The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness

Chapter 85


"Make it quick, I don't have all day," I say, smoking my cigarette as I stare ahead into the night sky. I'm no longer that kid who was helpless, the one who had hopes in a certain king, and as I look across at him, I can see the change in him from back then. His hair is littered with grey, age has left its mark with the frown lines on his forehead, the sharper jaw... That's just how life is.....

Age. Inevitable of who we are, it will always catch up with us.

But seeing him like that is also a reminder that he is not a god, but a man who had tried. Yeah, it hurts, it will always hurt, but I also acknowledge that perhaps he really didn't have a choice... but it doesn't mean that pain goes away.

Kataleya's words she spoke that night, words I know she's never shared with anyone else. The thoughts that sometimes crept into her mind about her father and what happened back then. But she's foolish for thinking it. After all, she is a woman no one can forsake... willingly.

"My daughter is fucking special, and I'm sure you fucking know how she feels about you, but don't fucking think I missed the callousness you showed her in front of everyone. I will not tolerate that shit and I don't care what she feels for you. I will f*****g break that nose if I have to." His voice is almost a growl as he glares at me.

I cock a brow. "I wonder if you would be able to, Lycan? But I do agree, your daughter is... perfect in every way..." I can't help but smirk as flashes of us f*****g flit through my mind.

He narrows his eyes. "I don't fucking want to know what you've done, but if you are going to.... if things between you are more, then stop treating her like dirt. Your issue is with me, your hatred is towards me, so don't take that shit out on her."

Ah... those memories will always be mine, to cherish and replay even if she can't be. My heart clenches painfully, knowing that in a mere few hours, I will leave her. Forever.

Turning, I glance at him. Yeah, my issues are with you.

I smirk, looking him dead in the eye. "As much as I wanted to, I decided that it was much, much more satisfying to enjoy her... company." I finish tauntingly as he growls, his eyes glimmering red. "Daddy's girl is definitely not a baby anymore, wouldn't you agree, Lycan?"

"Watch it!" He snarls, grabbing me by the collar and my eyes blaze in warning.

"You are not my king," I hiss, shoving him off me. "I will say this only once, so listen carefully. I will return to Puerto Rico tonight, and it is in the best interest of your daughter that you make sure she does not try to follow me."

My words take him by surprise. I see the slight change in his eyes as he frowns. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean what I said, it is dangerous for her to return to Puerto Rico," I answer quietly.

Never did I think I'd be asking the Lycan to take her home, to make sure he protects her... I know that without her, the light she brings to my island will fall dark but somehow when it comes to her, I can't be selfish. "Why," he asks, his heart racing and I see the worry in his eyes.

I look down at my hand, a reminder of the woman who loves me selflessly. What isn't there to love?

"What do you mean, why?! Is it not enough that she could die because of me? Do you want to lose your daughter!" I snarl.

"And you care." He says, making me tense.

"I did not say that." I lie.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

He's observing me closely as he takes a slow drag on his cigarette.

"Yet you want her safe..." His words are low, almost as if not talking to me. His eyes are conflicted, but the cabrón isn't saying much. Shouldn't he simply be happy instead of questioning me?

"You know about the Crawlers. I am only helping them gain a stronger foothold around me. There is darkness upon my lands, a darkness within me, one that will destroy her if she remains. Do you fucking understand?" I snarl, grabbing his shoulders. His eyes snap to mine, a deep frown creasing his forehead.

"I think I fucking do..." a shadow of a smirk appears on his face, his eyes now returning to a black that mirrors his daughters. "No matter how hard that is..." What's hard?

He's fuckin delusional.

Shaking my head, I step back, smoking my cigarette. "I think you have taken one too many f*****g hits to your head. Do you understand Lycan? I will leave shortly before the end of the final session of the conference. Make sure you do not lose sight of her. She will need her family. And you Rossis stick together anyway. It should not be so hard for you."

"Does she know?" he asks. "Or were you too much of a f*****g coward to tell her?"

I know I have been because I can't tolerate her tears. She weakens me.' No, women are too f*****g emotional, and we both know that she is crazily in love with me." I can't help but add.

He gives me a glare. "You really are a fucker."

We fall silent for a moment before he continues, sighing heavily.

"I once knew someone a little like you, way fucking cooler, stronger, way more handsome too, but he... he once made a similar mistake to what you are about to. He broke the heart of the woman he cared for and until this day, he cannot forget that moment. That pain in her eyes when he shattered her. Don't do it."

I look at him, knowing he's speaking of himself. It doesn't take a genius to realise that, not when he made sure to compliment himself.

"You are far more conceited than a woman," I remark as he simply smirks humourlessly.

"Don't change the f*****g subject."

"I am not. I am simply stating facts."

Am I?

"You killed my padre. You know I hate you. Yet why does it feel like you are saying to not do this? Do you want your daughter with me? Do you know what that entails?" I add mockingly. "Well, clearly English isn't your first fucking language. I'm only saying don't fucking hurt her."

I cock a brow. "I see you are still b**t hurt about not knowing Italian fluently. You are not saying don't hurt her, you are telling me that if I do, I will forever regret it. What is it, Lycan? Are you somehow accepting the fact that she loves me? That I am the man she wants, the very man who you wouldn't want her with?"

"I've met many fuckers like you in my life. You can't get under my skin son. Keep fucking trying. As for your padre... whether you wish to believe it or not, he was beyond saving. Without the Djinn, his body wouldn't have been able to survive. He was destroyed already. Ending and salvaging what was left was the best I could do." He places a hand on my shoulder. " You shaped up better than I could have hoped for. Now just don't continue to be a d**k."

"If you are telling me not to leave her, then you will fail. You don't understand, I will be her end. If she is to come with me, you will never see her again." I say quietly.

Our eyes meet, but he's quiet, and I don't know...

I knew that one day we would come face to face. Knew that we will have a conversation even if it would be one fuelled with rage and hatred... I imagined him shouting back. Telling me I'm just a stupid f*****g kid.

I knew I would want to hurt him, ask him why he was so fucking selfish for not trying harder to save my padre. But right now, out here in the garden, lit with glowing lights and the wind that blows through our hair is not what I imagined.

There is no rage from either of us, no scorn... as if it is all meaningless when it comes to her.

That is something we have in common. Our love for her.

My heart thuds as the statement enters my thoughts, making me freeze. Time slows as if giving me the chance to process the truth I have tried so hard to deny.

Her smile, her eyes that are full of warmth and sincerity, her touch that brings calm. Her body that can ignite the very planet on fire with how f*****g hot she is. A beauty that no one can measure up to... Her compassion, her sincerity, her love.

Love that she has for me.

A life with her is beyond my grasp because I am nothing more than the harbinger of death and darkness.

She deserves better...

I turn away, sucking in a sharp breath as I gaze at the night sky as the wind rustles in the trees.

I have fallen for her.

I do not know why, but the thought makes me chuckle, oh how I have lost this. I was so hellbent on hurting her father, that I did not realise that once again I was bested by a Rossi. I f*****g fell for one. A beautiful diosa.

Mi Amor, I fucking love you and that is why this is the right decision.

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