The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Chapter 113-Where the hell is my wife?!

Watching in silence, Elijah smiled at Peach taking off her heels in the car, tossing them aside on the floor, and then sluggishly relaxing on the seat, admiring the slightly dark evening sky before letting out, “Today was exhausting.

Who knew running a company could be so much work, even for just a day?”

“So, you don‘t want to do it again?"

Elijah All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

responded, his voice jovial.

Immediately shaking her head, Peach met his eyes and replied, “No, no! That‘s not what I meant at all.

I love work… I do.

And this is not me being ungrateful… It was just

A laugh escaped from Elijah‘s lips at her reaction, and then his attention pulled away when the car came to a stop.

Then he turned back to Peach, took her shoe, and reached his hand for her feet, pulling them towards him gently and then slipping it onto her foot, mumbling, "

It‘s okay to be tired, darling.

You are not a robot.”

As Elijah slid the other shoe on, she sighed contentedly, smiling softly as she watched him and then let out, “Thanks.”

A moment later, when Elijah led Peach out of the car, her hand locked in his, they were a few feet away from the hotel entrance when a voice they both knew too well made them halt in their tracks.


Melina‘s voice sounded behind them as she approached, her steps light, and a smile lighting up her face.

Subconsciously, Peach squeezed Elijah‘s hand tightly, trying to keep herself calm.

After everything that has been going on with Melina, Peach never thought a sense of jealousy was something she would feel towards someone, especially someone who was practically family.

But knowing that Melina was Elijah‘s ex made her uneasy.

But she held it all together and then turned to see her cousin, focusing directly on Elijah‘s eyes with a smile.

“What do you want?"

Elijah asked, his tone dead of emotions and tone.

“After we talked on the phone the other day, I thought it would be best to see you to say this,"

Melina responded, eyeing Peach with this look that made her uncomfortable.

“You guys talked on the phone...?"

Peach murmured beneath her breath, wiggling her fingers silently in Elijah‘s grip, not knowing if she should pull away or not.

When Elijah noticed, he immediately interlocked their fingers tightly and then glared at Melina, saying, “I don‘t have the patience for your nonsense and useless words.”

“Can you please step aside a bit… I need to show you something."

Melina tried again, ignoring his last comment.

“I don‘t want to spring anything on you just like that…”

A frown appeared between Elijah‘s eyebrows, and he said, “That‘s enough nonsense.”

Securing Peach‘s hand in his, he turned on his heel and was about to leave when Melina grabbed his arm, forcing him back a bit, and holding his gaze with her own angry one.

“Please, Elijah."

Her tone changed and she pleaded with him.

“Just for a second.”

Watching her cousin‘s fingers tightened around his arm, Peach felt her heart beating faster than it ever had in her life, and when she looked up at Elijah‘s eyes, which glittered with anger and annoyance, her mind went blank.

“Get your hands off me, Melina."

Elijah snapped, reaching for her wrist and yanking it away from him forcefully.

“Elijah, I can‘t do this alone,"

Melina shouted after him as he turned to leave.

Immediately, Peach‘s heart stopped for a second, her woman intuition translating those words into one meaning, and it messed up her emotions like crazy.

“Don‘t fucking mess with my head, Melina,"

Elijah said as he turned to her, his eyes hardening

“I am pregnant, Elijah!"

Melina cried out, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Just like that, every emotion Peach was holding back came crashing down on top of her like a tidal wave.

The first thing she did was cover her mouth with her hand, trying desperately to suppress the cry that almost tore through her throat.

Then she slowly pulled her hand out of Elijah‘s grip, taking a couple of slow steps back, away from the two, tears staining her cheeks, and feeling completely numb, she didn‘t have any time to process everything.

“No, you are not, Melina… You were on pills, remember… claiming that you were not ready for kids.

There is no way that you are pregnant."

Elijah spoke firmly but his voice was shaky."

