contract Mate

Chapter 9


I couldn’t believe he was walking towards me and smiling like we are friends, I felt my anger rise and felt Ae restlessly react to his coming close to us, she was still affected by what he did to her, and of course, she took the bigger blow between the both of us.

“You are back in Owhen? I thought I would never see you again,”

Jordan said, side-hugging me on the shoulder, when he got close to me, I pushed his hands off my shoulders glaring at him.

“Hey, that’s not how you treat an old friend,”

The moron said and I couldn’t believe his audacity, why was he acting like we are friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time instead of the enemies that we are, he made an enemy out of me and he had no right coming to me like we were cool, besides until I went to school for promo preparation, I didn’t even know him personal, I just saw him on newspaper and the news as he was the alpha’s son, plus he was four years behind school which was why he attended he did prom with us in his big age of twenty-two.

“You are cold, towards someone who is being friendly to an old friend, that’s not very ladylike now, is it,”

He said and I glared at him.

“What? Friends? We were never friends Mr. ”

At that moment, I saw the man that I had kissed the night before, walk in behind Jordan, he looked from him to me, I felt Ae leap at the sight of him, her earlier anger and distaste turning to one of excitement, she really did like Kendrix, but I was too disappointed in him to care, what was I expecting? They were brothers, of course, and they would hang out together, did I really think otherwise?NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Arielyn? You are still the weirdo that you were seven or eight years ago,”

“And you are still the arrogant jerk I knew eight years ago, you haven’t changed,”

I fired at him, I knew Kendrix was watching me but I didn’t look at him, maybe now he would stop talking to me, or maybe he knew who I was and the brothers were playing games with me, I couldn’t put it, past men.

“Don’t be so hostile towards me Arielyn, you should be thankful that I even acknowledged your presence,”

Jordan said in the most demeaning voice, I didn’t expect anything less from Jordan, he has and he will always be a jerk, bold of him to assume I will be welcoming towards him when I had to be shipped away to a faraway country because of him, if he had just rejected me in private, he won’t have hurt as much as it did, it won’t have been so humiliating either.

“You should never have approached me Jordan, the last person I want to approach me is you, go on your merry way and pretend you don’t know who I am because I don’t know you,”

I said with a stern voice, no way was he going to make his stupid appearance in my life a good thing that should be celebrated, not on my watch.

“Okay, that’s enough guys, you are causing a scene,”

Rose said in a tiny voice, that made me look around and I realized a lot of people had stopped what they were doing to watch us, my eyes met Kendrix and he was looking so confused, it made me realize he might not really know, he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here and it made me realize he wasn’t playing a game with his brother, Jordan was the jerk here.

“I just came to say Hi, I saw someone I knew whom I haven’t seen in a long time, it is normal for me to approach, your friend here is the one creating a scene, she could easily have just said hi too and I would have been on my way and no issues would have occurred, just that she is still the bitter soul I am glad I didn’t have to deal with, a cursed bitter soul at that, I thought the time away from Owhen would relief you or the curse but I guess once cursed always cursed,”

The bastard said a little too loud, he was doing it deliberately and I was sure, the people around us started whispering loudly and I was sure they were talking about us.

“You guys don’t have a good history for you to think like that, and mind you my friend is not cursed, you are so rude, get out of here right now,”

Rose said in a loud voice.

“No Rose, let him talk his shit, he got nothing on me,”

I said getting my voice back after my initial shock, what did I expect from Jordan? His words right now were not as cruel as the words he had spoken into the mic on prom day those eight years ago, no, it doesn’t even come close so it didn’t hurt me, what would compare to being made fun of, being called to the stage in front of thousands of people, parents and students and called desperate, the image was still clear in my head, the roar of laughter that accompanied his words, the embarrassing words that followed that he spoke directly to me, I couldn’t forget even if I wanted to, this was nothing compared to it.

“I think we should leave brother,”

Kendrix said for the first time since they got to us, I looked at him and he had an apologetical expression on, I didn’t blame him for anything, how could I, if he wasn’t Jordan’s brother, we would have made great friends, but he was blood with my enemy so I wouldn’t be rolling with him anymore.

“You know nothing brother, let’s go, I don’t want to spend another moment in front of this cursed woman, not just cursed but also so bitter,”

Jordan said about to walk away but I wasn’t about to let him just walk away with how he just talked to me, he had it coming for eight whole years now, he went free the first time because I didn’t have the courage to stand up for myself back then, but now? It was different and I am not about to let him talk me down, I got up from my seat and pulled at his hands and he turned to face me with a shirk, I landed a wound slap on his face before he could say anything and I heard the grasp of everyone in the restaurant, before he could process the slap, I landed another in the same spot.

“What the fuck bitch? Are you out of your mind?”

He yelled as he raised his hands to slap me but the slap never got to my face because Kendrix held his hands and stood between us.

“Let me go, Kendrix, I need to teach her a lesson, she can’t slap me and go free,”

He said struggling with his brother who was trying to drag him away, I didn’t move an itch, I wanted to see him try and hit me, Rose came to stand beside me holding me.

“Please let’s leave Ariel.”

She begged but I wasn’t ready to leave just yet, no way was Jordan going to make me leave a place.

“No Rose, we stay, we came out to eat remember?”

I responded, the brothers were still dragging and Kendrix was saying something to him but Jordan wasn’t listening and he was pointing at me while yelling, I saw the restaurant securities walk in, I half expected them to come to us, and send us away but they didn’t instead they stop where the two brothers were and started talking to them, Jordan was still being a mad dog and yelling, he was cursing at me and calling me names but I didn’t care, I was satisfied with seeing him suffer.

“Let’s just leave Ariel, there is no need to be here and listen to what that moron is saying,”

Rose said.

“I am okay Rose, we came to eat and you are not done with your food, don’t listen to him because I am not,”

I said picking up my spoon even though I was not even hungry.

“I am done eating Ariel, let’s just leave, I will pay the bill and we will leave, we can go somewhere else if you still want to eat, I am sorry I brought you here,”

She said.

“Don’t be sorry, nothing that happened is your fault, you didn’t know the moron will show up here and if he had just avoided me and gone his way, none of this would have happened,”

I said sending a glare in Jordan’s direction, his brother was still holding him, I kind of wanted Kendrix to free him so that I would see what he would.

“You are so stubborn but we are leaving woman and that’s finally,”

Rose said sternly as she beckoned to the waiter, I looked around at that moment and saw everyone else in the place still had their eyes on Rose and me, I suddenly didn’t mind leaving.

“Yeah, we should go, I can’t deal with all these stares,”

I said as I dropped my spoke.

“You witch, don’t think you have had the last laugh, if I ever catch you, I will make sure you pay,”

I heard Jordan say and flipped my middle finger in his direction, that got him pissed and he started rushing in my direction but his brother caught him and dragged him with him toward the other side of the restaurant, I turned my attention back to Rose who had a proud expression on her face.


I asked.

“I don’t know what happened to you but I am proud of this confident side, so proud,”

She said and I laughed which got the people around us looking at us again.

“We should leave,”

I said as the reality of the moment set in…

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