The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Chapter 160 Gunshot

The flashes of lights and cameras immediately went off and on as Elijah stepped out of the car, and then he reached into the vehicle for Peach, taking her hand in his and gently leading her out of the Mercedes. Then he secured her by her waist, glad that she was only two months pregnant and her stomach had not started showing yet, and yet there was still a trace of worry in his voice as he whispered in her ear, “You should have stayed home.” “I am fine, honestly.” Peach leaned in closer to his ear to mumble, smiling when he met her eyes. “Also, it would seem rude if I didn’t attend Madam Elle’s husband’s birthday with you.”

But Elijah’s worry wasn’t about her being fine, it was the fact that she was attending such a public event with him when he knew that after a month, he still had not figured out what happened back in Syldavia a while ago, and who was behind it.

Although the premises were heavily guarded by his men and his father’s guys’, it still wasn’t enough to keep Elijah’s heart at ease, even though it had been a month of silence since he decided to settle with Peach in Bordoria, and the Hayes had gone cold, even though the trial against Elmer has just started, and Cora’s case was coming up, then Josh. The silence was so loud that Elijah was more alarmed in Bordoria than he was in Syldavia because when the enemies are quiet, it’s a dangerous game that could mean either something or nothing.

As he escorted Peach into the Manor, his eyes and ears were all alert since he would rather be cautious than take chances.

The grand hall of the Manor was loud with Baroque music as Peach and Elijah walked in after Miss Grace, Mrs. Maxwell, and Mr. Maxwell. The moment they arrived, people’s attention was drawn to them, and even though Elijah didn’t want to lose sight of his wife, the other ladies quickly collected Peach, Mrs. Maxwell, and Miss Grace, taking them away. Looking back at them, Elijah’s heart was

troubled, even though his wife was laughing with these ladies as they all chatted. When Mr. Maxwell suddenly patted him on the back, Elijah’s heart skipped a beat, and then he gazed at his father, listening to him say, “She’s fine.”

“Yeah,” Elijah mumbled, smiling at his father.

Suddenly, an older gentleman approached them, saying with a smile, “Elijah, Romney, welcome, welcome to my humble home!” “Aah, Mr. Hilton, Happy birthday!” Mr. Maxwell said cheerfully. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

The excitement in the hall only grew as the second shifted to minutes and the minutes turned to hours of chatting, drinking, cating, and dancing,

After a couple of discussions with a bunch of old dudes, Elijah eyed Peach, and she seemed so energetic, talking and laughing with other women, that he allowed his heart to relax as a smile drew on his face.

Then he subconsciously darted his eyes to the right, seeing a guy, standing in the far corner of the room, alone, and yet the way he was staring solely at Peach made Elijah tense up, not liking how this sketchy dude was staring at his wife.

The buzzing from his phone made Elijah reach into his pocket, yet his gaze never left the stranger as he searched through his pockets until he got it out. “J, have the captives talked yet,” Elijah asked. “We broke them. Took thirty-one days, but one of them finally talked. Their boss is Thornton. He is running want of the most dangerous underground businesses in Syldavia, from drug dealing to human trafficking, and gun sales” “What does a Drug Lord have to do with me.” “According to him, Thornton is Matthew and Eli’s biological father, and a while ago, they joined their father’s gang and are working for him because Thornton had promised them that if they become his next heirs, he will take care of Peach and you for Madam Jewel.”

“Did he confirm that some of Thornton’s men are here, in Syldavia?” “Yes. He claimed that they got the tip from the men on that end that you were leaving for Syldavia, and that’s how they were already at the airport when you got into the country. So the day you and Peach left for Syldavia-” “They were following.” Now, Elijah was even tenser up, and when he noticed that the guy was on the move, his eyes hastily searched for his wife, seeing that Peach wasn’t where she stood before.

When his gaze rested on Peach at the buffet table, eating a cupcake cake, his eyes darted by to the man, connecting that his steps were directed straight for Peach, and he mumbled, “Let me call you back, J.” Hastily, Elijah ended the call, shoving his phone into his pocket, and then he

increased the pace of his movement, seeing that this guy was seriously heading for Peach.

