The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

The sight of Jessica made Elijah frown slightly, but when their eyes locked, he immediately turned his focus back on Sen.

Butcher who was now shaking hands with Bryan, “Happy birthday, Mr. Butcher.

It’s always my pleasure getting an invitation to your birthday celebrations each year.” Bryan said with a faint grin as he let go of the old man’s hand.

Returning a small smile, Mr. Butcher then darted his eyes on Elijah, mumbling, “Not a lady tonight… you have upgraded your plus one to someone way more intriguing.” “Happy birthday Congressman Butcher.

It’s my honor to be here to celebrate your big sixty…” Elijah humbly replied, but the look in his eyes was still piercing even though he tried not to show it

His gaze softened slightly when he saw the calm smile Mr. Butcher had sent him which was enough to put Elijah’s heart at ease and to make him grin at the old man.

“Isabella, come here, please.” Mr. Butcher instructed, looking back at a young beauty, pointing to the young woman standing next to Jessica.

When Isabella moved beside her father, he smiled proudly at her and then said, “This is the apple of my eye…” Looking back at Jessica, he signaled her to come to the front and then added, “And her best friend… I am sure you guys have met… Well, you were married to her friend… Melina.

So, I am right, right?” “We have,” Elijah said, only focusing on the old man.

With a wild smile, Jessica extended her hand as she whispered seductively, “Hello, Mr. Darius… I must say, I am in love with your suit.” .

Sizing her with his eyes, Elijah’s face remained numbed with emotion as he said coldly, “My wife has good taste in clothes.”

For a moment, Jessica looked taken aback by his words.

However, she quickly recovered from it, but her remark left a weird atmosphere among them.

“I would have been shocked and a bit enraged to see you at my party, and Bryan bringing you here would have been an insult to me if I wasn’t aware of the sudden headway you are making in the business world… How did you do it?” Sen.

Butcher asked, looking at Elijah with his shrewd eyes.

“How did I do what?” Elijah asked in an unamused tone, knowing the insult within Mr. Butcher’s words.

The old man could see in Elijah’s eyes, boldness instead of fear, and he wasn’t sure if it was arrogance or pure confidence that fueled those qualities.

“Let’s face it, you were like a doormat to the Hayes family more than their son-in-law, and all of sudden, you are making millions of dollars investment in huge companies that should have gone bankrupt and breathing life into them, while claiming the highest share among all the shareholders and earning twice as much.

You were supposed to be a deadbeat lowlife, so how you managed to pull such a feat is beyond my knowledge,” Sen.

Butcher spoke slowly and calmly.

As he finished talking, his hard gaze fell on Elijah, but he didn’t flinch under his scrutiny, and he knew that this man was not easily intimidated.

“How’s that thing that is going on between the Supreme Court and you coming on?” Elijah asked, feeling glad that he had Rookie investigate the congressman today just so he could have a smooth conversation with him.

But after the Senator’s cocky remark, tonight seemed to have taken a different turn, and it was only fair that he got revenge for the earlier insult’s he threw at him.

A nervous look settled on the Senator’s features as he opened his mouth to speak, but Dylan appeared, beaming at Mr. Butcher.

“Can I steal you for a second, birthday boy!” Dylan exclaimed excitedly, but his smile quickly faded because of the tension between Senator Butcher and Elijah.

“Sure…” He finally replied, turning toward Dylan and giving him a cold glance.

After Mr. Butcher had left with Mr. Dylan, Isabella scowled at Elijah, crossing her arms and uttering in a low, disgusted tone, “Who do you think you are questioning my father over such matters?!”

“Your father had no business addressing me with such disrespect.” Elijah calmly responded.

In fear, Bryan grabbed Elijah’s arm and pulled him back to a safe distance before mumbling,” What are you doing? These are the guys we need on our side.”

“The four that sit at the table with Butcher, are they his equal, or his yes-men?” Elijah casually asked, his eyes steady on Check’s own.

Silence took over as Bryan realized what Elijah was trying to say, and he knew that he was right about it as he listened to Elijah continued, “People don’t respect those they can easily intimidate, and if I want to establish dominance that matches the five energy, I can not stick my tail between my ass if they bark at me.”

Speechless, Bryan was just there, not knowing if this was the right approach, and then he mumbled, “What the heck… I have been kissing up to these old geese for years and accomplished nothing, maybe it’s time for some changes.”

