The Moon Goddess and Her Mate

Chapter 154. Deep Talk with Mom

In the home of a future Lycan King,

“My son! I want you to pick some blueberries because I want to make a pie.”

The brown-haired man was silent for a moment. Meanwhile, the woman who had given birth and raised him in the world waited for Armen’s reaction. When the brave guy was about to say something, they heard a deafening noise from outside the kitchen, which was able to divert the mother’s attention, and her son was diverted there. “Honey! Armen! We are going fishing first!”

The long-haired woman shouted back, “Yes, My Love. You two must be careful!”

“We will! See you at the lunchtime!” As soon as possible, the head of the family and his youngest son walked out of the house, and not long after, they heard the door closing from outside. The atmosphere in the house became silent, and the only people there were Norah and Armen. A young man had forgotten what kind of topic he wanted to convey because he heard his father’s loud voice a few moments ago.

“Didn’t I get any more firewood, Mom? How many blueberries do you need? Are the two baskets you usually use enough?” The burly man asked three questions that Armen should have asked a long time ago but was interrupted by the voice of the head of the Lugthna family. Norah smiled when she heard the questions.

“As for the firewood, you can collect it tomorrow. After I counted, it was enough for two more days, but tomorrow, you have to get a new one to spare here. Yes, my son. Two ordinary baskets are enough to make a blueberry pie. I wanted to make two pies, but I will bake it today and make a new one tomorrow.” Norah answered all the eldest son’s questions, so Armen nodded.

“Okay, Mom. I will go there soon, but let me change my clothes first.” A man with thick eyebrows wanted to turn around because he was about to step toward his room, but Norah tried to prevent Armen from leaving so that she could carry out her plan.

“Armen! Wait a minute!” The young man’s steps stopped when he heard those words, and then he turned his body again and looked at the other person in confusion.

“What was wrong, Mom? Do you need something from me?” The man who got his good looks from his biological father was surprised by his mother’s attitude, which looked very different from usual days.

“My son, are you okay?” Norah opens the topic of conversation, which will soon lead to the central part. Armen did not immediately answer, but he looked doubtfully at his mother.

“What do you mean with that question, Mom? Do I look sick in your eyes?” Armen even asked back, so this situation made the blonde woman smile, even though it looked like it was forced.

“I see something different about you, my son. Does this have anything to do with your special lady? I hope your relationship will always last and you can get married soon.” Norah answered softly because she was trying to get deeper information from the person she was talking to.

The thirty-five-year-old man had not commented at all. Did Mom deliberately ask when Dad and Agtheo were away? Have my parents planned anything because they want to know about the continuation of my relationship with Atvertha? Should I tell her about my lady’s current condition? Armen thought carefully as if afraid of making the wrong choice.

Norah did not dare to ask anything else because she was still waiting for an answer from her eldest son. Armen was still thinking because he did not want his lover’s condition to become an object of ridicule from his family, especially his parents. Time seemed tickling slowly, so they felt silence and awkwardness between them. The slender woman began to be unable to stand the loneliness between them, so Lebrazht Lugthna’s wife decided that it was time to say something to the opposite sex.

“If something goes wrong, then you can tell Mom. I will not tell Dad.”

The young guy had not reacted yet, which made Norah anxious. However, the fifty-two-year-old woman did not say anything wrong because she knew the consequences of such actions. “I understand that you do not trust me. Well, go to your room and get ready. I will not ask about your relationship with Goddess Atvertha again.”

“It is not like that, Mom.” The virgin guy answered, so the woman who was good at cooking raised one eyebrow.

“So? What happened between you? Did Goddess Atvertha break off the relationship, or did something else happen, My Boy?” Norah tried to find out information about what had happened to her son. Armen exhaled heavily, then looked down. He looked at the floor sadly, which made his mother feel guilty.

“Last night, my lady came here.” Armen started his story, and as soon as possible, Norah remembered her conversation with her husband in the morning before she left the room.

“I was surprised by her attitude, which looked very strange. Her voice was changing. Moreover, her body, which usually gives off light like we saw with Lord Athalamaya, was no longer like that. Last night was bizarre for me.” The muscular guy remembered the events of last night when he met the girl he loved. Meanwhile, Norah continued to listen carefully without interrupting at all.

“It turned out that Atvertha was having problems, and she did not come, not on purpose. I was despondent because I could not help her more. Her problems were beyond the control of an ordinary human like me. As a mortal, what can I do to my lady only through prayer and moral support. The rest I could not do anything.” Armen still could not explain it in detail because he was protecting the good name of his immortal lover. Norah also felt the same way as her son but did not comment.

