The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Chapter 146

Chapter 146


Struggling against his anger, Elijah drew a deep breath, knowing he had to stall for a moment, and said, “So these two are the ones paying you to do.”

“Hahaha! Nah… Take a wild guess.” Tony mocked, and at that moment, his ringtone interrupted. Slowly, he took out his phone and answered in a pompous tone, “Yes, Sir. We have him, and are detaining him.”

Then he pressed the speaker button, letting everyone listen to Mr. Butcher said, “Since that’s the case, there’s no need to call Bamford then. Detained him in the basement with his man and called Dr. Letlial to take a look at Jessica.”

“Umm… She might need to go to the hospital, Sir.” Tony nervously mentioned, looking back at Jessica’s bloody nostrils. “Tony… Get someone to take her to a damn hospital or something. Today is my birthday, and I wouldn’t let such a scandal get tied to my reputation with all that is already happening… I will explain things to her father later, and we can get that piece of shit handled for his insolence. Got it?!”

“Yes, Boss.”

The moment he ended the call, the sudden sound of boots hitting the floor at a fast pace echoed into the bathroom, and Tony and his men eyed the open doorway nervously as the sound got closer. Subconsciously, Tony looked at Elijah, noticing the smirk tugged in the corner of his lips and the dead look in his eyes. “Boss!” Rick shouted, noticing Dice being held down by five men, forcefully against the wall. “Help, boss… He’s in there!” Dice shouted as three of the men let go of him to face Rick and Larry with the twenty men rushing behind him. Now that there were only two men lie had to deal with, Dice forced his wrist backward, snapping his arm free from the two’s hold-downs, and kicked a dude hard in the balls, before he threw his elbow into another guy’s face, breaking it instantly. Then he spun around and swung at the first dude, kicking him in the groin so hard again that he doubled over in pain.

As Rick, Larry, and six men were about to step into the bathroom, Tony shouted to three of his men, “Stop them!”

When the three rushed for Ricky and Larry, both men backed away from the doorway, drawing them outside a bit before Larry took the one on the left, grabbing him by his hair, and slamming his face into the door frame.

On the other hand, Rick was able to take the one on the riglit and swing his knee upwards, striking liis temple with the heel of his boot and then turning his foot to drive it downwards into the side of his head.

The third guy felt confused about who to attack first, seeing thiat the other two were down, and before he could decide, Rick and Larry both grabbed hiin by the shirt, pulling him close before meeting his eyes with their fists, hilting him repeatedly in the face with each round.

“Fuck!” Tony cried, reaching into his pocket for his phone. But suddenly, Elijah pulled with all his might, breaking the two men’s grip on him, rushing into Tony, and knocking him to the floor.

Without holding back, Elijah’s knuckles turned white from how tight his fist was as he swung it into the side of Tony’s head and then smashed his knuckles into his throat, making him choke on his blood as he gasped for air. The other two guys tried to hold him back, but Elijah pulled against their hold on his arms, freeing one of his hands and slamming his fist into Tony’s throat again, causing him to gag on his blood- filled saliva.

When Elijah broke his other hand free, he grabbed Tony’s face and slammed his head into the tile floor.

The other guy got frustrated and suddenly kicked Elijah in his side, hitting his rib before his buddy did the same a bit harder, causing Elijah to drop over Tony’s body, luis trembling singers grasping to the tiles. When Larry and Ricky stepped into the bathroom, fear immediately crossed their faces as Ricky cried out, “Boss!”

“Fuck them up,” Elijah whispered through gritted teeth.

Without holding back, Larry and Ricky rushed for both men, their fists flying as the two men fought hard, trying to keep themselves from getting hit by their heavy blows, but only to get whacked harder in the face by Rick and Larry, causing them to fall backward. A look of horror glowed in Jessica’s eyes when Elijah raised his gaze, meeting hers with a death stare.

Suddenly, using all his strength, Tony’s hands reached for Elijah’s neck, squeezing his flesh as lightly as possible.

