The Princess Slave

Chapter 40

Violette POV

I jumped out of bed sweating, my heart racing out of my chest. I looked around the room almost forgetting where I am. When I realized I was no longer in the hands of my father, I took a deep breath and began to relax.

I was having nightmares. Nightmares of the day we received my mother in.. in a box, cut into pieces.. the exact way Viktor’s brother was sent back to them. My father lost it that day, I’d never been so scared in my entire life.

Mother was missing for a few hours. I was supposed to have been watching her.. she had been sleepwalking more often than usually. But I left her alone. Father and I looked everywhere for her.. and then we felt the bond snap. It was hours of pure terror I went through before we found her.

We received a knock on the door, and when the guards opened it, they were met with a wooden box. They brought it in, as it was addressed to father. Before father was allowed to open it, the guards had to inspect it. And the look of horror on their faces said it all.

Father rushed forward despite the guards telling him he shouldn’t. Goddess, I’d never heard a man growl so loud in my life.

“Look what they’ve done to your mother.” He growled. He kicked the box toward me and I screamed in agony. I knew something was wrong already.. we both did. But this? This was inhumane. The only thing that wasn’t destroyed was her head, sitting neatly on top of the bits of her body. The looks of pain on her face etched into my mind forever.

“This is your fault. I told you to keep an eye on her while I was away.” He growled at me. He attacked me, punching me and kicking me. He bit me.. slashed me, and left me bloody on the floor. I couldn’t bring myself to move.. I didn’t know what to do, or how to react. I thought he was done, until he came back with a whip and ripped my dress open, striking my back repeatedly until there was no visible skin left.

I dropped my head in my hands sobbing. I knew better. But mom told me she would be fine. So I left her. I left her so that I could spend my time in my room writing. Isn’t that foolish?

I gathered myself, wiping the tears from my face as I looked out of my window. It’s light out. Very early in the morning. I knew I had a few hours before Ms. Beatrice would come to get me, so I walked over to my desk and grabbed a paper and a quill. I decided I would take her advice.. and write about my nightmares.

I wrote down everything. Tears stained the paper making the ink bleed slightly.. but I didn’t mind. I had to get it out, maybe it would make me feel better. But honestly, I doubt it.

After seeing that.. nothing would ever make it better. I wish I could forget, but I know that’s not possible. Losing someone you love is one of the worst pains.. but in my opinion, seeing her in that beat up wooden box was far.. far worse.

I wrote for hours before I heard a knock at the door.

“Come in,” I said. I yawned as the door opened and Ms. Beatrice walked in.

“Oh, you’re awake.” She said. I nodded as I turned over my nightmares and adjusted them neatly on the desk.

“I had trouble sleeping,” I said. She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. Something I’ve come to realize she does more and more with every day that passes.

“I did too. I see you’ve taken my advice and decided to write. May I ask what it’s about?” She asked.

I stammered for a moment before she pulled away.

“You know what, it’s none of my business. I’m just glad you’re writing it out. Did it make you feel any better?” She asked.

A small smile formed on my lips.

“It.. felt good.” I said.

“See, I told you it might.” She said. At first, I didn’t quite like Ms. Beatrice. But now.. now I feel like she’s the mother I wish I still had. I’d grown to really enjoy her company, and I like to think she feels the same.

“Would you like to get some breakfast before we start the day?” She asked. I nodded my head.

“Breakfast sounds fantastic,” I said. I didn’t eat dinner last night after the whole.. situation with the King.. so any mention of food made my stomach growl. She stepped away and helped me stand.

“I will have the maids bring in your gown and bathe you first.” She said.

“Thank you,” I replied. She nodded before she turned and opened the door. After a few moments, she returned with a few maids, one of which who had a silk black gown in her hands. The others had buckets of steaming hot water in their hands.

They filled up the tub and helped me step in, while Ms. Beatrice began mixing up herbs.

I lay in the bath relaxed. One maid ran her fingers through my hair with soap while another washed my feet. I remember when I first arrived in the room, bathing all by myself. It was nice to be alone, but I’d missed having someone care for me. Selfish, isn’t it? But at home.. Lillian never cared to help. Instead, she always insisted. It was “our time”. She’d bathe me, dress me, and do my hair. In return, I’d do her hair and help her with her daily chores. We spent so much time together, you’d think we were connected at the h*p.Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“What will I be doing today, Ms. Beatrice?” I asked softly.

“I’ve heard nothing from the King. So until then, you will be working with me in the Kitchens. Do you know how to cook?” She asked. I nodded my head, which made the maids stop and look at me curiously. I let out a giggle.

“I love to cook. I used to help Lillian when I could get away with it. Before her Mother passed, she taught me her best dishes.” I said.

“That’s very surprising for a Princess.” One of the maids said.

“I hear that quite often,” I said. The maid rinsed my hair and stood me up to wash the rest of me.

“Might I ask you a.. personal question?” The maid asked.

“Yes,” I said softly.

“Where did a lovely princess like you get these scars?” She asked. Ms. Beatrice swatted her hand and I chuckled.

“It’s okay, Beatrice. They’re a part of me and I’m not ashamed of them.” I said. She backed away but didn’t loosen up on the scowl she had for the maid.

“My.. Father gave them to me.” I said. The maid gasped.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.” She said.

“It’s okay, you were curious. And I’m not ashamed of them anymore.” I said.

“Did they.. hurt badly?” She continued on. I nodded.

“They did. But I’m still here, still smiling. He did it to teach me, to punish me. In the end I guess all it did was teach me what kind of person to be. And that kind of person is nothing like my Father.” I said truthfully. She smiled sadly at me and nodded.

“You’re a good person. I’m sorry this happened to you.” She said. I shook my head.

“Don’t be. I’m perfectly fine.” I smiled brightly at her.

“That’s it ladies.. come on, get miss Violette dressed,” Beatrice said. I could hear her voice crack as if she wanted to cry. For what? I’m not entirely sure. It’s not that sad.. atleast, I don’t think it is. Maybe I’ve just gotten used to it, so much that it feels like a normal thing to go through.

The maids rinsed me off and helped me out, then dried me off.

“I also have a question.. if any of you may know the answer.” I said. One of the maids pulled up my gown and I tied the string in my bust.

“Yes?” The maid asked.

“What were those loud sounds last night down the hall?” I asked.

“Oh, those.. the King had the Second in command, Mr. Cedric replace his desk with old kings.” She said. I looked At Beatrice curiously.

“He did?” I asked. Why? Was it because of.. what happened last night? It truly made me wonder.

“Yes, miss,” Beatrice replied.


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