The One He Claimed

The One 99

The One 99

Chapter 99: Robin’s Suggestion Hunter The next day begins as usual, me pleasuring my mate, me being late for sparring, and then me working with Sophie to help her get stronger and faster after checking over the pack warriors. Some of her movements are starting to become stiffer as my pup grows inside her, making some ovements more difficult. I’ d ask her to stop sparring, but I know my mate and she won’t appreciate my protectiveness. I notice that Ezra is saying “good” a lot more to Margot this morning, meaning he must be testing her on what he taught her yesterday and she’s showing him that she’s using her newly learned skills this morning. She must have listened to him last night, because she’s not as stiff this morning as she was when she came into my office yesterday afternoon. After breakfast, where surprisingly, Margot joined us, Ezra and I head to my office for the video conference with the other Alphas. I move my computer to a conference table so that he and I can both participate, and I enter the conference room. Two others are already waiting. One is Kayce, but I only know that because his name is on the screen. His mate is in his lap and the two of them are kissing as if they’ve forgotten about this meeting. “Good morning, Kayce, good morning, Luna Allison,” I say chuckling. ||| 17:06 Allison gasps and pulls away from Kayce, but he holds her in his lap. When she turns toward the camera, she’s obviously blushing. “I won’t apologize for kissing my mate, especially when she only told me last night that she’s carrying my pup,” Kayce says proudly, and we all congratulate them as the others join. Robin smiles, turning to look over his shoulder. “We need to catch up, Nikki.” “It’s not a contest, Robin,” she says, walking in and saying hello to Allison.

“Everything’s a contest where Alphas are concerned,” Robin says, kissing her neck. “Well then, you’d better up your game, Alpha,” she says, making Robin growl. “Where’s Sophie?” Nikki asks. “Working on better preparing the safe rooms. Apparently, they need a better ambiance, so our pack members aren’t sitting scared and waiting while the rest of us fight,” I tell her. “What a great idea,” Allison says. “Let’s schedule a call with her, Alli,” Nikki says. “I’ll set something up,” Allison says before the two say goodbye and walk out of the rooms. When Kayce turns back, he’s shaking his head. “Goddess save us from intelligent, empowered Lunas.” 135 ווו “You’ll find no complaints from me,” I say. “That’s because our mates haven’t talked to yours yet, Hunter. Just you wait. Nikki’s already drafting a law to allow the first born to inherit the Alpha position,” Robin says. Calvin frowns. “They already do.” “The first born, whether male or female,” Robin clarifies. “Oh,” Calvin says. “And Allison is drafting a bill to allow Lun and Alpha females on the Committee of Alphas as voting members,” Kayce says. “Did I mention that having two intelligent, empowered Lunas living right next door to each other is dangerous?” “Trying living with two,” Dutton pipes in. “How are things going with the twins. Have they gotten settled in?” I ask him. “Yes. My bed is comfortably full every night,” he says smiling broadly, making all of us chuckle. “Alpha Carter, how is Luna June? I’d like to give Margot an update on her mother,” I say, and Ezra looks at me. He must have forgotten that Margot’s mother is living with Carter and Amy right now. “She’s a strong woman. It will take time as these things do, but she’s making a name for herself here in our pack. Amy had the idea to put her in the nursery with the pups and it’s working out

wonderfully. Her Luña nature of giving and loving is really able to shine there and it’s helping her to heal.” 26.15% 17:08 Chapter 9 Robin’s Suggestion “Would it be okay if I brought Margot over to see her mother?” Ezra asks. “Of course, Alpha Ezra, but I thought Margot was living with Hunter,” Carter says. I look at Ezra, waiting for him to tell the group. He looks at me, pressing his lips together. “She’s my second chance mate,” he says, making all of them respond with shock, some sitting back heavily in their seats, some sucking in air, some whistling low. “How’s that going?” Calvin asks. “She hasn’t rejected me yet, so I take that as a win,” he says. “Good luck, Ezra,” Carter says. “I wish you the best,” he says and the rest of us agree. “Alpha Calvin, how is your Luna’s pregnancy coming along?” I ask, knowing Sophie will want to know. “She’s doing very well. Our little girl is growing quickly.” “Oh, you’re having a girl!” Robin says. “Yes, we’re both very happy,” he says, smiling. “Before we begin today, has anyone heard anything about any of the other Alphas moving against us, or more specifically against Hunter?” Kayce asks. “I’ve been trying to keep tabs on Joshua. He’s closest to my pack, or he is now that he’s taken over Elias’ pack, but I haven’t seen anything. My scouts can’t get too close though. He’s got 38.53% سم Chapter 9 Ans Suggestion patrols running non-stop. However, we’re pretty sure that your previous G**a is there now, Alpha Hunter, and that he’s running one of the packs for Joshua,” Calvin says.