Eyes bulging, Elijah gasped for breath, but he forced himself to endure the suffocating feeling, grabbed Tony’s wrists, and pulled on them until they withdrew from his neck, and then yanked his hands towards the ground, crashing his knee into Tony’s palm. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Fuckkk!!” Tony screeched as Elijah slammed his knee into his other wrist. “Get off me you,


The punch that Elijah struck in his face cut the words from Tony’s lips as he went unconscious.

Realizing just how messed up Jessica’s plan had gotten, Josh tried to sneak out of the bathroom, but before he could take his third step, Elijah grabbed his ankle, yanking him back, and causing him to fall slat on the floor, banging his nose into the marble.

When Josh looked behind to see that it was Elijah, he kicked back with his right foot, hitting his shoe heel into Elijah’s forehead, and cutting him on the eyebrow.

But that didn’t stop Elijah from tightening his grip on Josh’s foot as he stood up, and then dragged him toward him, mumbling, “You piece of shit!” The next moment, Josh spent in agony as Elijah lifted his knee, smashing his foot into the back of Josh’s ankle, snapping the bone, while he yell in pain. “All are wanted was a quiet night at this damn celebration, but you Hayes… Nah, you guys are

so full of your own shit that your egos can’t let me rest for a night!” Elijah yelled, twisting liis foot on Josh’s broken ankle.

The death scream from Josh sent shivers down Jessica’s spine, but she kept her slaky gaze glued onto Elijah. When Josh suddenly fainted from the pain, that’s when Elijah allowed himself to feel the anguislı his body had gone through, and he dropped to the ground, resting his back on the wall, his breathing ragged.

His eyes closed as lears began streaming down his cheeks from his pain, and he rested his head against the cold marble of the wall as he waited for his heartbeat to calin dowti.

“Elijah!” Bryan called out, a bit tipsy from all the wine he had drunk as die strolled in the corridor. “Are you up here?”

Suddenly, he halted in his steps, seeing Tony’s men lying on the ground and Dice with the others in the hallway, their eyes stone cold. “What the hell is going on?” Bryan slowly whispered, taking a step back Ignoring his horrified expression, Dice rushed into the bathroom, stopping by Elijah and looking down at him as he asked, “Are you okay, boss?” “Yes, ” Elijah whispered, opening his eyes, and then he extended his hand to Dice. “Help me


His blazer was stained with blood, and even though Dice was worried from the sight of it, lie pulled Elijah up, listening to him groan in pain. Leaping, Elijah walked over to the mirror, and he could barely recognize his face because of the blood staining his skin.

“Dude!!” Bryan’s voice echoed from the doorway, causing Elijah lo look away from his reflection and stare at him. “What happened?”

Silently, Elijah dragged his gaze on Jessica, and then he leaped his way to the door, telling Check, “Let’s go.” The hall was full of the voices of the elites chit-chatting and laughing as classical music played in the background.

The Senator was surrounded by his rich friends, having casual discussion, yet his lieart was troubled, knowing what was happening upstairs.

Suddenly, the sound of the door busting open brought instant silence lo the room as Elijah bashed in, storining ilieliall with liis men and Bryan by his side.

“Is this how you treat your guests?!… Sending your inen lo beat the life out of me without investigating what happened?” Elijalı said in a deadpan lone, meeting the senator’s shocked cyes.

The guests were horrified at ihe sight of Elijah’s face, and wluispers soon started to break out amongst the crowd.

What he feared the most had suddenly come to pass as more people gathered around in the hall to watchi Elijah and liim, and the senator signed deeply, asking, “Whicre are fessica, Tony, and my other securities?”

Immediately, his daughter scowled, walked over to his side, and glared at Elijah before asking, “What happened to Jessica?”

Another sigh escaped the Senator’s lips as he darted his gaze to the right, staring at a silverfox, wearing a three-piece black suit that was glaring at them with concern in his eyes.

“He forced himself on her,” Mr.Butcher replied, his lips curling up slightly as he glanced from Elijah to the silverfox and then back again. “That thing did what to my daughter?!” Mr. Astor spat out angrily, glaring daggers at Elijah.

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