“I was shocked by what happened to my lady. It turns out that being an immortal goddess was very difficult because her parents had done something that had a huge impact; I could even say it was dangerous. I still did not want to back down and would accept Atvertha just the way she was. Grandpa Atmatkha once told me that I must remain faithful to my partner. We are not married yet, but I am sure that I will make her my wife.”

For some reason, the last sentence Armen said moved Norah so much that she almost shed tears. However, the hazel-eyed woman still tried to focus on what the man was saying. Lord Helion’s future son-in-law exhaled heavily as if he were carrying a heavy burden.

“As a human being, even though many immortals call us ‘mortals’ and often look at us trivially because mortals have a notoriously bad reputation, I do not want to be the same as them. Grandpa always taught me to be a real man with good integrity and was consistent, and I will follow his suggestions.” There was a note of pride in the last sentence, especially when the young man mentions his grandfather’s name, who was known for being strict in educating children. Norah felt this was true, and she was amazed because her father-in-law left a legacy for his grandsons, especially Armen.

“What happened to the Goddess Atvertha, Son? Did her parents attack the Moon Goddess or do something else?” Norah became worried about Armen’s lover’s safety. The tall young man was silent, and then he shook his head.

“No, Mom. They did not attack my girl directly, but Goddess Avtexia and Lord Helion sealed Atvertha’s body so she could not be free. Apart from that, the seals had been opened, but only half, because the seal placed by her father must be opened by himself.” Armen tried to organize his words so that Norah would not judge her lover badly.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Seals? Why did Goddess Atvertha’s body have to be sealed?” Norah could not understand the mindset of the Crossroads Lady’s parents. Armen shook his head again, and the young man seemed to deliberately not want to look at the woman who was still standing near the pile of firewood.

“Atvertha did not know, Mom. It was Goddess Nyx who helped her remove the seal planted by Goddess Avtexia. Atvertha’s appearance has changed drastically, but that did not reduce my love for her.” Longing for the woman who temporarily lived in the Underworld also emerged again. Norah was confused by the sentence, ‘Atvertha’s appearance changed drastically,’ so she wanted to clarify what she meant.

“What happened to Goddess Atvertha’s appearance, Son? Has she become a strange, terrible figure, or perhaps the opposite?”

“She… if ordinary people saw, they would definitely be afraid. I suspect it was only a temporary effect, because Lord Helion has not removed the seal he planted. Atvertha was trying to get her father to do it.”

“Why do you still want to be in a relationship if… if you know that Goddess Atvertha is physically strange? I am sorry, Son. I do not mean to insult her, but you deserve the better girl.” Armen suddenly shook his head and made Norah frown because she was surprised by her eldest son’s attitude.

This time, the guy, who had a height of one hundred and ninety-two centimeters, raised his head and then looked at his mother with a solemn expression. The woman who had been married to Lebrazht Lugthna for thirty-six years was shocked. She did not think that Armen would do something like that.

“I want to ask something, but please answer it honestly. If Dad met Mom, then he would love Mom because of your beauty. However, suddenly, everything changed because Mom had a serious illness in the face and body area that disturbed her appearance, even making her people run away. How would you feel if Dad rejected you because of that and suddenly canceled the wedding plan?”

After ten minutes of silence, the green-eyed man broke the ice between them. “If Mom can’t answer, then I understand, but please do not stop me from marrying my girl. I am not a man who throws away a woman because of physical changes. For me, loyalty is much more important. Atvertha is willing to sacrifice her luxurious life in Lord Helion’s palace and wants us to unite, so there is no way I can just leave it like that.”

Norah remained silent, and for some reason, in her heart, she was afraid that she would be in the position of the Moon Goddess. Armen returned to observing his mother’s behavior in silence. The desire to pray at the temple appeared again, but he could not do it as soon as possible because he had to pick blueberries as ingredients for making pie.

My son was right. What if I experience the same thing? Lebrazht and I got married because our parents arranged it. If my face and body were suddenly ugly, then no man would necessarily want it, except those who are playboys and intend to find a mistress. But not all men who want a new concubine will choose an ugly girl. They must have sneered, then just walked away, thought Norah, who felt guilty towards the Queen of Witches.

The brown-haired man started to walk, then walked to the left. In the corner, there was a wooden cupboard on top of which there were two baskets. Armen took the objects and turned around. When he arrived at the door, the virgin guy said to Norah, who did not dare to comment, “Mom, I want to get blueberries. Be careful at home.”


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