“That doesn’t surprise me,” I say. “He got away when he attacked with Owen’s pack, the coward.” The Alphas growl in agreement before turning our attention to Robin. “Well, I wanted to get us together to discuss reinitiating the Committee of Alphas. I think the premise of the committee is a good one, even though we’d become so divided. Now, there are seven of us who, for the most part, agree on the direction of our future, leaving only four Alphas who don’t agree.” “Probably soon to be three, if Joshua attacks me,” I say. “Correct,” Robin says. “So, I wanted to get a show of hands on who agrees that we should implement a new Committee of Alphas,” Robin says, and all of us raise our hands. “Any concerns?” he asks. “How do we resolve differences of opinion?” Ezra asks. “A good question and one that I don’t think we can answer today. I think we need to decide if we are to have a majority rule for our laws, or if we need complete agreement from every Alpha to implement a law,” Robin says. “I’d also recommend reviewing all of our laws once we decide how to proceed. Laws such as how we claim our mates are outdated. I’m sure that there are others as well,” I say. “So, if we are in agreement, let’s get up a call in another week or so, depending on what happens with Joshua. Then we can elect our committee leader, I personally will be recommending Alpha Carter, and we can go from there, Robin says. “Me? Why me?” Carter asks. “You are the logical choice because you have experience and knowledge that the rest of us don’t have,” Robin says, and I hide my smile. “Young man, are you calling me old,” Carter growls, making most of us chuckle. “No sir, I said experienced and knowledgeable, not old,” Robin says, and he miraculously keeps his lips from twitching. “Maybe I’ll elect Alpha Ezra. He’s…experienced and knowledgeable as well,” Carter says. “Not nearly as experienced and knowledgeable as you though, Alpha,” Ezra teases. “In the meantime, I’ll start pulling up the existing laws. It’s going to take time to go through them, butOwned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I think Hunter’s point is valid. I know that they’ve never been reviewed since I’ve been an Alpha,” Robin says. I shake my head as does Ezra. None of us has ever been asked to review a law. Carter sighs. “I guess that does make me more experienced, because if I’m the last one to have reviewed a law, then it’s been a couple of decades since one was reviewed. Time to bring them up to the current century.” ||| “We also need to talk about Owen’s pack lands,” Ezra says. “I’ll add that to the agenda. Hunter, would you mind setting up another meeting for us next week? Let’s plan to elect our new Committee Leader and get an idea of the number of laws we need to tackle. I’ll also say that some of the intelligent and empowered Lunas may want to join to petition that we review their proposed laws.” “Let’s see if there are any laws that preclude them from doing that first. Then we can move forward with having them present. I’d hate for something down the road to overrule anything we do now because we weren’t diligent with reviewing and modifying our existing laws,” Ezra says. ‘A fantastic idea. Alright then everyone, see you next week,” Robin says, and I disconnect the call, turning to look at Ezra who looks thoughtful. “What’s that look?” I ask him. “I’m wondering if I can use these laws to make an intelligent Luna start to feel empowered.” “I can talk to Sophie, have her include Margot on the calls with Nikki and Allison. Unless you’d like to introduce her to the idea?” “I need to go to Owen’s old pack today. I think I’ll ask Margot if she wants to go with me. We can run in wolf form to help her work off some of the tightness from sparring, and I can use the time away to talk to her about what we’re planning, encourage her to get involved.” “And make sure you tell her that you’d like to take her to see her mother. I’m pretty sure they’re close.” 78 12% HI

17.08 maybe we can go see her tomorrow,” he says, as we “You’ll be back tonight?” I ask “Maybe not by dinner time, but I don’t want to have her out, just the two of us, when it’s dark “If something happens, have her bide in the mountain. We have a place there where she wolves on the run can hide. Alphas struggle to get in and it has an eat that is much too small for Alphas to fit through And of course, howl and my pack will respond “will do, thank you,” he says, going in search of Margot, as I mand ink my mate. I want to make sure that she and my pup have eaten lunch and I want to tell her about the upcoming events with the packs

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