The Moon Goddess and Her Mate

Chapter 131. Father and Daughter Part Two

“Your Mom and I can get married and live together for hundreds of years because I can make strong winds, rain and storms. Rain falls to Earth because I fill the clouds with dew, which becomes water. Rain definitely occurs in the sky, and the water falls to Earth.” Lord Helion began to answer his daughter’s question, which he had never heard before.

“As Lord of the Seas, I always visit the palace where I lived before I got married, so it is impossible to forget my own origins, namely the sea. Your Mom has known this since we knew each other, so there was no problem at all. “A man wearing a crown on his head told what had happened, although only in outline.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“I have never seen Dad at the palace on the sea. Was that on purpose?”

“No. After getting married, my wife and I agreed that to regulate the area of power in the sea, I do not need to get down to the Earth. In the palace that we usually lived in, one room was provided, which, when the door was opened, then it was directly connected to the beach, and it was the entrance to the kingdom here. When you were little, I often took you to the sea. At first, everything was fine, but because you often got sick after visiting from there, and that event happened often, your Mom forbade me to do it.”

Atvertha tried to remember, but she could only remember a little. “So, was it because I was sick that I could not help Dad at sea?”

Lord Helion nodded. “Yes, that was right. If you get sick after visiting a place, it means the place is not suitable. Therefore, we decided that you would continue Mom’s duties at night, thus making her work easier. You must already know that Mom takes care of the day and night, so it must be tiring.”

That slender girl was silent as if she was thinking about something else. The conversation between father and daughter stopped because the immortal goddess had not yet commented on the other god’s statement. I thought Mom and Dad could be together because they were both from the same race, but my guess was wrong. What should I do to convince him to forgive and accept my man as his mate? I have to think of something that makes sense, but it is all acceptable to Dad, Atvertha thought while looking for the inspiration she really needed.

“Why do you not just marry Nyx’s eldest brother? I see you two are very suitable together. Both of you can visit us anytime. Besides, Havento’s power is great, so he can protect you because he is an immortal god.” The brown-eyed man remembered the Lord of the Underworld, so the beautiful girl shook her head because she did not want that guy.

“No, Dad. I never liked Havento. I want Armen as my husband.” A woman with a sharp nose remained firm in her stance so that the four-hundred-and-forty-year-old man was unable to persuade the opposite sex any longer.

“Okay, if you say so. If I forgive you, what would you do? That mortal guy and you could not get married without my permission. Try to convince me, and then I will give my blessing to both of you.” Lord Helion gave a challenge to the Moon Goddess so that the smart girl became tempted and tried to find a way out so that she and Armen could be united in marriage.

“What should I do to get Dad to agree to my relationship with Armen?” That young lady even asked Lord Helion about this, so the Ruler of the Seas laughed amusedly and did not hide it.

“Atvertha, you are either naive or deliberately testing me. I told you to try to convince me so I could give my blessing. But what did you do to me? You ended up asking me strange questions. You are not ready to get married because from there, I can judge it.” The man who rarely got angry could only take one breath as if he was not sure about the man whom his daughters had chosen. Lord Helion could not imagine that Armen and Atvertha would ever get married.

“Dad, that was not true. I want to be with Armen forever.” Nyx’s good friend tried to remain calm, even though she was confused as to why her father would say that to him. Atvertha felt that there was nothing wrong with the previous question, so she was still wondering in her heart why Lord Helion had made such a statement.

“Marriage is not for one or two years, but forever. I doubt whether you know the meaning of the word ‘forever’ as you said earlier. If you do not really understand the concept of marriage, then I suggest you think again before asking for my blessing. I do not want to let you marry any man before you are ready to handle it.” Lord Helion had refused Atvertha’s request, but the virgin did not want to give up either.

“Give me a chance to prove it, Dad.” A girl, who had been given the key to enter the Underworld at any time by Havento, again asked Lord Helion for a chance. However, the wise man shook his head, making Atvertha feel sad and annoyed.

