The One He Claimed

Chapter 163

Chapter 163: Guards for Jocelyn


I had a feeling that Jocelyn wasn’t going to want Zahn in her recovery room when she returned, and I was right. I also had a feeling he wasn’t going to leave just because he was asked to, so I made sure that the warriors were nearby to escort him if he gave me any problems. I know it hasn’t been long, but Jocelyn seems to already be responding to the calm that Sophie brings to this pack, and I don’t want Zahn’s negative energy interfering with her recovery.

She’s not even through the door when Zahn jumps up and begins asking her what Dr. Caspian told her.

The smile I saw on her face as she was coming in the door drops away.

“Zahn!” I say, but he remains focused on Jocelyn. “Alpha Zahn,” I growl, getting his attention.

He looks up at me, and I can see that he’s getting tired already of being told how to interact with his mate. “Back off. She’s not even in the door yet and you’re already overwhelming her. Back. Off!” I growl when he glares at me.

My warriors come in right behind Jocelyn and Sophie, moving to put themselves between my mate and Zahn.

“I don’t think it’s too much to ask what they found,” he snaps, putting up his hands and stepping back as my warriors crowd him.

“The surgery was successful, but need to heal. I’d like for you to leave now, Zahn,” Jocelyn says, “Jocelyn!” he says, looking at her as if he can’t believe she’s kicking him out.

“Your presence, whether you mean for it to be or not, is very overwhelming, Alpha Zahn. That is not a conducive environment for someone to recover in,” Sophie tells him kindly, She’s being a lot nicer than I am, or than my warriors will be.

“You heard her Zahn, and you know the rules,” I say, stepping up to my warriors and putting myself between Zahn, Sophie, and Jocelyn.

“This is f**g ridiculous!” he yells. “She’s my mate!”

“Not by choice,” Jocelyn’s soft voice says from behind me.

“Jocelyn, we’re here to try and fix that, fix things between us,” he pleads.

“And Jocelyn has begun to heal so that she can become the woman she used to be, Alpha. I think you need to pay attention to how your actions cause your mate to accept or reject your requests. Perhaps during this time while Jocelyn recovers, you can take time for some self-introspection,” Sophie suggests.

“I don’t need any self-introspection,” he snarls, taking a step forward and that’s all it takes. I have him by the throat and I’m dragging him out of the room before he even realizes what’s happening. When I get out of the room, I toss him to the floor. I see several other warriors standing in the waiting room watching.

“Get him out of here. He’s no longer allowed in the hospital until Luna Jocelyn agrees. I need two more for 24-hour guard duty…” I begin.

“You can’t do this!” Zahn yells.

Now I snarl, leaning over and getting in his face. “You are on the verge of being kicked out of this pack or being ripped apart by my warriors. I’d suggest you do as my mate said and get a hold of yourself. You are not in control here, Zahn. You do not get to make the decisions. If you don’t like it, leave. If you intend to stay, get your s***t together because the next time you growl or snarl at my mate, I’ll take your head off. Get him out!” I say, stepping back as my warriors very unceremoniously grab him under his arms and begin dragging him outside. He tries to get to his feet, to push away from them, but the warriors behind him kick his legs out from underneath him, keeping him in a submissive position as they drag him away.

“You wanted two more guards, Alpha?” a couple of warriors ask, stepping up.

“Yes. I want two guards on Jocelyn at all times. I’m going to have to leave the pack tomorrow, and whether or not Sophie joins me, I want to make sure that Jocelyn is safe.”

“Yes, Alpha. We’re happy to start now, and I know I speak for everyone else when I say we’d all be glad to guard our Luna as well if she doesn’t go with you,” my warriors say.

“Thank you. G**a Penny will be Sophie’s personal guard if she stays. For now, you can station yourself outside Jocelyn’s door while she’s recovering. Alpha Zahn only goes in if she agrees.”

The nod and go to take up their spot at her door.

Sophie steps out of the room and sees the guards. I watch as she thanks them for so quickly offering to help Jocelyn, and I watch their faces soften as their Luna praises them. She’s such an incredible woman.

I stay where I’m at, watching her as she turns, seeing her growing belly, swelling with my son, and I feel like my heart might burst with love for this woman.

“Those are some powerful feelings you have coming off you, Alpha Hunter,” she purrs as she walks up to me.

Instead of answering, I lean and kiss her. It’s a demanding, possessive kiss, full of my love and desire for this woman but also my pleasure and happiness at being her mate. This amazing woman is all mine.

“Mmmm, maybe I should have overbearing Alphas growl at me more often,” she says, smiling up at me when I finally release her mouth.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“There would be a lot fewer Alphas in this world if you did,” I say, leaning my head against hers as I hold her.

“Where is our overbearing Alpha?” she asks.

“The warriors dragged him off. I’m guessing they’ll make sure he’s got some cuts and bruises before they’re done with him.”

“He’s a stubborn one, isn’t he?”

“I’d go with arrogant, I think.”

“True. Arrogant and stubborn, that’s a bad combination,” she says.

“It is. How’s Jocelyn?”

“Better now that Zahn’s gone. Dr. Caspian told her that her hip bone has already healed and that it probably means her wolf is alive, but silent,” she says excitedly looking up at me.

“That’s fantastic news!”

“It is. I thought I’d let her rest while we go say goodbye to our friends,” she says. I take her hand and begin leading her toward the packhouse. “I noticed you put some warriors on her for protection.”

“Zahn’s not exactly learning his lessons, and I really want you to come with me tomorrow. I hate the idea of being away from you for that long. I know Penny and the pack would keep you safe. I’ d be more afraid for Zahn than you, if I’m being honest, but I just don’t like being away from my sweet little mate. And now that she’s becoming more possessive of me, I like making sure she knows that she’s the only woman for me,” I say, pulling her to a stop and leaning into kiss her neck, moving to her mate mark. I graze my canines over her mark, feeling her body shiver in my arms and smelling the floral scent of orchids in the air. “And I think we both know I can never get enough of you,” I growl. She leans into me and it’s only the sound of someone clearing their throat that has me pulling away.

“Don’t mean to interrupt, but we wanted to say goodbye before we left,” Robin says, smirking at me.

“Oh!” Sophie says, rushing to Nikki and Allison and hugging her friends.

I just smile at Robin as we shake hands. “We’ll see you tomorrow?” I ask, shaking hands with Kayce as well.

“Yes, we’ll be there,” Robin says, turning to watch our mates as hug again.

“Same,” Kayce says. “We have several individuals who want to compete. Will Ezra be there?”

“I believe so. His Beta, Jake, wants that pack, so I’m assuming he’ll be there, and I hope that Margot is as well.”

Sophie, Nikki, and Allison finish their goodbyes and Sophie steps back beside me. I wrap my arm around her waist as our friends make their way to their cars. Then we wave them off and I feel my mate’s sadness at her friends leaving.

“We’ll see them again soon, Sophie. Even if you decide to not come with me tomorrow.’

“I know. I just really enjoy spending time with them.”

“I think I know what we can do to take your mind off of that,” I growl softly.

“Oh yeah? What’s that, Alpha?” she purrs.

“Oh, let me show you,” I say, scooping her up and carrying her to our bedroom where I make sure that she forgets about everything except me.

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