The Raven and The Snake

The First Book: Part 9

Birdie was squealing loudly as they entered the common room. "You have a date!"

It seemed weird that Birdie was more excited by this than she was, but she wasn't about to rain on Birdie's parade. Birdie was yammering excitedly about the possibility of him becoming her boyfriend and whether or not they could double date.

"So a mudblood asked you out, Black?" Ashlynn sneered at her from a sofa near the fire.

Ariadne froze. She hadn't known anything at all about the boy besides his house. Mudblood was a derogatory term for a muggle-born. It wasn't the first time she'd heard the term, but it was gross to hear it being thrown out so casually. "What of it?" Ariadne asked, clenching her fist.

"And you actually agreed to it?" Ashlynn pressed while Tabitha made gagging noises next to her.

Ariadne shrugged and slid into one of the comfier chairs a second year had just vacated for her. "It was just an offer to go to Hogsmeade, not a marriage proposal." "Almost seems like you're trying to drag your family name through the mud."

Ariadne toyed with her necklace. She'd removed the paper after the end of her first year so now It just held her parents' pictures. She didn't need anyone prying into her family history, but she would remind anyone that she wasn't from a family that could be pushed around.

"I wasn't aware that it was on such shaky ground that my single date with a boy could bring such shame." Ariadne said coolly. "I was under the impression that the Black family was famous for being Slytherins and marrying other purebloods." She said this loud enough that a first year boy with platinum hair looked over at her. "You said you're from the Black family?"

She smiled at him. "Yesss. You're Draco, aren't you? Cousin Narcissa's boy. How is she and her husband? I've heard that he's doing quite well in the Ministry. She must be lonely with her boy so far away."

He blushed slightly. She was turning on the charm a little thick. He looked her over, as though he was searching for a family resemblance. She'd never seen Narcissa, but she knew that she looked a lot like her father who had been her first cousin.

"Yes, Mother and Father are doing well, they've been sending letters regularly." He looked a little perplexed, but pleased that she recognized him. "I've seen you in potions lessons, helping out the Gryffindors that don't know what they're doing."

She gave an indulgent little chuckle. "Yes, but you haven't needed my help. Snape has already praised your abilities in that class. From what I've heard, you're doing quite well in all your classes. I'm sure it runs in the family."

His swelled slightly at her praise. "Yes, I'm sure it does. It must have been quite awhile since you last saw my mother, you should come by the mansion sometime. I'm sure she'd be delighted to see you."

Ariadne hopped up and kissed his cheek. "You're so sweet. You will write to her with my love, won't you?"

She turned away from the blushing boy and bid Ashlynn and Tabitha goodnight. Birdie giggled a little as they went to bed. She'd thought the reactions of the younger boys was adorable.

"He's actually pretty cute." Birdie whispered. "How closely did you say you were related?"

Ariadne had to laugh. "He's only 11, Birdie! And I think he's my second cousin, once removed?"noveldrama

"He won't be eleven forever," Birdie sang.

Ariadne tossed a pillow at her. "You are crazy!"

Her date with Tobias came and went. He was a cute boy with a good nature. They used their date to go Christmas shopping. His muggle parents were very supportive of his being a wizard. He liked taking magical gifts home. Ariadne didn't think that would be such a good idea for her grandparents.

Ariadne bought some butter beer and hoped that her grandparents would like the mild drink. She sent it early with a postal owl so she wouldn't have to get it past Mr. Filch.

The date wasn't terribly exciting so when Birdie asked her after how it went, there was little to say. She didn't suppose they'd been any sparks, but she'd have to see if he asked her out again.

The next day, the postal owl came back to her with a letter. Her grandparents... did not want her to come back for the winter holidays and once again insisted that she not send any more owls.

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