The Lycan's Revengeful Rejected Mate (Katherine)

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 

All the pack’s ministers were gathered already, and it was time for the meeting. A knock was rasped on my door and Blake stepped in afterwards, 

“Alpha, it’s time to see them.” Blake informed me for the third time and I nodded my head without turning around to stare at him. 

I really didn’t want to go for this meeting because I knew what it was all about. Finding me a Luna for the betterment of the pack and not just any kind of Luna. 

Bolt doesn’t want that, and neither do I want it, 


“Leave Blake, I’ll be with them shortly.” 

I heard the sound of the door shut, and I immediately turned around to stare, dropping the photo of Katherine back on the table close to my bed, 

I f*cking miss her, and each second I so much crave to go over and say something else to Katherine. I wish too that I had not pushed her away in the manner. I made her see me as a bad person because I was scared. 

Tristan always had everything that I wanted, and I guess seeing him with Katherine made me feel jealous and nearly 


I began to walk out of the room, and headed for the living room. The ministers were all seated, patiently waiting for me, and when I got to them, I took my seat as well, 

“Alpha…” I was greeted and I could only respond with a nod, 

“Let’s carry on with the important issues here.” 

“The pack are still expecting your response on a mate and Luna of the blood moon pack. It’s taking way too long provide a mate. As far as you know alpha, this would strengthen the pack and…” 

“I know all of that, already. Let’s go to what I don’t know.” 



past time and we can no longer wait for the moon goddess anymore. Right now, taking matter into out own hands with a chosen mate for you would be the only and best option right now.” 

My hands were on the arms of the couch, and once he was done, I clutched so tight on it that my nails had almost protruded. 

“So what option did you come up with? What pack?” 

I simply wanted to know exactly what they had for me. Maybe this was what I needed at the moment to forget about Katherine. She was with Tristan now, and always, he just had to be the lucky one. Maybe we were just meant to be, 

‘Red crystal pack, the Alfonso pack, and the white Forest pack. Thorough research are being carried out on these three packs, but at the moment, the pack in our favor is the Red crystal pack. Their daughter would be a befitting match for you, and just like you, she’s strong. She’s fit to be the alpha of the Red crystal pack, and after the marriage, both pack becomes one and stronger. We have a higher chance of putting the pack under our name too.” 

There was a sudden silence in the room, 

“One more thing, there’s a strange speculation going around. Everyone in the pack thinks alpha Tristan is back from 


Chapter 37 

wherever he was and… 

I hit the arm on the chair, and I watched them flinch afterwards. At this moment, I f*cking wanted to rip open the damn mouth of whoever had said those words but I fought back my anger by taking a deep breath in, 

“It’s best we focus on important things and leave fake rumors aside.” I was silent for a few more seconds, 

Til take a tour around these three packs and when I find what I want, you’ll hear from me. Three days and that would be all.” As soon as I rose to my feet, I continued, 

“This meeting is over.And walked away afterwards. 

“Damn it! Killian! Where the hell are you man?” 

The noise of the gun definitely came from that direction..the direction Killian was standing and damn, I was f*cking scared. What if the shot was meant for him

I could feel my heart thumping so fast as I rushed towards the direction, 

“Where the f*ck are you man? Heyyyyy” 

“Damn! Stop yelling and get the f*ck here, Zane.” I heard his voice and sudden a wave of relief flickered through my body. I had been damn scared because I had thought I lost him, 

I rushed over to the direction and to my greatest surprise, the unknown person was lying down on the ground unconscious with Killian standing close to him, 

What did you do to him?” 

“Shot him on the leg, and threw him a punch afterwards.” 

“What!! Where the hell did you get a gun from man? Did you come along with a gun?” 

“Yeah, for safety reasons. If I had told you, you wouldn’t have let me bring one along and so I kept it to myself. Thank me later man, now let’s get this bastard to a hospital and get whatever we want from him free of charges when he wakes up.” 

I was still so speechless, but at the same time, I was f*cking so thankful. 

Damn, I still couldn’t believe that I was this close to getting what I wanted. To finding out the real truth begin six months ago. 

‘Come on, let’s hurry. I’m not going to forget this man, trust me and I’ll definitely repay this favor back someday” I told Killian because I was still so grateful. If anything had happened to him, I would never forgive myself and would live with the pain of blaming myself forever. 