Not even thinking anymore, Elijah ran across the hall, causing people to look at him and whisper to one anotlier, wondering what was happening.

When the guy started reaching his land at the back of his pants, Elijah immediately blindside him from the right, jumping him, and they both hit the tiles before the gun sound went off. The sound of screaming and cries echoes through the hall as everyone scattered, running in different directions. It took Peach a second to figure out what was going on, and then her gaze rested on Elijah and a guy fighting over a gun, and her heart dropped, her scream echoing in her head as she silently watched them, frozen with her eyes wild open in fear. With his grip on the guy’s hand that had the gun, Elijah used his other hand to push his fingers into the guy’s eyes before pressing his elbow in his throat, forcefully, making him choke while Elijah struggled to keep the gun mouth directed in the air.

The guy tried to use his free hand to grab Elijah’s neck, but Elijah twisted his wrist hard, making him drop the pistol, then he allowed himself to drown in his anger, punching his fist into the guy’s face, hitting again and again.

The hall was soon crowded with security, securing the guests and premises, but none of them dared stop Elijah as he punched harder and harder.

He knew he should calm down, but he couldn’t, not when he knew that this guy was about to pull a gun up on his pregnant wife.

Every punch he landed on the dude, he wanted it to land harder than the next, and he could have continued for the longest, but then he heard his father say,” Elijah,” His bloody fist stopped midair as he panted, glaring down at the man’s face, and then he screamed, “Fuckkk!!!”

The room went cold, and no one dared to say a word as they watched him attempt to hit the man again but hesitated when the guy fainted. When Elijah took control of his emotions, he woke from the man’s body, looking to Martin and commanding him, “Take him away.” “Should we call the police?” Someone shouted from the crowd. “The police are not needed.” Mr. Maxwell said, and no one counterattack his

words. “We will take care of it.” When Elijah’s eyes met Peach, he froze, looking at her hesitantly, and then he stared down at the bloodstain on his hand.

But a sense of shout hit him when Peach rushed into his arms, burying her face into his chest, holding tightly onto him. “Let’s get you out of here.” Elijah muttered softly, holding Peach close to him.

The night was way more silent than any other night as Peach sat in their bedroom, listening to water running in the bathroom, and her mind kept playing out the scene from the event.

When the water stopped, she raised her gaze, starting at the door until it opened and Elijali walked out.

Silently, Peach watched him get changed into his sweatpants and shirt, then he turned to face her, sighing heavily.

“You are not related to Jewel, her children, or her grandchild,” Elijah said, meeting the confused look in her eyes. “What are you saying?” Peach whispered, her voice hoarse. Calmly, he took a stool and carried it toward the bed, sitting in front of her, taking her hand in his, and said, “She cheated on your grandfather the entire time of their marriage, and karma repaid her by making none of her children his. You are the only true blood of your grandfather, and that’s why your father had to die and so did your grandfather when he found out the truth-” Her eyes froze open as Peach stared dumbfoundedly at him, unable to believe her ears.

“When your grandfather was ill, he carried out a DNA test, and the result made him place all his wealth in your name. Madam Jewel and he argued over it, and she killed him. With her bare hands, she strangled him…” Elijah explained gently. “To keep enjoying his wealth, she and her children. Tears slowly slid down her cheeks as Peach stared blankly at him. She couldn’t believe what she just heard, feeling numb.

“It seems like your father was asking too many questions that she didn’t like and digging into things. So to keep her secret buried -” Elijah said as she broke down.

“He had to die,” Peach whimpered, tears rolling down her eyes.

“I was scared to tell you these things because I didn’t want you to act out of anger and put yourself in harm’s way….”

“So why are you telling me now?”

“Because I am going to ruin them. I am going to drag them down until there is nothing left of them. I want to make them pay and suffer,”

Silence followed his last words, and when she hastily dried up her tears with the back of her hand, she fixed her gaze upon her husband, who was still holding her hands.

Slowly, her face hardened as her eyes grew dark, her lips pursed together, and her shoulders slightly stiffened, looking directly into her husband’s eyes. “Then do it. Drag them to hell where they belong.” Peach said, coldly, her voice lost in emotion.

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