There‘s no way,”


Although birth control pills have a high success rate, they can fail, and women can get pregnant while on the pill, okay…? I am just as shocked as you, Elijah! Because it has been eighteen plus weeks since our divorce, but we were having unprotected sex before–”

“Stop, Melina.

I swear to God if this is one of your shitty tricks, I will not spare you…"

Elijah threatened, his body rigid and his fists clenched.

Hearing the uncertainty in his words, Peach closed her eyes and swallowed thickly before opening them again, standing a bit farther away from the two now… she didn‘t want to hear it… Even if it was before he loved her, before he touched her, before he married her… she didn’t want to hear that Melina was carrying his baby.

“I am not lying, Elijah… I know that I have done a lot of messed–up things in the time of our marriage, but this… this is not one of my stupid tricks… I didn‘t realize it soon because of all that was going on after the divorce.

But I…"

Melina trailed off and glanced at Elijah with sad pleading eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she continued, “I took the test because I was not feeling well, and it showed two lines.

I wanted to tell you… And –”

“Melina, I swear to God…"

Elijah started, his expression softening slightly, but his voice shook as he stared at her.

“It‘s not funny, Melina.

If you are lying to me…”

Reaching into her purse, Melina took out a pregnancy test, pointed it in Elijah‘s face, and shouted in tears, “See these lines?? I know we haven‘t exactly been the perfect couple, but I would never lie to you about this! I am scared and confused… So can you stop yelling at me already?!”

Taking another unstable step back, Peach felt like she was going to pass out.

Hearing Melina‘s desperate sobbing was making her feel sick to her stomach.

Tears rolling down her cheeks, she tried, very unsuccessfully, to contain a sob that was threatening to escape, not sure what to feel or why it hurt so bad, how to stop it, and yet she couldn‘t stop… She felt like an intruder, watching this whole scene unfold in front of her and hating it, hating that all her feelings were showing, and hating herself even more for feeling like this.

Suddenly she felt hands grabbed around her waist, and when she looked back in terror, the guy tightly pressed a handkerchief on her nose, making her scream, “Elijah!”

Immediately, Elijah snapped out of his feelings from his moment with Melina and turned to see Peach getting put into a black van packed a few distances from them.

A sense of shock had him freezing for a second, and then he rushed for the van, his heartbeat echoing in his ears, as he shouted, “Stop the damn car!! Stop, damnit!!”

Before he could reach them, the van drove away fast, heading straight towards the freeway, driving off at full speed as Elijah ran with all his might after the vehicle, pushing himself harder than he had ever pushed himself before.

But he wasn‘t fast enough though, and in less than 5 seconds the van disappeared from his view, and his palm rested on his knees as he stood there breathing heavily.


Elijah mumbled under his breath, closing his eyes as he breathed, trying to hold back all the feelings he had.

When Elijah got his emotions under control again, he quickly wiped his damp face and stood up straight before walking back to the hotel, and when he arrived, Melina was surrounded by fifty men, and her face clouded with horror.

His car was gone, but Elijah didn‘t care as he marched straight for the men and Melina, a sense of rage ripping through him as he looked at her.

“Elijah, who are these men?"

Melina asked, her voice filled with fear when one of the men grabbed her roughly and pulled her back as she tried to approach him.

“They just showed up from everywhere and surrounded me… What is going on?”

A look of slight worry settled in Larry‘s eyes as he walked to Elijah, saying, “Sorry, boss… We failed you with our reaction time, and didn‘t notice them until they were too late.”


Elijah asked in a deadpan tone, his eyes growing dark with anger.

There was a brief pause as the guys fidgeted nervously before Larry said, lowering his eyes, "

He‘s chasing after the van with your car.”

A slight sense of hope began to bloom in Elijah‘s chest, and he nodded, wanting to stay positive, even though deep inside he was feeling nothing but despair.

Then his head turned to stare at Melina, his eyes went dark, and he walked towards her, making his men open the way.

“What the hell just happened?"

Elijah asked, his voice low and yet, somehow still filled with malice as he stared at her shaky gaze.

“Where the fuck are they taking my wife, Melina?!”

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