The Moon Goddess and Her Mate

Chapter 158. A Special Guest

At night,

Somewhere on Earth, precisely in the Tatkhion area. In the house of the Chief of the Agbazarth Tribe, a thirty-five-year-old young man felt hot and could not just stay in his room. “Why is it so hot tonight? Usually, the temperature is always cold, except during the day,” muttered Armen, astonished.

Without delay, the charismatic man left the room. He was stunned when he saw that his parents were already in the front room, and the entrance door was even wide open. “Mom? Dad? What was wrong?” asked Armen, who was confused by the presence of Norah and Lebrazht. The husband and wife fanned their bodies with both hands because they felt the same way as their eldest son.

“Nothing happened, Son. We are here because the weather is hot, so we can’t sleep. Maybe it is a sign that going to rain, so the temperature is like this?” replied a blonde woman, continuing to fan the neck area with both hands.

“Yes, maybe so, Mom. I want to go out first. It is boiling in the room, too.” The Moon Goddess’s future husband walked past his parents with a hot expression. Armen’s body was sweating, especially on his forehead, arms, and chest, so this situation made the man feel uncomfortable, and he chose to look for air outside the house. Norah and Lebrazht could only observe Armen’s actions. None of them tried to stop the young man,

When Armen had left the house, about ten meters away, the atmosphere there was actually relaxed, thus raising questions in the brown-haired man’s mind, “What will happen tonight? Is it possible that something will happen so that the heat will turn out to be hot and felt by me and my parents? Why does the opposite happen when we leave the house? This is really strange.”

Just as the guy was muttering, he suddenly saw something shining behind the trees about twenty meters from where he was standing. This situation aroused Armen’s curiosity, so the muscular guy walked closer to the area. “Is that Atvertha? She promised she would come again. I will check by myself just to make sure.”

The light there was getting brighter and brighter, which made great suspicion arise in the eldest son of the couple, Lebrazht Lugthna and Norah Bitnantzh. However, Armen did not want to give up because his immense curiosity increasingly demanded that he find out who could produce such a bright light. “Is she my girl? What if it turns out to be an evil creature? I can’t just back away because I am already half-road.”

When the young man was close to his destination, he was surprised because he saw something abstract. At first, it was not clear what it was, but over time, it took on the shape of a woman, which Armen felt very familiar with when he saw it. That slender girl increasingly showed her proper form, which moment made the mortal guy say, “Atvertha?”

When she heard someone calling her name, as soon as possible, the silver-haired looked back. That immortal goddess was very surprised when she saw a handsome young man who was watching all her movements. “Armen! What a nice surprise. How did you know I was here?”

“I saw a strange light and remembered that if you came, there would be light. But…” A man with thick eyebrows stopped talking because he saw something strange about his beloved lover. The Moon Goddess smiled faintly as if she could tell what was surprising her mortal lover.

“You… you have returned to your original form! How could that happen?” That brave man got closer to the opposite sex, then carefully observed the appearance of the eldest daughter of the couple, Lord Helion and Goddess Avtexia. Armen did not seem to believe that his future wife’s shape was no longer the same as when they last met.

“Yes, Armen. My dad has opened all the seals so I can return to being my old self.” The virgin goddess already understood what the other person was trying to convey, but the brown-skinned man was still amazed by the significant changes that had occurred to Atvertha.

After he was satisfied looking, Armen returned his attention to the immortal goddess. “If Lord Helion has done that, so it does mean that we can get married?”NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

A woman who never liked flirtatious men, without further ado, nodded. The joy was visible on the faces of the couple. “You are right, Honey. That was why I came directly to Earth so that I could immediately talk about this directly and you and your parents can get ready to meet the Lord of the Seas.”

“Wow! Lord Athalamaya and Goddess Tathatea have answered my prayers. I did not expect that I would get results this quickly.” A handsome man, who had a height of one hundred and ninety-two centimeters, felt very grateful and happy because the immortal husband and wife whom he always worshiped had agreed to make all his prayers and hopes come true. Meanwhile, Atvertha frowned because the goddess did not know why her mortal boyfriend would say such things.

“Pray? What are you praying about in front of the statues of Lord Athalamaya and Goddess Tathatea, Armen?” The two-hundred-and-seventy-year-old woman wanted to know. Atmatkha’s grandson nodded vigorously. He could not wait to marry the girl he loved and live forever with that immortal goddess.

“I pray that Lord Helion will forgive your mistakes, lift all the seals and bless our relationship,” Armen explained in outline the prayer he said at the temple, precisely in front of Lord Athalamaya and Goddess Tathatea. Goddess Atvertha was amazed because she found out that the mortal male she accidentally saved was not a greedy human being and had a sincere heart.

“Thank you, Armen. It is better for you and me to meet your parents as soon as possible. We can’t postpone the wedding any longer.”


A few moments later,

A pair of lovers who came from two worlds have arrived at Lebrazht Lugthna’s house, but they have not entered it yet. Meanwhile, a fifty-two-year-old woman looked anxious, remembering that her eldest son had not yet appeared, while the head of the family relaxed, continuing to fan his neck area with both hands. “Where is Armen? What is taking him so long?” Norah asked alone while looking at the door still wide open.

“Do not worry. Our son will definitely come back safely.” The hazel-eyed man answered his wife’s question, which made Norah look to the left. That woman looked annoyed because her beloved man seemed to underestimate her anxiety.

“My Love! How could you-”

Before the woman with a sharp nose had time to finish her words, a husband and wife who were sitting in the front room heard a voice that distracted them. “Mom! Dad! I am home!”

A tall young man appeared, followed by a girl whose body was so radiant. When they saw this scene, Norah and Lebrazht were stunned for a few seconds, then they simultaneously stood up, knowing that a special guest had just arrived there.

“Oh my… please sit down, Goddess Atvertha.” The middle-aged man slightly stuttered when he greeted that immortal goddess. Meanwhile, the wife could not say anything because of fear and panic. Armen held back his laughter when he saw the strange reactions of his parents.

“Thank you.” Atvertha sat in a chair not far from there, and Armen sat next to the virgin. Norah and Lebrazht also followed the same actions as the Moon Goddess. The atmosphere in the house was suddenly tense because the husband and wife did not know what to say to their eldest son’s lover because that immortal goddess appeared and sat near them out of the blue.

“Lebrazht. I came here to convey some important things, which must be done without any delay.” Atvertha broke the ice between them. The man, who had a height of one hundred and eighty-five centimeters tall, nodded and was unable to say anything to the Queen of Witches.

“First information: The Lord of Helion has blessed me and Armen to marry. Therefore, your coronation ceremony to become a Lycan King was carried out after that.” That young lady deliberately stopped talking because she wanted to see the expressions of her future father and mother-in-law.

“Second: Lord Helion invited you, Norah, and Armen to came in his palace. Perhaps for mortals, this meeting is an event for an official proposal. The Lord of the Seas asked to bring several objects as offerings.” The woman who still lived in the Underworld stopped talking again because she did the same action, observing the expression of the person she was talking to.

“If you have any questions, tell them me now.” A girl with pink lips gave the opposite sex the opportunity to ask questions and answer with her. The fifty-four year old man felt a little relieved, and at the same time scared, because he heard the news that he and his wife had been invited to meet a famous immortal god.

“Goddess Atvertha, thank you for coming to our house and giving good news to our family. Pardon me, because I want to ask something. Are the items requested by Lord Helion expensive jewellery or perhaps-”


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