“Drinks, sir?” A waiter suddenly appeared out of nowhere asking.

But Elijah shook his head as he eyed Jessica and Isabella glaring at him, and he knew not to drink or eat anything tonight for his safety.

2 “I will take two,” Bryan said, still a bit frustrated.

After taking the first two glasses, he took a third, and Elijah looked at him slightly worried,” Don’t drink the entire tray… I will be back… need to use the restroom.” Once he had patted Bryan on the back, Elijah walked off with Dice, and Jessica’s eyes followed him for a second before she mumbled to her friend,

foro cho mumbled to her friend “Excuse me sa ”

The quietness in the bathroom was smoothing as Elijah stood before the mirror, a while later, and the sound of the water running from the faucet was the only thing heard in the room, and he closed his eyes as he thought back on Peach.

“Is she asleep?” Elijah mumbled, drowning in the peace that being away from the noise of the crowd had brought him.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening made him open his eyes, turning off the faucet and then hastily drying his hand on a paper towel only to freeze for a while when he suddenly heard the door lock.

“Excuse me,” Elijah raised his gaze to stare at the janitor, only to recognize the face underneath the face cap, mumbling. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.


Taking a sip of his wine, Mr. Butcher couldn’t get Elijah and his words out of his head, and in frustration, he mumbled, “How did he get wind of something so classified and sealed in the system and on the internet about me?!!!

Suddenly, his gaze rested on a face that he didn’t remember putting on his guest list because he didn’t want to be a part of their family scandals.

“Josh Hayes… I don’t recall listing your name for an invite.” Mr. Butcher said with a frown when he was a foot away from him.

“Your daughter added me as a last-minute guest, Sir,” Josh said with this look of urgency in his expression.

“Sir… I just received a text from Jessica that Elijah Darius had locked her in the bathroom and is… umm… forcing himself on her, sexually, preventing her from leaving.

She needs your help.” “What?” Mr. Butcher mumbled in disbelief.

“I tried to help her but he got someone watching the door, and I can’t fight that guy.” “I don’t want such a scandal to ruin my party, so go and tell Tony, my head of security over there to carry five guards with you and him to help Jessica.

Take Elijah to a room afterward, and I will deal with him myself.” Although this was not the kind of reaction he was expecting from Mr. Butcher, he knew not to go against such a powerful man’s warning, so he nodded before walking in a direction, toward Tony’s.

“Give me the key, Jessica,” Elijah said, not wanting to lash out and turn this into a messy situation that may become a scene, and rumors that would affect his wife would become trending again.

With a cocky smile, she pulled down the jumpsuit zip, shoving the key in her bra before putting the clothes hand down, exposing her cleavage, and then whispered, “Come get it?”

“What is this about?… You and are have never had an issue like that so why the hell are you doing something this insane?” Elijah said, keeping his distance as he struggled against his anger.

“Remember The Neon Green Bar incident… that night… you were with your so-called wife… Haha.

Remember the embarrassment you and she caused me, huh?!” Jessica let out, pulling down the other hand, snarling when Elijah looked the other way from her breasts.

“What? You don’t like what you see… Or are you tempted by them… Huh? How faithful can you strive to be in the sight of a hot, naked woman that is not Peach, Mr. Darius?”

“We didn’t embarrass you.

You did it to yourself by doing dumb shit like this.

Now, take off the key and give it to me.”

“If you want the key so badly, be a good boy and come get it.”

The anger rising in Elijah only seemed to grow as he glanced over at Jessica, seeing her

looking at him with a seductive grin on her face as she tried getting her foot out of the jumpsuit, and he sighed, knowing it was his only choice and decided to shout for Dice help, only to halt when he heard footsteps rushing to the bathroom.

“This way! He is holding her hostage in this bathroom!” Ethan recognized Josh’s voice echoing closed by.

Then his mouth parted open and his bottom lip hung loose when Jessica suddenly screamed in tears, “Elijah… Stop it! You are hurting me… Please…

I am begging you to stop! I don’t want you to hurt me! Please!!… Don’t touch me there… No… Not there! It hurt!” “What the f*ck,”

Elijah calmly whispered in disbelief, literally standing Eight feet, away from her.

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