Nope. You know what I want?” Killian questioned, and I asked, curious to get an answer 


I just want to see you happy again. I want to see that jovial, cheerful, Alpha Zane who was once madly in love with Katherine. I want everything to be back to how they were in the beginning.” He responded, and for a moment I smiled because it seemed more like everything would return back. Not fully, but at least to some extent

“All of that would happen if Katherine chooses to forgive me after everything. No matter how much I deny it Killian, she’s still the woman of my heart, and I can’t simply let go even after everything I did to her.” Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.


10.45 AM 

Chapter 98 

“Are you alright?” Tanya’s voice brought me out of my thoughts, and with a fake smile attached to my l*ps, I nodded my head slowly and picked up my fork again, 

“I’m fine.” 

I don’t believe you.” She responded. 

I didn’t know what to say 

Tristan isn’t back?” 

“Well, you didn’t even realize that he was gone in the first place did you?” 

There was no possible way that I could pretend like I knew so I shook my head in negation and questioned, 

“Where’d he go?” 

“To get something urgent done. He would be here in a few minutes, Katherine. Let’s talk about you. You should be happy today, it’s your birthday.” 

It’s been so long since I heard those words.” 

My smile suddenly faded even though they were fake

What words?” 

“Happy birthday. No one said them to me in such a long time after my mother’s death. She died a few days before my birthday.” 

“I’m so sorry about that…. Trust me, I am.” 

A tear clung to my brows, and I looked away so I could rub it off with my finger, 

“Thanks. How did you two know? I mean Tristan, he just knew me about a month ago, and he knew.” 

“Well, it’s all on me, but Tristan badly wanted to know everything about you, Katherine. He wanted to do something special to make you happy after everything you’ve been through and thankfully, your birthday helped a lot.” 

Thank you two. I know I’ve been out of it since everything happened with Leo, but I do miss him.” 

Tanya placed her hand on mine and squeezed it a little, 

“I never really believed a day like this would come, but right now, I badly want to see him. That’s the only thing I think would make me happy right now. I just want to hear his voice again, I want to see his face and ask him some questions. I want to know how he feels about me, Tanya, there’s so much I want to ask and…” 

Tristan’s here.” 

I cocked my head backward to see Tristan coming towards us from the entrance, 

“Charming isn’t he?Tanya uttered and I smiled. 

Tristan was indeed charming. He was in a navy blue suit and his hair was styled differently. It was more like a whole new look, 

“How long has he been away to do all of this?” 


10:45 AM 

Chapter 98 

“36 minutes.” Tanya’s responded, 

“That was damn fast.” 

I guess he had everything prepared just in time. He’s here, let’s change the topic.” Tanya uttered and we immediately stopped talking. 

Hey, are you alright? I’m so sorry I took too long to return.” Tristan said as he came towards me. He leaned down and kissed my cheek, “it’s fine.” 

Then he walked over to Tanya, whispered something into her ears, and kissed her forehead, 

I could see a change in Tanya’s facial expression when Tristan uttered those words, 

“Are you done here? I want us to go somewhere.Tristan said 

For a quick moment, I cocked my head towards Tanya again, and she had no smile on her face. What the hell did he tell her to make her like this

Thought you said this would be the last one?” 

“I know but this is going to be the best part of everything. I promise you’re going to love it.” 

“What about Tanya? Is she going to come along?” 

Tristan cocked his head towards Tanya, and tucked his hand into his pocket, 

If she wants to, but I don’t think she would…” 

Are you alright?” I questioned Tanya and she nodded her head, 

“I’ll tag along. I wouldn’t want to spoil all the fun you know, and trust me, Tristan’s right, you’re going to love it so much, Katherine.” 

I took a deep breath in, 

“Alright, I’m ready!‘ I uttered as Tristan outstretched his hand towards me so I could take it. 

As I placed my hand on his, he helped me up and we began to walk out of the mall. 


“Why are we here?I suddenly questioned. I had guessed earlier that Tristan was taking the path to the Blood Moon pack, but I wanted to be sure. 

“It’s a surprise, you aren’t supposed to know, Katherine,” Tanya responded, and I turned back to stare at her since she was seated at the back, 

“Does Leo know that we’re heading towards the pack?” 

“That doesn’t matter, this is my pack, don’t you think I have as much right as he does in here? Whatever I want to show you is here to relax okay.” 

Deep down, I had not even the slightest idea if I was happy about this or not, but I knew deep down, that a part of me was happy to be back here. Even though it would only last for a few moments, at least I get to see him again. 

I still had a bad feeling about something, but Tristan had said to keep calm and wait for the surprise. 

“We’re heading for the pack’s mansion?” 


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