The Sun Goddess’s husband seemed to deliberately not want to comment on his daughter’s request. He seemed to be thinking about something while Atvertha was still waiting for a reaction from the goddess he was talking to, even though the girl had to wait quite a long time. After five minutes of silence, Lord Helion asked the Crossroads Lady, “What do you think about a marriage? What is a happy and healthy marriage for you? Answer me.”

Wow, Dad actually asked two difficult questions. I do not know what to do. Does marriage not happen because a male and female like each other, and then they agree to live together? Are these questions intentionally to trap or test me? Atvertha wondered to herself.

“If you can’t answer all my questions, then I will postpone giving my blessing for your marriage to Armen. A marriage is a serious thing. You have to be careful in choosing your partner because after marriage, you have to stay with your spouse for the rest of your life, and it is not easy.” Lord Helion seemed to be able to read the immortal goddess’ mind. A woman who always looked youthful wanted to deny this statement. However, Atvertha was unable to provide an answer to the questionnaire, so she remained silent with a flat, expressionless expression as usual.

“I have not found the answer yet, Dad. But, may I introduce Armen to you so you can know him by yourself? From there, you can know the reason why I always insist on marrying him.” A young lady, who had a height of one hundred and seventy-five centimetres, tried to change her father’s view of her mortal lover, but Lord Helion instead looked at her strangely as if he did not believe the offer.

The silver-haired man shook his head again. Lord Helion was still trying to be patient because, in his judgment, his daughter still did not understand all the questions he had asked. The atmosphere returned to silence because Atvertha’s biological father was silent for a long time, which made the girl lose hope.

“I do not need to meet him now. I have been waiting for your answers, but you failed to do so. How can I be sure you are ready to live life together with a mortal guy you have only known for a while, especially since you are different in every way thing? If you refused to marry Toghnath, then I could understand and was able to find several candidates from among us who fit your criteria. But you impulsively chose a man who was not suitable. How can I give you my permission and blessings?” Lord Helion again asked two additional questions, at which moment he was overwhelmed.

“Did you hate me?” The girl’s tone sounded sad, although her expression remained normal. Lord Helion smiled because he really could not hate Atvertha, even though her behaviour made him and his wife dizzy.

“Princess, I have never been like that. I just want to know how ready you are for marriage and sure about Armen. There is still time to change your mind if you are in doubt.” As soon as possible, Lord Helion turned his head in a certain direction right after he finished saying those words. The violet-eyed woman did not know what was happening at her father’s place because the man who had been talking to her earlier was looking elsewhere.

What was wrong with Dad? Was there something in the palace that was in the sea? For a long time, I have never visited him there. Should I take Armen to get to know him so that Dad’s views can change? But I can’t do it because Dad has been waiting for all the answers to his questions. What should I do? Should I ask Nyx about this? Atvertha was trying to find a way out, even though she had not seen it yet.

Lord Helion turned back to his only daughter. Atvertha, who realized this, immediately hoped that there would be encouraging news from her father, even though the possibility of that happening was very small. “I have to go now. If you want to talk again later, you can call my name, but make sure you check the situation first. Do not let Mom find out about this problem. It is just for two of us.”

The girl in white quickly nodded. “I will do it, Dad. Thank you. How about your forgiveness?”

“When you have found the answers which I asked for, then there I will give you forgiveness and blessing. However, if your answer is not right, I will postpone everything.” The man who has been living mostly in the sky has made a decision that Atvertha could not change at all.

“Okay, Dad. Thank you.”

“You are welcome, Princess. Take care. If you consider my advice, you can marry Havento or Hertinoz. Choose one of them because I am sure they will be a great husband for you.”

Before Atvertha had time to argue, the figure of the silver-haired man suddenly disappeared. The girl’s room became quiet again, which made the Queen of Witches nervous. Lord Helion’s words before disappearing were deeply imprinted in his memory. “Why did Dad even propose those two immortal gods to be my husband? Even before the name Hertinoz, Dad specifically promoted Havento. What was wrong with him? Did I miss something important here?”


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